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Lady GaGa – So Happy I Could Die Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is purposefully vague and meant to have different meanings. My first interpretation, the day I bought the album, was that she is talking about herself. "Touching" herself is her way of talking about crawling into this personal space that no one else has access to, "through all the tears and all the lies". Gaga, since day one, has always had this very purposeful distance and shield around her, whether it be wigs, makeup, HUGE sunglasses, or whatever, she always has this image that covers the "real" her. She is "as vain as I allow". When something falls out of place, she puts it back until she's on track. This is less about actual physical beauty or looks, and more about her feeling of needing to be in complete control of her own life, modifying and perfecting everything. The album covers for The Fame Monster back up this concept: one is a picture of her with a blonde wig (OBVIOUSLY a wig), looking perfect, covering her mouth with her jacket as if she is hiding a secret. The other cover is her with disheveled black hair with tears flowing. This represents the idea of the real person with feelings and pain behind the overdone, "perfect" image of the celebrity. She has said that the album covers represent a celebration of the death of her old self and the birth of something new, and the crucifix symbol goes along with this theme.
There is also the reference to alcohol, which is obviously representing her fear of consumption and addiction, it makes her "so happy i could die", which is ironic because most people who are happy do not feel like dying. It's a purposeful juxtaposition.
Someone else interpreted the lyrics as actually being about another woman, and Gaga cannot reveal these feelings, so the only way she expresses them is when she masturbates thinking of the woman she loves/likes, through "all the tears and all the lies", tears because of heartbreak and lies because of the hidden emotions. When she drinks with this person, she wants them to open up to her ("open up your heart and your mind to me) and she promises to be their best friend and love them forever. The alcohol is used to numb the pain of the situation, but when she's coming down, the reality is still there and makes her want to die. I think this explanation is just as valid as the one that claims Gaga is speaking about herself, and it's quite possible she meant both these things at the same time.

Lady GaGa – So Happy I Could Die Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree completely about the fear of addiction. Gaga has said herself that that is what the song's about, and that her relationship to alcohol and drugs is one of enjoyment but intense fear of the addictive state of mind it puts her in. At the same time though, I think there are other meanings..someone pointed out that she might have a crush on a girl that doesn't return the feelings..and I've always thought, and others think as well, that she is really talking about herself and the difference between the pre-Gaga Stefani, with her Monsters, and the fearless Gaga Fame Monster that she longs to be...who KNOWS!

Lady GaGa – So Happy I Could Die Lyrics 14 years ago
The thing about Lady Gaga's music is that no matter how shallow it appears on the surface, if you look at the lyrics and listen long enough you will realize that there is almost ALWAYS a deeper meaning behind the music. This song is definitely about more than just having a good time. Even the title suggests a double entendre: so HAPPY i could DIE is a juxtaposition, most people do not associate death with happiness.

Lady GaGa – Paparazzi Lyrics 14 years ago
This song has a few different meanings and interpretations, but they all kind of fold together. On a massive scale, it's about our celebrity culture, where we assume we know these people that we see in the pictures, and we become consumed with their beauty or talent, and strive to follow in their footsteps, and obsess over the ideas we have of them, rather than their actual personality. On a personal scale, it's about the same thing. She has said "my true fans know that this is a song about obsession". It's about the idea of being head-over-heels for somebody to the point that they become a celebrity and you become their paparazzi, obsessing over them as if they are a rockstar celebrity and you are their biggest fan. It leads me to think that maybe the person the song is directed towards doesn't love her back, or even know she exists, and yet she has this fantasy of what they could have together built up in her head? Like all of her songs, there are so many different ways of looking at it, but this is the one I can relate to the most.

Lady GaGa – Poker Face Lyrics 14 years ago
She has said that this song is about being in bed with a man but fantasizing about a woman. But like all of her music, I think that using a sex reference is really a hint at something deeper. Maybe being in bed and fantasizing about a woman while she's with a man is the same as when she's in public and she is attracted to a woman. She doesn't let it show, and hides behind her poker face. A lot of her music is about vulnerability in love and shielding yourself, so it has a lot to do with that feeling of doing everything you can to make somebody love you, while at the same time staying at a distance and not letting your own emotions show. This is one of the reasons why her gay fans love her so much! Hiding your feelings for somebody and being hesitant to act on your own feelings of lust or love is something gay people are all too familiar with.

Lady GaGa – Monster Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song could be taken many different ways, which is obviously the point in most of Gaga's songwriting. But the main message, at least for me, is exploring the concept of love from a non-traditional standpoint of pain and suffering. Yes, the song is romantic, but lyrically, the idea of the boy she has feelings for being a monster who eats her heart and brain gives the song a darker undercurrent. She says that she knows he is bad, but she can't stop staring into his evil eyes. It's as if feelings for someone else have made her lose control of her emotions, and her heart has been consumed with love for this guy and her head has been consumed with thoughts about him. Like I said: romantic, yet painful. She has said it's also about fear of attachment, of feeling afraid of men, viewing them as monsters who are bad for you.

Lady GaGa – Monster Lyrics 14 years ago
I've thought about that too! "He licked his lips, looked at me, said 'girl, you look good enough to eat'". Then later, "he was a monster in my bed...tore my clothes right off, he ate my heart and then he ate my brain!" At the same time, though, I don't think that this is the ONLY meaning to the song. I think that it also has a deep meaning relating to fear of relationships and the pain of love.

Lady GaGa – Monster Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't know why anyone pushed (-) on your rating! lol I thought that too when I first started listening to it! Taylor Lautner= sexiest man/beast alive

Lady GaGa – Beautiful, Dirty, Rich Lyrics 14 years ago
The song is about believing in lies that you tell yourself no matter what situation you come from. The whole album The Fame is about creating this reality in your head where you believe you are an amazing artist and individual, and focusing on your IDEAL world instead of the REAL world, until you get where you are going. So the song says "we got no money" but a few seconds later says "bang bang, we're beautiful and dirty rich". So it's contradicting the reality of the situation with the wants and desires of the individuals involved. She has often states that she believes in the power of repetition, in telling yourself the lie of the dream you have for your future over and over again until it becomes reality.

Lady GaGa – Alejandro Lyrics 14 years ago
I also think that her calling 3 different names (Alejandro, Fernando, and Roberto) doesn't represent a love triangle, the way some people think, but rather is exemplifying the fact that she is covering the truth of the past relationships she's writing about with pop song-crafting wit. Her ex-lover probably wasn't even Spanish at all, and didn't have the name Alejandro, but she is taking the reality of her past situation and turning it into a Latin-themed pop song. I noticed she does that with a lot of her music, taking the drama and reality of a situation and turning it into a catchy pop song that is too vague to really get to many details out of, but clear enough that we get the meaning and emotion behind it.

Lady GaGa – Alejandro Lyrics 14 years ago
On Fuse: On the Record, Gaga talked about the meaning of this song in particular, and said that it's about fear of sex, and that it represents her saying goodbye to her old lovers. That's a kind of vague description, but I get what it means. The girl she talks about, having both hands in her pocket and not looking at you, is her. She's hesitant to get too close because she's afraid of intimacy. And obviously she's also saying goodbye to whoever it is that she's had a past relationship with (possibly the guy she lost her virginity to?) because she is now moving on to the next phase of her life. She said the album cover represents celebrating the death of the old self, and the birth of something new, so this is one of her ways of saying goodbye to her old self.

Lady GaGa – Alejandro Lyrics 14 years ago
hahahaha thats hilarious! we could just make up whatever the fuck we want about this song! Alejandro is her manager, and she's sick of him calling her name, because she's hung over in bed. Fernando is the guy she woke up next to, and he keeps on calling her "babe". And Roberto is the guy that fetches Lady her cigarettes, that's his official job, but he has a really high-pitched voice, and this too is bad for her hangover, so she tells him not to call her name as well.

Lady GaGa – Alejandro Lyrics 14 years ago
No, she said that about Bad Romance

The Smashing Pumpkins – Love Lyrics 14 years ago
I was thinking that it might have something to do with loving someone, but not for the right reasons. Possibly he has a crush on someone who doesn't know it? Because he says
"it's what you wanted to see, it's who you wanted to be
for what you needed to need, she'll make it up
love, it's who you know"
I was thinking he might mean that love gives you the illusions that someone else has everything you need or want, that she'll make up that idea in your head even if it's not reality. They become what you want to see, who you want to be, and what you need to need. Love just makes it up. "It's who you know" could mean that love just finds somebody you know in your life to manifest itself into, making them seem like the perfect person that fills your void.

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