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Morrissey – Because Of My Poor Education Lyrics 13 years ago
Ever considered the song could be about someone following an idol and copying him/her in everything he/she does, even copying his/her behaviour, while being a totally pathetic nobody?
Or about the teenage Morrissey at the same time?

Morrissey – You Were Good In Your Time Lyrics 13 years ago

Morrissey – Get Off The Stage Lyrics 14 years ago
I think he takes a shot at elderly folk singers aswell. Every song sounds like the one before, hence the stupid accordion on this song. I find it quite amusing to be honest.

Morrissey – When Last I Spoke To Carol Lyrics 14 years ago
I can follow you on this one Kay.

But I still feel Morrissey's humour is present. It's about someone whose
pain and misery originates from being ugly (her pasty face), not from existential pain.
The singer wants to help her, but he cannot possibly go physical. She just
wants someone, but no one is interested by far, except the singer, who has words for her, but nothing more than that. The last person on earth turns her down and subsequently she kills herself. (Morrissey as the culprit again)

Morrissey – Asian Rut Lyrics 14 years ago
In the end the narrator hopes he isn't the next victim of the English thugs but then realizes that he is white and that he'll probably will be left alone.

It's more about the human motives for disturbing people. Own kind is ok. Other colour means war.

Morrissey – Mute Witness Lyrics 14 years ago
It's indeed about a little girl they try to interrogate. She's the only witness and she can't speak, mute or just too young to be able to talk.

One person who can't cope with the things they do to make her explain.
Putting her on the table and she probably crashes down from the table (with her small arms flailing and you feel such compassion in your soul).

Then she points at a frisbee somewhere in the office, it's a kid.
What she has been involved in is unclear unless there is something wicked going on at Clapham Commons.
Quite a sad story. My interpretation ofcourse...

Morrissey – Driving Your Girlfriend Home Lyrics 14 years ago
Just read it. The protagonist has an affair with the girl. She just can't stand his humour anymore and she wants to break up :) It's meant in a funny way.

Morrissey – You've Had Her Lyrics 14 years ago
Ofcourse this isn't seen from his angle...
It's a downright attack on this attitude. Getting women to pump up the ego: ok, she fell for me, satisfied, but now there's no point in staying with her.

Morrissey – I'm OK By Myself Lyrics 14 years ago
In my opinion Morrissey's words are someone else's words directed to Morrissey. Imagination or reality, it won't ever be clear to us.

Morrissey – The Father Who Must Be Killed Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is obviously a bullet sent flying towards rightwing American Catholics. Their hypocrisy is well-known. There are extremely severe regulations in certain towns in the Bible Belt (Bible rules the daily life in very extreme ways sometimes)

Seems to me to be a song about a girl who has been abused by some overreligious stepfather or a preacher.
Look at the hatred with which she 'slams' the knife into the several parts of his body.
And she is obviously driven by madness. Totally broken down there is a voice inside her that forces her to end it all. She feels dirty and used and her soul can never be redeemed (hopelessness induced by the fear of never being forgiven by the fearsome God they worship).

The Smiths – Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh my God, how ppl always misinterpret Morrisseys lyrics as extremely sad lyrics. They sound sad because of the song but


It's a threat! Someone is forcing someone else. (And Morrissey described this song as "a straightforward punch to the face" and that it had to be short to keep its effect. It's not a miserable song, it's a violent song.)

The life I've had "can make a good man turn bad", so please let me get what I want.

The Smiths – These Things Take Time Lyrics 14 years ago
How can people give interesting views on the song, when the text is wrong?

"MINE eyes have seen..." (quote btw)
"The most inept that ever STEPPED"

The Smiths – The Queen Is Dead Lyrics 14 years ago
Well I've always thought the spanner and the sponge referred to the castration of Charles etc. As in,
making sure the royal line ends. He refers to the castration literally. I think the queen is murdered during the walk. He forces her outside "to have a chat". "Let's go for walk where it's quiet and dry", but it rains... (Also mocks his own vanity indeed.)

Morrissey – It's Hard to Walk Tall When You're Small Lyrics 14 years ago
And no, the last line is 'please - weep for me'.

And he's clearly taking the piss out of meaningless drummers, like Mike Joyce.
Especially when they pull a trick like pushing Morrissey into court to get some money.
He uses the shitty drummer of the Beatles to cover it up. And Ringo Starr is only 1,68m.
So he's dragging old Ringo along just for being literally small. Which I find brilliant :-)
(In fact Ringo has a much bigger ego than Paul, so he deserves this aswell. Untalented arrogant prick.)

The Smiths – I Want the One I Can't Have Lyrics 14 years ago
Why oh why do people always tend to narrow Morrissey's lyrics down to what they want it to be.
I ain't saying your interpretation isn't correct, but as it's Morrissey we're talking about, it could perfectly be about women's attraction to criminals aswell. He always tries to write open lyrics that can be read in various ways. It's arrogant to pretend he writes only for you. He's far more literate than a lot of people imagine. His lyrics contain layered intertextuality with world literature to the n'th degree which makes them extremely fascinating to unravel.
You imagine a certain image to fit the text, then you take the text and try to prove you're correct by dragging every line into your interpretation. We're talking about art here, people trying to "explain" the song and "showing off" (don't know what you were showing off to be quite honest, since you didn't write the lyrics) can really suck my balls. Ok, thát was clearly about homosexuality.

The Smiths – Never Had No One Ever Lyrics 15 years ago
I can't help seeing this as a song about a ghost.
Morrissey may say all he wants, his text is there.
He never shows all of his cards so...

There is clearly a stalking scene here: I'm alone and I'm ouside your house,
I hate to intrude... Listen to it, it's like he's haunting, it's really scary in my opinion.

If the dream "lasted" 20 years etc, linguistically spoken, it has now ended.
Which could point at suicide, if the bad dream is an image for life itself and death
is waking up relieved. He just turns in upside down.

The Smiths – The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Lyrics 15 years ago
Look, this song doesn't have one specific meaning.
In a way it's a song about literature. How to evoke semantic diffusion in text.
You can interpret it how you like. The text evokes different feelings, just depends on the reader's mind.
It has a certain meaning for Morrissey I'm sure, but he broke open the whole story into loose ambivalent
fragments. This is how his text always works.

Like he says: words as old as sin, fit him like a glove.
Ambivalence in speech & language appeared when Eve bit the apple. The human race was considered unfit for living in complete harmony.

But go on interpreting though, the text is meant to be at the center of discussion.

The Smiths – Reel Around the Fountain Lyrics 15 years ago
What are ppl thinking? Always sex... Sad how Morrissey always gets narrowed down to sex, there are references yes but Morrissey's lyrics are richer than most of you think.

It's an imaginary tea time between Wilde & Morrissey.
Discussing literature and their work.

Morrissey wants 15 minutes with the long deceased Oscar Wilde.

You're the bees knees! ---> English expression: "you're brilliant!"
But so am I. (giggle)
Oh yes, two lumps please. ---> Tea time get it? No testicles, you sex addicts :P

The child into adulthood image might be growing up in literature.
The older man Morrissey loses his innocence to is just old man Wilde...
His work was the biggest impulse for literature to Morrissey.

"Take me to the haven of your bed
was something that you never said."

And here Morrissey defends Wilde from what all you people here are saying about Morrissey:
it's about sex and abuse!!!
No it's not and it's the same Oscar Wilde has been mistaken for: a childmolester.

"People see no worth in you, I do." Pretty much proven by people who think about the sexual irrelevancies
first. Oscar Wilde, oh he's a childmolester. - Get the hell out, what if it was true, he's a genius.

The Smiths – Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now Lyrics 15 years ago
Caligula was a roman emperor who was sexually perverted, committed sexual atrocities
which make this "she" character even worse, it's a way of mocking female lust.

And by the way, good that you like the song but I wouldnt take Morrissey too serious here, he's really taking the piss at critics. The song is humour, no coincidence the guitars sound quite ironic.

And by the way, it's a reformulation of Sandy Shaw's song : "Heaven knows I'm missing him now", clearly taking the piss.

The Smiths – Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now Lyrics 15 years ago
Indeed, you got to love his hyperboles :)
Two simple lines, shocking degradation of a woman and her animalistic appetite.

Morrissey – Everyday Is Like Sunday Lyrics 15 years ago
Totally agree,
I don't get how these people can interpret such a clear song in so many absurd ways lol
But indeed, maybe you need to have been in an English seaside town :)

It's awesome how Morrissey covers his cynism with a sad melody and people start getting emotional and interpret every line in that sad way lol

It's actually a hilarious song :)

Morrissey – Everyday Is Like Sunday Lyrics 15 years ago
Yep it's about a vacation in an English beachtown. Prolly inpired by Betjeman indeed...

You want to make the best of it, go swimming, when you get back your clothes are stolen by some idiots,
you have to back half naked wishing the shithole would be bombed to hell.

Imagine Morrissey half-naked on the promenade having to hide from people who might recognize him, or worse, press :)
Buying a nice souvenir tray to remember the glorious vacation by, drinking shitty tea somewhere...

Oh yes I can imagine how everyday must be like Sunday *shiver*

The Smiths – A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours Lyrics 15 years ago
Yeah, it's about a vacation in Slough or something like that :-)
And you actually try to make the best of it and do some bathing. And then some idiots
steal your clothes while you're swimming lol. Reason enough to damn the godforsaken shithole to hell...

Just imagine the hilarious image of Morrissey slowly walking back to the bench and bit by bit realizing that it's empty and that he's going to have to walk back to his room like that with everyone seeing him in his swimming shorts :-) He can be quite violent in situations like that ^^

The Smiths – Death of a Disco Dancer Lyrics 15 years ago
It's about the gay hating community at that time indeed.

Love, peace and harmony: gay movement words par excellence.
It's a reference to the gay cries for tolerance, which Morrissey
sees as VERY naive in the England of that time.

The Smiths – Paint a Vulgar Picture Lyrics 15 years ago
James Dean? What would he do at a sound check?

It's about Morrissey twice. Paints a vulgar picture of himself as a disgusting arrogant star. As the young obsessed guy AND as the older star who has become a very whorelike person to the fan who thought he was true. Nice prediction though :P

And it's about self-hate.
Ever occurred to one of you that the fan murders his idol and that this is why they have a dead star on their hands? He wants to keep the idol from turning furthermore into a disgrace. He knows what will happen to his future self as a star, and pictures a fan like he once was killing him.

Look at the lyrics and read between the lines:

"I walked a pace behind you at the soundcheck
You're just the same as I am
What makes most people feel happy
Leads us headlong into harm"

harm? what harm? He's clearly following his idol after being brutally rejected. I walked a pace behind you... Seems like a bit of stalking to me.
"They cannot touch you now" right...

The Smiths – Paint a Vulgar Picture Lyrics 15 years ago
Death of a disco dancer is about gay people getting aids and who then get spat out by society for being dirty sexanimals, and the whole neighbourhood and their family turns their backs on them.
Hardly about someone like Jackson. However... lol

The Smiths – Bigmouth Strikes Again Lyrics 15 years ago
Hurray for intelligent people. The Smiths are so often mistaken for a miserable sad band, I can't see why... Morrissey's lyrics accompanied by Marr's guitarplay often creates a cynism that goes far beyond the self-complaining bastard that many mistake him for. Morrissey is humour, which is why I like him.

And this is why our black goth friend Robert Smith deserved a song like 'Unloveable' to be thrown his way.
(oh sorry to the people who thought it was a sad song about misery in life, he actually mocks you while you listen to it :-) )

The Smiths – How Soon Is Now? Lyrics 15 years ago
Good you picked up the Smiths.

Just one thing: Note that Morrissey is all irony too (in almost any song, he mocks himself, his fans and others)
Many people fail to see that, and start to take Morrissey far too serious in a pathetic way.
The Smiths is a lot of humour (like Heaven knows I'm miserable now) and its frustrating to see how so many people bathe in humourless sadness and misery,
sorry to say so but it's a trap Morrissey has set for you, in a way.

The Smiths – Unloveable Lyrics 15 years ago
Finally someone with a clear view on literature. The irony drips off the song.
Listen to the way he sings it, to the music. Ofcourse he's taking the piss out of self-complaint without any form of humour as in *cough* Robert Smith's lyrics and way of dressing. It's no secret that he hated Robert Smith and everything he did and was.

And Morrissey NEVER complains without a hint of irony. Even "How soon is now" : Going to a club to find someone who really loves you. Sorry I can't imagine him being so naive.
You go home AND you cry AND you want to die. That sentence isn't like anything near complaining about your own situation, a short summing up for such big feelings?
Robert Smith would write a fucking half booklet on how miserable he felt in that situation. Morrissey is clever enough to mock such a situation AND at the same time feeling sorry for shy people.

Morrissey – Nobody Loves Us Lyrics 15 years ago
Ow he'd hate you for saying that :)
But he does seem to have some sympathies in that direction yes.
But then again, he toys around with irony so much you could easily say he's throwing
rotten eggs at the working class itself (which would match with his self-loathing aswell).
You just can't put the geezer in any box, his lyrics are much too ambiguous.

Morrissey – Such A Little Thing Makes Such A Big Difference Lyrics 15 years ago
oh thanks for clearing that one out of the way, i had been breaking my head over the lines for years hehe, never knew they actually raided his house tbh...

Morrissey – It's Not Your Birthday Anymore Lyrics 15 years ago
exactly, it's obviously about abuse within a family (whether wife or daughter is the victim). It feels to me like ; "now that the guests are gone, lets get back to business" and sex on the floor is more brutal love than sweet love... nothing "awww" about that (referring to Batsygirl) and morrissey has never really been the "awww"-kinda guy :)

Morrissey – It's Not Your Birthday Anymore Lyrics 15 years ago
Yes, well, very true but..

Have you considered an incest/rape interpretation?

It's Morrissey afterall, he always puts subversive meanings in his lyrics.
Link the following parts together:

there's no need to be kind to you since it's not your birthday
"it cannot be given, so it must be taken" as a prelude to the sex line this line refers to rape/incest.
then he sings about "giving love on the floor, right here, right now" with someone you hate, doesnt sound very beautiful to me.
then he says it again: there's no need to be kind to you (anymore), so i'll continue abusing you.

Mind you that the theme of sex abuse appears a few times on the album.
cfr. Someday goodbye will be farewell: "always be careful when you abuse the one you love"

The Smiths – Cemetry Gates Lyrics 15 years ago
It's an intelligent provocation. The narrator blames the "you" for stealing words. "Ere thrice the sun hath done salution to the dawn" is a reformulation of Shakespeare's words in Richard III, which Shakespeare took from the Bible (and reformulated them). Third time those words were said now. And they contain a cloudy future of bad luck (Jesus, Richard III).
And now that "you" says em again and STOLE the words! Hmmm why are they so wanted on the cemetary, a deserted place? Unlucky destiny for the "you"?
The narrator obviously can't bear to see words stolen but here's the provocation: he stole the words for this song from "The man who came to dinner". Typical Morrissey theme, hating everyone for things he does himself. Obsession with literature, hating people when they pick it up and ruin it, but wanting to show off yourself as well.
The fact that the narrator is on Wilde's side, emphasises that this is provocative literature.

Morrissey – Subway Train Lyrics 17 years ago
Aye and it's a "New York Dolls" cover. And to be honest (sorry Dolls), Morrissey scraped the rough parts off and made it a polished jewel :)

Morrissey – I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now Lyrics 17 years ago
Any chance the love that is under the ground might be glorious ruins of Rome? He refers to the beauty of the Roman culture quite a lot on 'Ringleader'.

Morrissey – First Of The Gang To Die Lyrics 17 years ago
By the way its not "the first last lad" but "the first Lost Lad". (i'm sorry, i know :) )

Morrissey – First Of The Gang To Die Lyrics 17 years ago
This is obviously not an optimistic song.

I think it's about gang violence because of love. This could be a song about LA gangs but the Hector character makes it much more universal. Hector is the first of the Troyans who has to confront the Greek hero Achilles in the Troyan war (Homeros' Ilias). The war started because of a woman, Helena. After Hector was slaughtered, the Greeks massacred all of Troy, which is basically the fault of love & mankinds weakness to love. This story is often looked at as the start of western literature and thus culture.
Morrissey makes a comparison with today's gang violence in LA, stating that western culture (heroic stories about fighting for love, forbidden romances which result in murder etc.) has always been full of idiocy. Mankind's weakness for love makes us selfdestructive and we're proud of it , yay!

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