244 Meanings
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Champagne Supernova Lyrics

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you while we were getting high
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high

Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova,
A champagne supernova in the sky

Wake up the dawn and ask her why
A dreamer dreams she never dies
Wipe that tear away now from your eye
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova

'cause people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
'cause you and I, we'll never die
The world's still spinning round, we don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you while we were getting high
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high

Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova,
A champagne supernova,

'cause people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we'll never die
The world's still spinning round, we don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you while we were getting high

We were getting high
Song Info
Lyrics © Sony/atv Music Publishing Llc
Noel Gallagher
Owen Morris, Noel Gallagher
Release date
May 13, 1996
Submitted by
kevin On Apr 20, 2001
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244 Meanings

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Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

Actually, Noel Gallagher himself writes on the Oasis site what this song is all about- Oasisinet.com: (basically it's about nothing...)

Champagne Supernova "Some of the lyrics were written when I was out of it. There's the words: 'Someday you will find me/ Caught beneath a landslide/ ln a Champagne Supernova in the sky'. That's probably as psychedelic as I'll ever get. It means different things when I'm in different moods. When I'm in a bad mood being caught beneath a landslide is like being suffocated. The song is a bit of an epic. It's about when you're young and you see people in groups and you think about what they did for you and they did nothing. As a kid, you always believed the Sex Pistols were going to conquer the world and kill everybody in the process. Bands like The Clash just petered out. Punk rock was supposed to be the revolution but what did it do? F all. The Manchester thing was going to be the greatest movement on earth but it was f all. When we started we decided we weren't going to do anything for anybody, we Jut thought we'd leave a bunch of great songs. But some of the words are about nothing. One is about Bracket The Butler who used to be on Camberwick Green, or Chipley or Trumpton or something. He used to take about 20 minutes to go down the hall. And then I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with 'hall' apart from 'cannonball'. so I wrote 'Slowly walking down the hall/ Faster than a cannonball' and people were like, 'Wow, f , man'. There's also the line 'Where were you while we were getting high?' because that's what we always say to each other. But the number of people who've started clubs called Champagne Supernova is f ing unbelievable. And the album isn't even released yet."

i don't want to sound nerdish but even intentionally trying to be abzurd and make no sense gives sense to the lyrics..it's a very romantic ( in the sense that implies one considering an outcast from the rest of the world, the denial of reason or logic in the making of the song), nostalgic song. i can feel the melancholy of wanting to live young forever, and knowing it isn't possible, every time i hear it. he got high to live the moment and escape from his thoughts but even that wasn't enough to leave the sadness apart. if you...

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"Bands like The Clash just petered out." Give me a break. I like this song, but it pisses me off that he said something like that when he obviously has no idea.

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@RPZQ Its kind of bums me out when people explain songs. I remember Neil Young saying you're like a radio station and you just sometimes you tune into these frequencies and hear the songs; as songwriters. The meanings your own, I'm not a spiritual guy but I don't believe "Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball' is without meaning. That to me, epitomizes being totally fucked up, the weight you feel on drugs and alcohol but the internal bliss and energy.

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

To me this song is a about 2 friends who no longer see each other who were once close. "where were you while we were getting high" shows the person is asking their friend why they wern't around for all the good times and that they have missed a lot. "how many special people change" is like he is thinking how he no longer knows or understands his friend as he doesn't see him and he is upset. "someday you will find me, caught beneath a land slide" could mean it is too late for his friend to come back because he will already be 'crushed' from the pain of losing him, so if he returns he will be a broken man. "but you and I will never die" gives hope that they could still be friends as there will always be something special between them. AMAZING song. AMAZING band!

My Interpretation
Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

for some weird reason I interpret this song to be about how people change and mature, everyone except the singer. like "where were you while we were getting high?" can be in a literal sense and "slowly walking down the hall faster than a cannon ball" is like trying to avoid talking to you. sometimes you walk slow to avoid someone in the hall and sometimes you have to walk fast. "someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide" can be like someday you will find me in a bad predicament. "wake up the dawn and ask her why a dreamer dreams she never dies wipe that tear away now from your eye" could be like asking why people always dream and move move on with their life, like why do they have a plan when the performer doesnt have one and because the performer doesn't have one they cry from feeling empty. "cause people belive that they're gunna get away for the summer but you and I will never die the world's still spinning round" could mean that people think they're going to get away from the performer but their friendship will never die they've been through too much but of course the world will still spin and that it's not the end of the world. That might have been pretty confusing but that's my, sort of, interpretation of it...

This pretty much spot on for me

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Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

Today, I was driving down a road that I use to drive down all the time go to school with my dad. This song came on the radio and I haven't heard in a while. Suddenly it seems like my life seemed to.. flash? I suppose. This song is definitely my life anthem.

How many special people change (all the people in your life that have changed that use to be significant but not anymore) How many lives are living strange (you really don't know what people are going through) Where were you when we were getting high? (where were you when I needed you and/or all the fun times) Slowly walking down the hall Faster than a cannon ball (I think of this as on of those segments you see on TV; someone is walking somewhere, for example, down a hall, in slow motion, but the people around them are walking fast around them. life's fast but then again slow at the same time.) Where were you while we were getting high? (I needed you, for the good and the bad times)

Some day you will find me Caught beneath the landslide (you'll discover one day I'm living a rough live...) In a champagne supernova in the sky (in a beautiful place) Some day you will find me Caught beneath the landslide In a champagne supernova A champagne supernova in the sky ( life is great, and even though it's rough sometimes, overall it's beautiful, with or without you.)

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

"When I was writing that, I remember going to visit Meg, who was living with some chicks down in Maida Vale, in her old flat. I was living in a hotel in Marylebone High Street and had just been kicked out of my flat in Chiswick, for being drunk and disorderly. Anyway, I went over to Meg´s. I wasn´t seeing her, she was just a mate and, this may sound really corny but I had the music and melody for the song in my head but I didn´t have any words. While I was around there we were listening to a Pixies album called, I think it´s... Supernova. As we were listening to this album, we were watching a documentary about where they make Champagne in France. You may laugh but it´s true. I was there drunk going, Champagne supernova? Yeah man´ and to this day, everyone´s going,But what does it mean?´. I can´t be arsed to explain it cos it sounds really corny. Some of the lyrics were written when I was out of it. There´s the words: `Someday you will find me caught beneath a landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky.'"

"That´s probably as psychedelic as I´ll ever get. It means different things when I´m in different moods. When I´m in a bad mood being caught beneath a landslide is like being suffocated. The song is a bit of an epic. It´s about when you´re young and you see people in groups and you think about what they did for you and they did nothing. As a kid, you always believed the Sex Pistols were going to conquer the world and kill everybody in the process. Bands like The Clash just petered out. Punk rock was supposed to be the revolution but what did it do? When we started we decided we weren´t going to do anything for anybody, we just thought we´d leave a bunch of great songs. But some of the words are about nothing. One is about Bracket The Butler who used to be on Camberwick Green, or Chipley or Trumpton or something. He used to take about 20 minutes to go down the hall. And then I couldn´t think of anything that rhymed with hall apart from cannonball, so I wrote, Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball' and people were like, Wow, fuck man.' There´s also the line,Where were you while we were getting high?´ because that´s what we always say to each other. But the number of people who´ve started clubs called Champagne Supernova is fuckin´ unbelievable." ~ Noel Gallagher

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

This song, to me, makes perfect sense. But don't ask me to explain it, cos I can't.

thats because you've convinced yourself of some meaning thats not there, but keep on thinking you know what the meaning is, which is nothing. bands dont make every line have some special meaning, they just say something then they need to make a sentence that will rhyme

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@nietzsche_66 for @joshhaz at the end of the day i don't think we care about how the bands create or make a song. its about how we feel or how the song means for us

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

This song brings back great memories...

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

i realize that Noel contends that the song doesnt mean anything, but when i listen to this song it definately seems to be deliberately portraying a situation. it seems to me that he's singing about how as time goes on, people change and grow distant. and its about the people that he neglected while he was using drugs. 'slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball' means that time seems to pass so slowly, but then you look back and realized how fast it's gone by. especially if you were 'getting high'.

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

okay well appearently no one knows what a supernova is, which is probably the most important part to understanding the song. |A supernova is a dying star, but they're really beautiful, so everyone watches them as they go. This song is about the people who just sort of blend in with the crowd, but inside they're dying for someone to notice them, see that they're special and different. |The whole someday you will find me part is really sad because it's saying that no one will see them until its too let to give them a chance. And the getting high is just sort of a metaphore for escaping real life.

Cover art for Champagne Supernova lyrics by Oasis

its you and i, we live and die not you and i well never die