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Bad Religion – Sorrow Lyrics 5 years ago
@[no:28664] anesthetic this is one of the most absurd conclusions I have ever seen someone make. no one needs a deity to understand the difference between right/wrong, positive/negative, healthy/traumatic; in fact, many people who claim belief and service to a God either do not understand the difference or refuse to understand how their actions are damaging. that's enough! for the sake of the world and any one in it you are affecting, I hope the last 10 years have taught you not to continue to be filled with self-serving cognitive dissonance.

Joanna Newsom – Jackrabbits Lyrics 14 years ago
I think the feather of the hawk being "bound" around her neck seems to be forcibly put there (she mentions it being bound there twice), likely by herself, though possibly by the object of the song. I do think it's a symbol of unwanted freedom, and so not really freedom, the past tense of 'was bound' being important to note.

The poultice made of fig is her trying to heal and move on. Figs are symbols for fruits of paradise (perfectly pitless, widely found in the Garden of Eden), and fig leaves are also the clothing Adam and Eve wore to cover up their shame at being naked. Wearing of figs traditionally represents femininity and womanhood (thanks in part, at least, to their shape): almost a debutante coming out. The vultures are obviously men vying for the newly 'free' Newsom, but she doesn't care a fig* for them, and though she tries her darndest to steel herself to her fate, her faith in the steadfastness of her changed love/ways and the earnestness of her offer makes her appear stupid, hammy, wild, dramatic, impatient... When she can manage to get her words out, she can't even keep them straight ("Telling you I am/Telling you I can") so much is spilling out. She knows how stammering she seems and is almost whining, pleadingly trying to prove that she did the necessary soul-searching to discover this surprising newness of being within herself and that it is real, painfully aware that it could be viewed as unbelievable, hysterical, unsettled, ridiculous, an unfunny joke of a spectacle.

After she sees her heart "open wide", but before she swings through to his doorstep in such crude and vulnerable disarray, she tries hard to convince herself that it's a lost cause, a trick of the mind/heart/emotions/whathaveyou, but then, probably hoping for sarcastic catharsis to show herself her own ridiculousness and/or just go through the general motions of moving on, she reads a verse in Matthew (likely there's a Bible lying around because there's just been a funeral, and she's probably feeling doubly bitter when she, doubly alone and grieving, picks it up to mock god). Matthew is a book entirely about inner change, especially juxtaposed with outward appearances. It's where Christ's gospel is revealed and overtakes Moses' Torah as the reigning Word (at least to Gentiles and whatever Jewish people chose to follow Christ at the time). Suddenly, within Matthew, all the Old Testament laws are falling away, and spiritual-now and afterlife heaven are there for the simple taking up by anyone (not just God's ordained [Jewish/Israelite] people/those with the proximity, knowledge, and resources to take up the the faith... It's almost like Freeware God, or something). And within Matthew it is brought up that whatever a follower looses on earth they loose as well in heaven, and whatever they bind up on earth will likewise be waiting for them in the afterlife. So Newsom finds solace and comfort in the notion (an idea which she has previously not been open to because it is biblical/religious and therefore ridiculous) that, if she remains grounded in her love (regardless of how paths converge/diverge), even if she doesn't find respite on earth she will find freedom from the anguish of her potentially unrequited love in death, or Heaven, either managing to finally bind up the man (hey, it's paradise, however creepy) that refuses to be bound up here on earth, or to finally be truly loosed by him in a way only the supernatural could accomplish, though she also claims even that won't overcome it ("It can have no bounds, you know, it can have no end"). Either way, it's a beautiful sentiment that gives her the strength to practice using the wellspring of integrity that's come from her epiphany, to carry on that love even in the face of it's likely lack of acceptance. Basically, she's expressing how strong and stable her heart and actions are, and declaring--not unlike the earlier hymnalish description of almost "deep and wide"--that nothing the man does can change the volume of her feeling for him (though she wisely knows that the way in which she would show it would change and mature over time as she continues growing). What the Bible claims will get her to that 'higher-up' place on earth and in heaven is a fiery baptism (first specifically mentioned in Matthew), which is supposed to free the follower from being bound up in things of the world, the things that don't matter and decay/fall away, and instead allow the believer to love unconditionally. The fire itself, to her, is reminiscent of Hell. Hell is usually considered to be a literal, eternal pit of fire and damnation below or within the earth. Instead, it biblically seems to be described as a place that is circumstantially guilt-ridden ("gnashing of teeth"); a place where painful heart opening and soul-cleansing takes place after death instead of during life. Most people think of it more traditionally, as the fire-pit, hence the line "low down pest," the movement of which also references the serpentine. This possibility of her former lover being 'cleansed' after death, if he never manages it in life, and so seeing the truth in her expression, seems much more likely the meaning than the 'binding up' I mentioned earlier, but the most important part is that the unconditional love she feels and is already expressing--albeit only in words here--is the healing freedom she's seeking, astronomically more effective than the fig poultice.

Even if she doesn't believe this biblical babble to be divine, it's presence at the right time not only causes her greater understanding of herself and what needs to be done, but allows her the metaphors, symbols, and allusions that she needs to describe what is different within herself. After all, words are really her only option to convince the man of her sincerity of resolve and explain how she came to recognize the change/possibility herself, hoping that by doing so he will grant her the time and space to prove her love, completing her freedom. But she also says that she'll be there regardless, even if he only wants a friend, even if he doesn't want anything. Commitment is freeing, in part because it narrows one's path.

*There's quite a lot more that goes into the fig interpretation; I could write an entire essay about it. Look up the incidences of fig trees, leaves, and fruit in the Bible, and you won't be disappointed in what layers you discover in Jackrabbits. As I have always claimed on her behalf, Joanna includes a lot more meaning in her words than even the heaping mounds that appear on the first listening. She is quite possibly the most complex lyricist of all time... as far as what music I've been exposed to, anyway.

The Swell Season – I Have Loved You Wrong Lyrics 14 years ago

Animal Collective – What Would I Want? Sky Lyrics 14 years ago
Another song about repetitions, dreams, reality, fixation, change.

Grizzly Bear – On a Neck, On a Spit Lyrics 14 years ago
On a Neck, On a Spit
(neck could refer to a guitar or other 'necked' instrument, I think 'spit' refers to the archaelogical, or a coastal landform, though it could refer to rotisserie style turning thoughts over again and again, especially since most animals on a spit are impaled through the neck... I am actually convinced that the intended message includes all of those meanings)

My messenger in disguise
(this song)
makes up for such short goodbyes
(art has permanence)
You can't come home again
Each time it's different
(old adage: "you can never go home")
And the yards around your feet fall away while you're asleep
(when you're not paying attention, when you're not in the place, it dissapears, again referring to the types of spit mentioned above)

Each day, spend it with me now
All my time, spend it with me now
(the narrator spends all their time with themselves now)
But each day spend it with you now
All my time, spend it with you now
(but they wish for the object of the song)
But out here, no one can hear me
Out hear no one can hear me
(out where they're singing their message cannot be heard)

Iron & Wine – Always on My Mind (Brenda Lee cover) Lyrics 14 years ago
Ah, so many songs sung by Brenda Lee could've been written by me.

Grizzly Bear – Reprise Lyrics 14 years ago
...and this one reminds me of Newsom's Does Not Suffice and Death Cab's Company Calls Epilogue. Heartbreaking.

Grizzly Bear – Lullabye Lyrics 14 years ago
Some of my favourite songs are continued in some way into other songs. This reminds me of Joanna Newsom's Easy, or Death Cab for Cutie's Company Calls.

Elliott Smith – Happiness/The Gondola Man Lyrics 14 years ago
Activity's killing the actor
(Synapses of truth are killing the deception)
And a cop's standing out in the road turning traffic away
(Policing the brain and heart)
There was nothing she could do until after
When his body'd been buried below
Way back in the day
(She couldn't get to him until he gave up what could not endure and leave his deceptions behind)
Oh my, nothing else could've been done
He made his life a lie
So he might never have to know anyone
Made his life the lie you know
I told him he shouldn't upset her
And that he'd only be making it worse
Involving somebody else
(Involving the 'somebody else' of truth may cause a tantrum, perhaps)
But I knew that he'd never forget her
(Maybe he'll never forget her as she was, or simply just never forget her)
While her memory worked in reverse
To keep her safe from herself
(She's doing a lot of living in past memories or altering them completely to survive the mental anguish resulting from cognitive dissonance)
And, oh my, nothing else could've been done
(Essentially, you're not capable of making the change until you're capable)
She made her life a lie
So she might never have to know anyone
Made her life the lie you know

Though the beginning of this song seems complex, it is actually a very simple narrative on how people project a version of themselves to themselves (actor) and others, and how they must overcome that deception. Self understanding leads to understanding others, and those changes will lead a person to only want the very best happiness for the people in their life, instead of wanting the comfort of pretension/pretending. This song is the exemplification of Kierkegaard's Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing (Elliott studied philosophy at Hampshire College in Massachusetts, and named his third album after Soren's dissertation). That one thing can only be integrity, which is the only thing that can truly produce love, which requires a selfless, honest, usually very painful look at one's own flaws in order to tirelessly correct them.

Harry Nilsson – Lay Down Your Arms Lyrics 14 years ago
Is there anything Nilsson doesn't understand?

Belle & Sebastian – I Took a Long Hard Look Lyrics 14 years ago
This song seems to be about how reality can be 'dreamsy' but it's still quite a lot of honest, difficult work.

Grizzly Bear – Showcase Lyrics 14 years ago
A song about change, at least, though it seems the details of the overall meaning are purposefully muddied/personal.

The Swell Season – I Have Loved You Wrong Lyrics 14 years ago
Meet me in Montague...

Tift Merritt – Good Hearted Man Lyrics 14 years ago
A song about a girl who is, for whatever reason, full of pride, stubborn obstinance, insanity, and how possibly the only thing able to overcome that and cause her to realize what it is to become an adult (a woman) is persistent, considerate loving.

Tift Merritt – Plainest Thing Lyrics 14 years ago
The sun hits the floor
Same as the shadows will
So I sat in the light
I stayed very still
Heat on my skin
Bright on my face
I didn't have any questions
I didn't feel out of place

I love this as a metaphor for finally learning to accept love and what that feels like. In every song it is always represented by sunshine.

Alela Diane – Every Path Lyrics 14 years ago
*every path has -led- me back to you

Joanna Newsom – Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie Lyrics 14 years ago
I do as I please
Now I'm on my knees
Your skin is something that I stir into my tea
And I am watching you
and you are starry, starry, starry
and you will never, ever know
how very sorry you won't be
I am
It's why I love this town
just see me serenaded hourly! celebrated sourly!
dedicated dourly; waltzing with the open sea
Clam, crab, cockle, cowrie
will you just look at me?

This whole song, but particularly the last stanza kills, and I do prefer the Walnut Whales version. The narrator is begging someone to offer her a reprieve for past transgressions, whining that she knows they won't take the chance to see that she's truly sorry, and she knows they wouldn't be. The proof that she's opened up and changed is apparent. 'Will you just look at me?'

Department of Eagles – The Curious Butterfly Realizes He Is Beautiful Lyrics 14 years ago
Is this song about Wes Anderson becoming more physically attractive?

The Zombies – Care Of Cell 44 Lyrics 14 years ago
I think the song is definitely a letter being received by someone in a lock-up of some sort, possibly a mental hospital, though "I hope you're feeling better, baby" could be a reference to another letter wherein the 'baby' in question mentions feeling depressed or somesuch. Anyway, this is a letter I'm hoping to receive.

Harry Nilsson – 1941 Lyrics 14 years ago
Heartbreaking, happy sounding ditty about how easily family history repeats itself. I can never get over the goofy genius of Nilsson.

Death Cab for Cutie – Company Calls Epilogue Lyrics 14 years ago
This song has always, always made me cry.

Quasi – Me & My Head Lyrics 14 years ago
Heartbreaking song about what it means to be tricked by your brain, make mistakes, and how that same brain will force you to fixate on them constantly, thinking you can fix them, but eventually you're just left alone with your sad memories of how you were wrong in an endless vortex of thought. Also a pretty great narrative on the factual lack of time constraints in dreams.

Elliott Smith – Clouds (Quasi cover) Lyrics 14 years ago
We dream perfect music, we hang from our tails
to one of many hells and sharpen up our horns
Plotting our revenge by waiting to be born

Realized dreams of better future selves are the only vengeances available.

Beck – Nausea Lyrics 14 years ago
Well I'm a sea-sick sailor on a ship of noise
I got my maps all backwards and my instincts poisoned
In a truth-blown gutter full of wasted years
Like blown-out speakers ringin' in my ears

At first I thought it was 'instincts poised' and I think even with that mondegreening it has the same meaning. Poisoned instincts poised to make just the wrong decisions and believe they're right.

Department of Eagles – Practice Room Sketch 2 Lyrics 14 years ago
These simple songs are so complex, it's ridiculous.

Panda Bear – Slow Motion Lyrics 14 years ago
It's no better to be safe than sorry. In the case of loving, safe is sorry.

Panda Bear – O Please Bring Her Back Lyrics 14 years ago
Boy inconsolable even by the presence of God, despairingly praying for what He is unlikely to re-deliver.

The Beach Boys – Sloop John B Lyrics 14 years ago
Being trapped somewhere awful always gets this song in my head. And then it reminds me of Touching the Void, wherein Joe can't get Boney M's Brown Girl in the Ring out of his head. Perhaps Sloop John B will play on my deathbed? I think I'd like that. I think I just decided it's my funeral song.

Tom Waits – Trampled Rose Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is perfect. "Long way going to get my medicine" is the perfect lead in, and when you consider the epiphany of the trampled rose...

Joanna Newsom – Jackrabbits Lyrics 14 years ago
I like your interpretation, richterscale, but mine is that she has changed and realized what she wants, and she can love the man again, if only he'll allow her.

Department of Eagles – You'll Never Know Lyrics 14 years ago
*even keel

Tift Merritt – Sunday Lyrics 14 years ago
Cause in the place where I come from, you have to be careful
When everything is certain.
When everything is fixed.
When everything is fine.

...this song is perfect, so it probably needs some improving. Mmmm Tift Merritt, you are lovely.

Department of Eagles – Waves of Rye Lyrics 14 years ago
Sometimes I can't believe how much people read into things on this site, but at the same time it is highly amusing that the first commenters didn't realize this song is about someone being a drunkass.

Department of Eagles – Herring Bone Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm always under the impression that it's "coat" and not "cold."

Either way, this song is about how you better live now, and communicate what you want to while you can, 'cause you are going to die.

I think the very last part is concerning the etymology of the word herringbone, and it ties in well with the theme of being short shrift.

Joanna Newsom – Ribbon Bows Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about me.

Belle & Sebastian – Waiting for the Moon to Rise Lyrics 14 years ago
Goes perfectly with Joanna Newsom's Good Intentions Paving Company.

Belle & Sebastian – Desperation Made a Fool of Me Lyrics 14 years ago
I think you're right, Brighterrr, and I also think this song is about someone whose head came unscrewed, who left their love and imagined that life would be easier, but it was so damn hard to live with just themselves, and also watch other people being crazy, too, that it screwed their head on straight, and they were glad for the hardship because it gave them a change they probably wouldn't have had without the separation. Now they realize they're ready to love that much better.

However, that's what I think all songs are about these days.

Panda Bear – Comfy in Nautica Lyrics 14 years ago
Regardless of the context this song was written in, the innate meaning seems apparent: "Coolness," as in that staple thing people are always striving for, which is what they think other people want to see, what will make them attractive... instead of coolness meaning that, being cool is about the integrity of always reflecting on and striving for what's right, which takes a lot of fucking courage in the face of most everyone else's criticism. In spite of that noise, try to have a good time and keep being a cool-headed, soft-hearted person concerned with ethics, even if it's not what others view as a "good time". Soldier on, keep on trying, despite the adversity. And when you come upon that adversity, play this anthem and don't forget what coolness really is.

Incidentally, I think there's a bit of irony in this song regarding "shut up boy and be a soldier." When you act gently, people will think you're weak and treat you badly and try to tell you how to do it "right". They are conditioned and projecting. Gentleness is a strength that takes far more courage to employ (and continue employing) than yelling and shooting.

Gillian Welch – Red Clay Halo Lyrics 14 years ago
To me, this song is about being raised in an ungood way that makes your difference from others so salient that you're not invited in even when you're around. Regardless, it's about a loneliness so deep and unbearable that it will exist forever; even perfect heaven can't squelch the separation, the lack of company.

Fleet Foxes – He Doesn't Know Why Lyrics 14 years ago
Penniless and tired, with your hair grown long
I was looking at you there and your face looked wrong
Memory is a fickle siren song
I didn't understand

(Someone has changed, and for the narrator it's confusing what happened to them, and hard to reconcile the present reality to their memory of how the person used to be.)

In the gentle light as the morning nears
You don't say a single word of the last two years
Where you were when you reached the frontier
I didn't understand, no

(The narrator notices that the two years past aren't being spoken of. More denial.)

See your rugged hands and a silver knife
Twenty dollars in your hand makes you hold so tight
All the evidence of your vagrant life
My brother you were born

(The evidence of what has happened for the past two years is plainly visible.)

And you will try to do what you did before
Pull the wool over your eyes
For a week or more
Let your family take you back to your original mind

(Denial, rehab, etc.)

There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can say
There's nothing I can say
I can say

(Narrator [possibly the object of the song] feels helpless to make any change, and all that they can do is talk[sing] about that)

Elliott Smith – Oh Well, Okay Lyrics 14 years ago
I have always mondegreened a lyric in this one purposefully:

"If you get a feeling it's time you've seen me, do me a favor and let me know."

The original line is just as good, though, and regardless of where you place a comma or take one out to change the meaning, it's gold.

Coldplay – Ladder to the Sun Lyrics 14 years ago
*Sounds like the last part of the first stanza is "Icharistic."

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.