Alice Cooper – Halo Of Flies Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Ive listen to this song for decades, heard lots of rumors and speculations about it. So here goes my interpretation, subject to a bit of fantasy intermixed with gossip and mystery. I've got the answers To all of your questions If you've got the money To pay me in gold I will be living In old Monte Carlo And you will be reading The secrets Iv'e sold Here Alice establishing his superiority over the common man. He is basically saying I'm light years ahead of all of you. Daggers and contRacts And bright shiny limos I've got a watch That turns into a lifeboat Glimmering nightgowns And poisonous cobras Silencer under the heel of my shoe Well, this is a mixed bag of goodies to sort out. Daggers (danger) and contracts (mob hits) Bright shiney limos (super wealth) Now here's a bit of confusion. When he says glimmering nightgowns, is he saying he wearing one or is he talking about lots of women arround. ..? I preffer to think the latter but remember back in those days ... And poisonous cobras (ok, women walking arround (hot looking) got poisonous cobra pets maybe... I got a watch that turns into a life boat. Hey, I wonder if that is possible these days. Maybe some kind of super thin plastic bag that could inflate in case of emergency. Anyway, so he's saying he's got it all. Money, women, gadgets the works...!!! But even though he has everything. He fucked his life up. Here comes the tragedy. The elegance of China They sent her to lie here on her back So he paid to have a Chineese hooker. Probably had her flown over on some white slavery airlines. Complete with Chineese mafia gangsters probably. But as she deeply moves me She'd rather shoot me in my tracks Self explanitory. And WAS a Middle Asian lady She really came as no surprise But I still did destroy her And I will smash Halo of flies Ok, now we get to the meat of the song. So maybe the same woman or a different one came. Another prostitute. But this time he lost it. He killed her, stuffed her in a trunk and burried it out in the yard. But the stench of the crime was everywhere. All over him. Flies began to swarm arround him from the stench. He grew angrier and angrier. Paranoia was ruling his mind and the stench he could smell would not go away. Flies kept swarming on him all over his face and forming a HALO OF FLIES circling him. He must smash them. Smash all the flies till there are no more. Till the sin is gone. I crossed the ocean Where no one could see And I put a time-bomb In your submarine Now here is where the gossip of the tabloid takes over. Back in the early days they accused Alice of doing subliminal messages. I crossed the ocean (came from France, I think). No one would see. ( I sorta picture him swimming like a marine at night espionage). And I put a time bomb ( a message that would mess you up later in life) in your submarine (subconcious) Good bye to old freinds (message messes you up freindshipwise). Now when I was younger I thought the next line was this The seaa eee eee crystal man (good people -salt of the earth) ( Biblical refference: Salt of the earth, for whoever should lose his salt he is henceforth cast unto the ground as worthless rubble only to be trampled on by the feet of men). But others hear it as: Goodbye to old friends The secret's in hand Then I thought the rest went "Where forming up papers, and contracting plans, you never will understand" But others hear it as: With full ream of papers And fantastic plans You never will understand Anyway, for a long time I had it in my head that AC was trying to mess up peoples minds. As the tabloids and pastors would have us believe back then. But it was still fascinating shit. |
Alice Cooper – Halo Of Flies Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Ive listen to this song for decades, heard lots of rumors and speculations about it. So here goes my interpretation, subject to a bit of fantasy intermixed with gossip and mystery. I've got the answers To all of your questions If you've got the money To pay me in gold I will be living In old Monte Carlo And you will be reading The secrets Iv'e sold Here Alice establishing his superiority over the common man. He is basically saying I'm light years ahead of all of you. Daggers and contRacts And bright shiny limos I've got a watch That turns into a lifeboat Glimmering nightgowns And poisonous cobras Silencer under the heel of my shoe Well, this is a mixed bag of goodies to sort out. Daggers (danger) and contracts (mob hits) Bright shiney limos (super wealth) Now here's a bit of confusion. When he says glimmering nightgowns, is he saying he wearing one or is he talking about lots of women arround. ..? I preffer to think the latter but remember back in those days ... And poisonous cobras (ok, women walking arround (hot looking) got poisonous cobra pets maybe... I got a watch that turns into a life boat. Hey, I wonder if that is possible these days. Maybe some kind of super thin plastic bag that could inflate in case of emergency. Anyway, so he's saying he's got it all. Money, women, gadgets the works...!!! But even though he has everything. He fucked his life up. Here comes the tragedy. The elegance of China They sent her to lie here on her back So he paid to have a Chineese hooker. Probably had her flown over on some white slavery airlines. Complete with Chineese mafia gangsters probably. But as she deeply moves me She'd rather shoot me in my tracks Self explanitory. And WAS a Middle Asian lady She really came as no surprise But I still did destroy her And I will smash Halo of flies Ok, now we get to the meat of the song. So maybe the same woman or a different one came. Another prostitute. But this time he lost it. He killed her, stuffed her in a trunk and burried it out in the yard. But the stench of the crime was everywhere. All over him. Flies began to swarm arround him from the stench. He grew angrier and angrier. Paranoia was ruling his mind and the stench he could smell would not go away. Flies kept swarming on him all over his face and forming a HALO OF FLIES circling him. He must smash them. Smash all the flies till there are no more. Till the sin is gone. I crossed the ocean Where no one could see And I put a time-bomb In your submarine Now here is where the gossip of the tabloid takes over. Back in the early days they accused Alice of doing subliminal messages. I crossed the ocean (came from France, I think). No one would see. ( I sorta picture him swimming like a marine at night espionage). And I put a time bomb ( a message that would mess you up later in life) in your submarine (subconcious) Good bye to old freinds (message messes you up freindshipwise). Now when I was younger I thought the next line was this The seaa eee eee crystal man (good people -salt of the earth) ( Biblical refference: Salt of the earth, for whoever should lose his salt he is henceforth cast unto the ground as worthless rubble only to be trampled on by the feet of men). But others hear it as: Goodbye to old friends The secret's in hand Then I thought the rest went "Where forming up papers, and contracting plans, you never will understand" But others hear it as: With full ream of papers And fantastic plans You never will understand Anyway, for a long time I had it in my head that AC was trying to mess up peoples minds. As the tabloids and pastors would have us believe back then. But it was still fascinating shit. |
Alice Cooper – Halo Of Flies Lyrics | 12 years ago |
Ive listen to this song for decades, heard lots of rumors and speculations about it. So here goes my interpretation, subject to a bit of fantasy intermixed with gossip and mystery. I've got the answers To all of your questions If you've got the money To pay me in gold I will be living In old Monte Carlo And you will be reading The secrets Iv'e sold Here Alice establishing his superiority over the common man. He is basically saying I'm light years ahead of all of you. Daggers and contRacts And bright shiny limos I've got a watch That turns into a lifeboat Glimmering nightgowns And poisonous cobras Silencer under the heel of my shoe Well, this is a mixed bag of goodies to sort out. Daggers (danger) and contracts (mob hits) Bright shiney limos (super wealth) Now here's a bit of confusion. When he says glimmering nightgowns, is he saying he wearing one or is he talking about lots of women arround. ..? I preffer to think the latter but remember back in those days ... And poisonous cobras (ok, women walking arround (hot looking) got poisonous cobra pets maybe... I got a watch that turns into a life boat. Hey, I wonder if that is possible these days. Maybe some kind of super thin plastic bag that could inflate in case of emergency. Anyway, so he's saying he's got it all. Money, women, gadgets the works...!!! But even though he has everything. He fucked his life up. Here comes the tragedy. The elegance of China They sent her to lie here on her back So he paid to have a Chineese hooker. Probably had her flown over on some white slavery airlines. Complete with Chineese mafia gangsters probably. But as she deeply moves me She'd rather shoot me in my tracks Self explanitory. And WAS a Middle Asian lady She really came as no surprise But I still did destroy her And I will smash Halo of flies Ok, now we get to the meat of the song. So maybe the same woman or a different one came. Another prostitute. But this time he lost it. He killed her, stuffed her in a trunk and burried it out in the yard. But the stench of the crime was everywhere. All over him. Flies began to swarm arround him from the stench. He grew angrier and angrier. Paranoia was ruling his mind and the stench he could smell would not go away. Flies kept swarming on him all over his face and forming a HALO OF FLIES circling him. He must smash them. Smash all the flies till there are no more. Till the sin is gone. I crossed the ocean Where no one could see And I put a time-bomb In your submarine Now here is where the gossip of the tabloid takes over. Back in the early days they accused Alice of doing subliminal messages. I crossed the ocean (came from France, I think). No one would see. ( I sorta picture him swimming like a marine at night espionage). And I put a time bomb ( a message that would mess you up later in life) in your submarine (subconcious) Good bye to old freinds (message messes you up freindshipwise). Now when I was younger I thought the next line was this The seaa eee eee crystal man (good people -salt of the earth) ( Biblical refference: Salt of the earth, for whoever should lose his salt he is henceforth cast unto the ground as worthless rubble only to be trampled on by the feet of men). But others hear it as: Goodbye to old friends The secret's in hand Then I thought the rest went "Where forming up papers, and contracting plans, you never will understand" But others hear it as: With full ream of papers And fantastic plans You never will understand Anyway, for a long time I had it in my head that AC was trying to mess up peoples minds. As the tabloids and pastors would have us believe back then. But it was still fascinating shit. |
The Who – Eminence Front Lyrics | 13 years ago |
No, it's about the New World Order. The Zionist run it. The banks/media/government. But people forget, forget history. So they hid and planned. Come and join the party, dressed to kill. (Military). It's an emminence front. It's a put on. Cause guess what, they ain't no more important than the rest of us. Now they put the Georgia Guidestones up. Boldly telling us that they want to reduce the population down from 6-7 billion down to 500 million. Don't beleive it, look it up. Pleanty of pictures. It's also known as the American Stone Hinge. Anyway, the worse is the genetics/gmo. The Eugenics people (Obama's HOldren lead scientist is a Eugenics champion). They talk about the capacity of the earth. Same number 500 million as Guidestones says. The Eugenics movement was started before Hitler. They would force sterilization of those they deemed "Feeble minded". No lie. Even kids who got poor grades where forced sterilized. This was all headed up by Zionist Rockefeller. Related to Rothchild. And after Hitler put blemish on Eugenics movement, it went underground to many offshoot sciences including genetics. Geneticist have been working on stealth sterilization for a while. They made progress with hiding it in vaccinations. But many where refusing. So they decided to go with GMO (Growth modified organism) GMO food causes rats to be infertile after 3 generations and die early of various cancers. The apparent initiative was to produce crops that had self protecting insecticide grown internally. Monsanto pushed this. Their product is called round-up and is somehow genetically engineered into the plants. They started out with a few like soy, corn and potatoes. But now are moving to do 100s. Thankfully consumers objected. But this is only temporary as laws are being put into effect to change this. Also FDA did not oversee saftey but MONSANTO did. Or some agenda got pushed through anyway... RJ |
The Who – Eminence Front Lyrics | 13 years ago |
No, it's about the New World Order. The Zionist run it. The banks/media/government. But people forget, forget history. So they hid and planned. Come and join the party, dressed to kill. (Military). It's an emminence front. It's a put on. Cause guess what, they ain't no more important than the rest of us. Now they put the Georgia Guidestones up. Boldly telling us that they want to reduce the population down from 6-7 billion down to 500 million. Don't beleive it, look it up. Pleanty of pictures. It's also known as the American Stone Hinge. Anyway, the worse is the genetics/gmo. The Eugenics people (Obama's HOldren lead scientist is a Eugenics champion). They talk about the capacity of the earth. Same number 500 million as Guidestones says. The Eugenics movement was started before Hitler. They would force sterilization of those they deemed "Feeble minded". No lie. Even kids who got poor grades where forced sterilized. This was all headed up by Zionist Rockefeller. Related to Rothchild. And after Hitler put blemish on Eugenics movement, it went underground to many offshoot sciences including genetics. Geneticist have been working on stealth sterilization for a while. They made progress with hiding it in vaccinations. But many where refusing. So they decided to go with GMO (Growth modified organism) GMO food causes rats to be infertile after 3 generations and die early of various cancers. The apparent initiative was to produce crops that had self protecting insecticide grown internally. Monsanto pushed this. Their product is called round-up and is somehow genetically engineered into the plants. They started out with a few like soy, corn and potatoes. But now are moving to do 100s. Thankfully consumers objected. But this is only temporary as laws are being put into effect to change this. Also FDA did not oversee saftey but MONSANTO did. Or some agenda got pushed through anyway... RJ |
Duran Duran – Come Undone Lyrics | 13 years ago |
This song is about an affair that became serious. The woman singing in the background is the soon to be X. Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin I've been waiting for you Signed, with a home tattoo, Happy birthday to you was created for you (can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams Can't I believe you're taking my heart To pieces) Oh, it'll take a little time, might take a little crime to come undone now (File for divorce) (PRECHORUS) We'll try to stay blind to the hope and fear outside Hey child, stay wilder than the wind And blow me in to cry (CHORUS) Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone (repeat) When your life sucks, your totally down in the dumps. You reach out as best you can for the ones you really love. When you come undone. (Verse 2) Words, playing me deja vu The whole relationship thing, he's done it before and it didn't work. Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before Chill, is it something real Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers But this time he gets a chill. A tingle that lets him know this is something more. The X wife in background says... (Can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams Can I believe you're taking my heart To pieces) Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright To come undone now RJ |
Marilyn Manson – The Fight Song Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Yes, exactly. Take for example the Hebrew faith. It is my understanding that they do not use the word God because they believe that all our concepts of who God fall short and hence are an insult. In short they do not insult God by labeling God with a name. To me, Christianity is always in constant state of repair. They have to patch up policies and past actions while burying their heads further and further in sand to avoid simple truth that the religeon is false. Their catch phrase is "we are not perfect, just forgiven". But, it is there lack of respect for reality that allows their minds to be manipulated to one form of hatred and abuse to another as time passes through the centuries. When you think of the wars they have started, the fear mongering, the biggotry and devicive political manuvering it is easy to tell who the real devil is amoung us. If one where to attend the perfect Christian church, they would sit in a congregation of complete silence. Because, they do not deserve to speak. RJ |
System of a Down – Toxicity Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Interesting. Have you ever seen Bill Still's movie "money changers". It's about people who actually do own the world. Here's link |
Filter – Hey Man, Nice Shot Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Excellent info. Much apreciated. Btw, check out Bill Still's movie "Money changers". RJ |
Pink Floyd – Dogs Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Who was born in a house full of pain, (he grew up in a place that was abusive) who was trained not to spit in the fan, (when you spit in a fan, spit flies back in your face. So life has surprizes) who was told what to do by the man, (who was given exact instructions by God how to live life?) who was broken by trained personnel, (who's parents are perfect?) Who was fitted with collar and chain, (who accepted the life of a dog?) who was given a pat on the back, (who was treated like a dog?) who was breaking away from the pack, (top of the class, distinguished) who was only a stranger at home, (yet could not deal with his family and "real" people) who was ground down in the end, (and he experiances the self destruction) who was found dead on the phone, (died while stressing at work -honorable way to die in Hindu belief) who was dragged down by the stone (Mark 9:42 "And whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea") Love the Bible refference. Excellent observation. RJ |
Marilyn Manson – Antichrist Superstar Lyrics | 14 years ago |
How could it be fair for God to punish someone forever and ever in eternal damnation? What on Earth could anyone ever do to deserve that? Nothing anyone could do even a million times should be worth eternal damnation. What righteous and loving God would do that? So it must be a lie. But, is there any redeeming value to Christianity, since it is a lie? Yes, the only thing Jesus cared about is love. So understand the only messages worth their salt are those of love and compassion. RJ |
Alice Cooper – Halo Of Flies Lyrics | 14 years ago |
What freaks me out is listening to the demo version below. Different lyrics... |
Marilyn Manson – Putting Holes in Happiness Lyrics | 14 years ago |
definitley about a breakup |
Marilyn Manson – Man That You Fear Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Thank you for the peel off all those eyes explanation. Excellent..! RJ |
Marilyn Manson – The Nobodies Lyrics | 14 years ago |
The trick is to just fall in love with your own penus. I know I love mine. Even though it's a little dinker thing, makes me happy. Then you won't give a damb what nobody else thinks, you'll have more fun, speak your mind better and before you know, you'll be a somebody. Most of all, to yourself. When you shine like that, chicks will dig you and you can introduce them to your best friend. RJ |
Marilyn Manson – The Nobodies Lyrics | 14 years ago |
When you do it, have a friend send me some brains cause I hear it's good topping on the pizza, cool..? RJ |
Marilyn Manson – The Nobodies Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Another thing people don't talk about much, which I think is the central point of Mmm, is the amount of bullying and harrasment that kids get away with against each other these days. The jocks at Columbine constantly harrassed the shooters. I'm 52 now. But, when I was a kid we did all kinds of goofy stuff but we where not as intentionally cruel as what I witness in this generation. In other countries, when one man seriously crosses boundries with another, they kill each other and get away with it. Say for example a man can have even his wife put to death for the sake of honor. It's allot about honor. Or the lack of it. We have a nation that has been tearing it's roots out at the family level due to the lack of honor for one another. The lawyers and judges facilitate this. We live in a society that disposes of loved ones like used toilet paper. And the net result is a society that is as ill as ours. We are still a great nation, freedome is our motto. But not honor. RJ |
Marilyn Manson – mOBSCENE Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Check that beaver shot out at 58 seconds in. Ya baby, I want some...! RJ |
Marilyn Manson – mOBSCENE Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Your ideas are interesting. Also it came to me that you assume a woman. Where you put the word woman, replace with the word gay. Society doesn't treat gays as sex objects but more like a freak show. The mobshow. (I know it isnt your scene) Going down down down might be refference to Hell as in religeous definition gays go to Hell. |
Marilyn Manson – mOBSCENE Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Yes, exactly, he's being totally sarcastic. It's a shot at the media and how they whore out sexuality and human relating. You know that's also one of the things that amazes me. People who preach religeon generally end up being the ones with the dark secrets or situations. While those with the individual mind who can see the total nature of people and the hypocracy (I know this isnt' your scene) of how they deeply desire and follow any media whore direction (be obscene, be be obscene) to where ever COOL is and let the media lead them that direction. They flock like a mobscene to the new scene. RJ |
Marilyn Manson – The Dope Show Lyrics | 14 years ago |
In the video, MM moves his hands in a certain way, he points then jerks his hand to the side. I know I have seen that specific jesture somewhere. It's at location 3:50 about. I want to say Hitler maybe... RJ |
Marilyn Manson – The Dope Show Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Amen...! |
Marilyn Manson – Tourniquet Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Forgot to mention, she died on my birthday. RJ |
Marilyn Manson – Tourniquet Lyrics | 14 years ago |
This song describes my relationship with my late wife. To the T. My wife was an alcoholic. I guess you could say that as that's the norm defined. But thing is she could go months sometimes without drinking. But, she would always manage to tank. We where together over 10 years. She had one child previous to our relation and then 2 more by me. Now ages 9, 12 and 17. During that time I vowed and managed to help her regain custody of her first child (by another man) and to help her succeed somewhat from DCF control. I was trying to help her rise out of her despair, to salvage her. There where many happy times. She cooked, cleaned and made family time arrangements. We went vactioning because of her craftyness and she was fun to be with. We had friends and mostly good life. But, the DCF kept hounding her. But, also true, she could or would not complete the DCF case plan as she kept falling off the wagon, so to speak. This went on for about 5 years or so. DCF gave her pleanty of opportunity to pass a case plan. All she had to do was pass the case plan once (6 months) and DCF would have been out of our hair. Seems like she would deliberatley fail it. One time within a couple of weeks. The worse time was when a case worker managed to take our children away into the foster care system for close to a year. That was the saddest time in my life. I was trying my best to hold her up and comply with the DCF. I was trying hard to salvage her mainly because she was the mother of my children and the continued hope that she would show when she was sober. Towards the end, when she really started spiralling out of control, she started attacking me. She would do things like call 911 to have me arrested, so she could get drunk. She'd make up stories about me to have me removed from the house. Then DCF moved to terminate BOTH our rights. They wanted to terminate her rights for obvious reason. They wanted to terminate my rights because they said I was a continous conduit exposing the children to danger. The judge was considering terminating my rights, but, I said to the judge that I did not understand why I should be punished for trying my best to work within DCF guidlines. She agreed. But I also had to agree to not see her anymore. And when I made that agreement, I kept my word. She agreed to go to rehab, but, I had been through too much pain with her. I had been disappointed too many times. I seen her one last time, I found out where she lived and went to go spy on her, just to see how she was doing and she caught me in the car out in the parking lot. She begged me to come inside, but at the outside of the house was a big pile of empty beer cans. I tried to pull the car away and she threw herself infront of it. But, finally her "friend" came out to move her out of the way and console her. While I was pulling away, she was screaming how she hated me. Later that week, they found her dead. I had to get a copy of the death certificate and there was an option as to the corinors report giving the details. I elected not to know. So far, I have been telling my daughters that her death was due to cancer. I don't want them to think anything else, as I don't want my kids to think of "it" as an option that Mom chose. Many years before when I was married to a different woman, my late X brother in law use to talk to me about his mother's suicide. When he got divorced from his wife he shot himself in the head. The thing about the flies in this song, not only implying that they are attracted to dead things or rotting things that stink, so to lay their eggs in, is that opportunist also come allong to take what they can, like men who would come to get some pussy from the faithless wife. After my wife's death, I just decided to try to be single for a while. A little while turned into a long while. I date on occasion but I have difficult time meeting someone who is drama free. It's been 7 years since my wife's death, so it seems I am a widower who's only commitment is to raise my children. I never knew women had it so hard. It's harder to raise kids than one thinks. I use to think that women had it sooo easy. Just clean the house, make dinner and take care of the kids. But it's on going work that never ends, and before you know it, a realization hits you, that it's going to be a long long time before your life can be simple again. And then what, the empty nest syndrome... It's easy for me now to see why some women wind up alone and spinsters. They spend their life's energy raising the kids as duty requires them. There is not much room for trouble when one needs to keep the family ship floating. Any sign of future distress and send them out the door....!!!!! So, as you see, this is my song. RJ |
U2 – Pride (In the Name of Love) Lyrics | 14 years ago |
When I think of the part that says "one man washed on an empty beach", I think of a dead body drifting and rolling onto shore. I suppose it could fit with the slave ships as the dead where tossed out. But I can't help but think about Normandy beach. RJ |
Lady GaGa – Poker Face Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Ok, I'm wrong. It is about her hiding sexual identity. Here is link where she talks about it. RJ |
Lady GaGa – Poker Face Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I think the whole point of the "poker face" is to leave him guessing. To make love torturous hard and yet intreaguing. A little like a dominatrix. The biggest clue to me is the refference to russian roulette and then to love. She never says that she loves him, and the poker face keeps her in control. I guess she could really keep a guy on his toes. RJ |
Lady GaGa – Poker Face Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I think the whole point of the "poker face" is to leave him guessing. To make love torturous hard and yet intreaguing. A little like a dominatrix. The biggest clue to me is the refference to russian roulette and then to love. She never says that she loves him, and the poker face keeps her in control. I guess she could really keep a guy on his toes. RJ |
Lady GaGa – LoveGame Lyrics | 14 years ago |
you mean he has alittle turtle head..? I have a german helmet on the end of mine. |
Lady GaGa – Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I can't help but think how much it would just break the living shit out of my heart if a girl like that dumped me for some other guy. Oh but then at least I would of had some of that boody. That'd provide a few decades of dreams. I probably would have tried my best to plant a seed or two to prolong the inevitable. ;) RJ |
Van Halen – Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Now it would be interesting to find out who the song was written about. Maybe it's an unspoken reason for the band breaking up. The "friend" witnessed. RJ |
Van Halen – Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I always took this song to be about a woman beater. I'm pretty sure I'm correct. If he don't get his way maybe he'd beat the crap out of her. >>I been to the edge, an' there I stood an' looked down You know I lost a lot of friends there baby, I got no time to mess around He confesses that he did something horrible. Something his friends would not forgive. >>Mmmm, so if you want it got to bleed for it baby Yeah, got to got to bleed baby Mmmm, you got to got to bleed baby Hey, got to got to bleed baby And here he reveals the answer. He is a woman beater. Now incase your thinking that the "bleed" part is refference to popping the cherry. The above statement of "lost allot of friends" negates that. RJ |
Oasis – Wonderwall Lyrics | 14 years ago |
excellent..! LOL |
Oasis – Champagne Supernova Lyrics | 14 years ago |
You know this song always did confuse me somewhat. I found my own meaning, see what you think... How many special people change (how many people went religeous) How many lives are living strange (maybe they use to party with friends, but no more) Where were you while we were getting high (so they don't hang with the old friends no more) Slowly walking down the hall Faster than a cannon ball (slow walking but mean/angry types. Quickly avoid friends) Where were you while we were getting high (where did you go friend?) Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide In a champagne supernova in the sky (so this part kinda ties to the above as since the person went religeous and the speaker is not maybe one day the speaker will have to accept that he's not prepaired for the rapture (champange super nova) and get swept away in the landslide. (But that part above was sorta sarcasm saying "hey ok, you think one day where going to Hell and your not". but truth is your the one not enjoying your life in the NOW and sucking butt to some religeous cause.) Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide In a champagne supernova, A champagne supernova in the sky (so you see, he's saying so-what) Wake up at dawn and ask her why A dreamer dreams she never dies (christian dream to live forever) Wipe that tear away now from your eye (tear might be reality creeping in) Slowly walking down the hall Faster than a cannon ball Where were you while we were getting high? Some day you will find me Caught beneath a landslide In a champagne supernova in the sky Some day you will find me Caught beneath a landslide In a champagne supernova A champagne supernova 'cause people believe that they're Gonna get away for the summer (people think that change is all they need. but the reality is no matter where you go, there you are.) 'cause you and I, we'll live and die The world's still spinning round, we don't know why Why, why, why, why (Reality, keeps making progress. We all die eventually. The world spins without us.) How many special people change How many lives are living strange Where were you while we were getting high Slowly walking down the hall Faster than a cannon ball Where were you while we were getting high Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide In a champagne supernova in the sky Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide In a champagne supernova, A champagne supernova, 'cause people believe that they're Gonna get away for the summer But you and I, we'll live and die The world's still spinning round, we don't know why Why, why, why, why How many special people change How many lives are living strange Where were you while we were getting high We were getting high RJ |
The Rolling Stones – As Tears Go By Lyrics | 14 years ago |
You nailed it. One of the reasons I try my best to make some time for conversation with the elderly. I always try to avoid the pitfalls of conversation and make a comment to the positive. RJ |
The Rolling Stones – Respectable Lyrics | 14 years ago |
I think it's funny how things change. One moment their public enemy and next there respectable. RJ |
Demi Lovato – Me, Myself, and Time Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Hello. I am writing this letter on behalf of my 9 year old daughter, just incase there is a slim slim chance that you are reading this Demitria. She says: I am your biggest fan. Come to my house in Summerfield, Fla. My dad will make Lasagnia for dinner. I watch your show every Sunday. :D I LOVE YOU.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Done. Your biggest fan, Jessica J Bye...! RJ |
Geto Boys – Still Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Sound like a bad day at work. RJ |
Alice Cooper – Dead Babies Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Amen brother, amen. RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Alexandra Leaving Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Suddenly the night has grown colder. The god of the eternal empty beginning to start. Alexandra laying in the AIDS ward, in the hospital bed, she cuts a nasty fart. Letdown by the emptyness of her lifestyle, She lost the light, she formerly entwine; And the radiator blewout by the window Her sleazy boyfriend drank the last of the wine. It's not a trick, your senses all deceiving, A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust - Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving on the AIDS train. Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost. RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Sisters of Mercy Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Good song. So many Cohen songs are. RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Waiting For The Miracle Lyrics | 14 years ago |
But then again, >>Nothing left to do when you know that you've been taken. Taken implies that he was fooled into some kind of loveless situation. Which could be like those who joined a commune of some religeous type. >>Nothing left to do when you're begging for a crumb Love starved. RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Waiting For The Miracle Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Yoko and lord decay got it pretty well. There could also be a religeous attribute as well. Where a religeous type waiting for judgement day. But that's just food for thought, I can see the "perfect love" syndrome fits better. RJ |
Little River Band – Cool Change Lyrics | 14 years ago |
No no no. It's about dumping on your responsibilities. "All of my life, is so prearranged". The 70's where like that. The "me" erra. It sucked to be a kid raised by parents who subscribed to this crap. RJ |
Little River Band – Lady Lyrics | 14 years ago |
If you don't believe me, check out lonesome loser. RJ |
Little River Band – Lady Lyrics | 14 years ago |
The melody sounds ok, but the meaning lacks. "I love you best"... oh wow isn't that special. So he whore dogs arround. I get tired of these kinds of people pushing their values. It's the preachy undertone that made this band suck. RJ |
Little River Band – Lonesome Loser Lyrics | 14 years ago |
You know this song is the most definite proof of what shallow mindset existed back in the 70s. Now we know even the most mundane job is to be apreciated and a person is not a loser for doing a lesser job than they are capable. It is easy to see the error of this song. And what exactly where they trying to promote here..? If a woman is truley a "queen of hearts" then money and materialism would not be the end all. Shame on a man for trying to win the apple of his eye. He should first be wealthy and succesful (like we are) and "be somebody". What a crock of shit. But the trick about the song is it's generic enough to promote a sense of "guilt" in any precieved direction and as the previous post comments it was used quite commonly as an insult song. So to me, this song is LRB identity. This is the song they should go down in history as their contribution to the world. A song that promoted materialistic slut-dome. Me, I never got into the band. All their songs seemed so generic cookie cutter and teeny bopperish. There was no thrill of real rock. Just some sucky preachy lyrics that leaves me cold. If you read into LRB history, you'll see allot of the members did not get allong and would quit. Their history speaks volumes of itself. RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Because Of Lyrics | 14 years ago |
Sucks to get old. Women love you when your a baby. "He's sooo cute...!" Then they love you when you get old. "Look at me Leonard". But hey that's life. RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Closing Time Lyrics | 14 years ago |
This makes the best sense to me. +++ RJ |
Leonard Cohen – Closing Time Lyrics | 14 years ago |
That's pretty much the way I see it too. Although from other Cohen songs and comments he seems to be ambivellent about the relationship between men and women. Where he expresses that women should be more free. I don't agree with Cohen completely, but his method of expression is fascinating. There is always a sense of negativity for relationships. It makes me wonder why he has never met the right lady. RJ |
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