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The Plot in You – Miscarriage Lyrics 13 years ago
wow. no comments? that sucks this band is awesome. theres a lot of breakdowns, and it may be really generic, but it works. its very very passionate. especially those lyrics.

Misery Signals – Homecoming Lyrics 14 years ago
this song and reset are like one big song. in reset, he struggles with keeping control of lifes burdens, and he just wants to give up. in this song, he finally breaks free from the illusion. in reset the lyric mentions "nothing here is real" i think he meant that life is deceiving, and that all the pain he's created is self created, as all pain is. i think he's saying in our truest state, we are free from all pain and suffering, and its just pure joy. he finally finds that when he says "withint me the spell is broken" like the illusion of pain is finally dispersed. he's finally free.

Misery Signals – Reset Lyrics 14 years ago
i was always puzzled on this song. i kept trying to over analyze it and what not, because a lot of their songs on the newest releases are very very deep and well thought out. basically though,the lyrics explain it all. its about feeling like the world and all its pressures/burdens are caving in on you, and you don't know what to do. you lose focus and you feel like giving up. its like every day is a struggle. the pressures of life lead you to lose sight of your goals, and you tend to head in the wrong direction. the song is about him trying to keep control of his life, but he just can't seem to. and then in the next song,homecoming, he finally sets himself free from all these burdens and sets his life on track.

Gray Lines of Perfection – Letting Go Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is so amazing, this band is like a Christian version of Misery Signals. the songs is about letting go of all the burdens of this world, and living your life freely. We're so caught up in contemplating the existence of God, but the truth is, we will never understand God's intentions or the complexities of this life. its just too much for our minds to comprehend. Letting go and detaching from all that we thought we knew is the only way to be free, and to truly flow with God. it's when we open our minds and allow God to flow through us, that we can do anything.

Misery Signals – Difference Of Vengence And Wrongs Lyrics 14 years ago
"Before you i am pending what could be" "i was always waiting for you and your struggle","its been a long time, i feel it too","and i'll show up in your life singing the answers i wish i could find". wow. i fuckingg looovve this song. it relates to me so much. i love misery signals. EVERY song by them is so unique. i think its about wanting to be with someone, whos lost and confused, and you love them,and although you want to be with them, there are so many things you need to work through first. this is just what i think because its how i feel and thats what goes through my mind when i hear it. but it could mean a bunch of things. like changing the world as a whole

It Prevails – About Failing Lyrics 14 years ago
"There comes a moment in each others lives,
where we must face the facts,
that the people we love, and the things we do,
can't always be the things that we strive for"
such a powerful line, such a powerful song. its really moving. it prevails is amazing.i think its about bow the world constantly changes, and theres nothing we can do about that. even when we're gone life carries on. but we grow from the struggles and joy were presented with. we're always learning, and the only thing guaranteed in life is death, so spend time wisely and enjoy it. because there isn't always a tomorrow to look forward to.

Misery Signals – Parallels Lyrics 14 years ago
when i think of this song, it sort of reminds me of God. like, hes lost his wway with God, but hes trying to regain his faith and have God build him back up again. "Take my hand and walk with me, lead me to salvation" . this song is so powerful,especially around this part of the song, its just so lyrically and musically powerful! i love it! this song could also be about two friends of a relationship that was held so close, and now they are separate from each other, and they never interact. parallels was a perfect choice in naming this song. no matter how you interpret it, this song is just amazing!

August Burns Red – Silhouette of Wings Lyrics 14 years ago
i fucking loovvvvee this song. "when you smile i just want to breakdown" amazing.i think its about a girl who's suffering from heartbreak, and the guy loves her, so he wants to make her his so she can be happy, so they both can be happy for once. thats what i get out of it. i love abr. the old lyrics were the best. constellations is awesome but lyrically i think its a step down from thrill seeker and this and ect. the new sound is 100X better. these guys have progressed so much its amazing. but the older lyrics just completely blow me away.

Misery Signals – The Stinging Rain Lyrics 14 years ago
the image i get during the soft spoken part is just amazing. no words can describe the beauty of this song. this could just be on giant ass metaphor but, i think the song is about telling someone how you feel about them after you've waited for so long, especially when they need it the they just got out of a bad relationship and are depressed "Temperance fell from her without any weight" "we are not meant to contain the sadness of this world, i whispered in her ear, and drew her close". it all just seems like hes telling her he loves her and she'll be ok. in general, it could just be about following your dreams. "Awaken and destroy these dreams, smash it apart be free". i think that means stop waisting your time dreaming and create your dreams into reality to live freely. anyway, thats just my imput, misery signals is amazing, my favorite band of all time.

Misery Signals – Coma Lyrics 14 years ago
Or maybe it's about civilization and the world as a whole. Which would probably make more sense. People our looking back and seeing how much the world has changed, and how civilization has changed. we're destroying the world, but the world is a beautiful place, and we need to learn our lession. We've waisted our time on this earth being destructive rather than productive. We're headed in the wrong direction. But while everyones headed for disaster, some are enlightened and above all the chaos. Anyway these are just a few of my interpretations on this song. It's such an amazing song

Misery Signals – Coma Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is about a relationship between a guy and girl. They're looking back and realized how much they've changed. They were once happy, but now their relationship is in trouble. The guy still loves her but she's not feeling the same way, or maybe she never did. He realizes how much she truley means to him. So he tries to make her happy. " reach into her guts, take back what's tangled up" she's falling out of love and he's going to fix things. He's going to win her heart back.

August Burns Red – Back Burner Lyrics 14 years ago
To me this is a song about somebody who's lost their way. They've forgotten whats important to them and have become englufed in the temporary posessions this world has to offer. They're not quite happy even though they figure they should be by now. The person has gained a cold heart with selfish intentions, and he or she is about to learn his/her lesson, and he hopes it returns this person to who they used to be.

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