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Frightened Rabbit – The Modern Leper Lyrics 13 years ago's been so long since a song has hit me so hard on the first listen. This song is surely about mental illness, specifically depression. The modern leprosy, because people so often don't know how to deal with it so they just isolate the people who have it. Depression makes you numb, you don't care what happens to you. You push away the people who care the most about you, and you hurt them, but you're also weirdly distanced from what you're doing because of your illness. At the same time, the person who keeps trying with you has sometimes got their own issues too. In this song he just wants to start again every time, but he'll keep on hurting her.

I can't really describe how beautiful I think this song is and how much I can identify with it.

Adele – Turning Tables Lyrics 13 years ago
One of my favourite songs on the new album, I love it. Excellent interpretation above me. I think that 'turning tables' is about him turning the tables on her when they're arguing, as alix says, but also makes me think of him turning tables in the literal sense. There are several things in the song that I think can be deliberately interpreted either metaphorically or literally, to mean he's either just emotionally abusive or physically violent. I especially like the "I won't let you close enough to hurt me" - she's emotionally distancing herself from the relationship, but also potentially protecting herself from his violent outbursts? Amazing song, and so catchy.

Noisettes – Sometimes Lyrics 13 years ago
I think it's about breaking up with someone and being single again. You do it for yourself, because you want something better. I think this song talks about the confusion that the sudden independence sometimes brings.

Adele – Someone Like You Lyrics 13 years ago
Adele rocks my world. cmguido's interpretation is spot on I think, and I feel every word of this song.

Coldplay – The Scientist Lyrics 13 years ago
i'm not a coldplay fan and this song never meant anything to me until i was completely torn apart with grief after screwing up my relationship. it's understated and yet conveys the regret and sadness perfectly. i can't believe that i didn't recognise it as a great song until now.

Lady GaGa – Again Again Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's about how the guy she was 'seeing' before (I think just f**k buddies rather than a boyfriend), who was a bit of a tool, has come over to her house and is being all...flirty. He knows she has a boyfriend, but also kind of knows he can still get her. The sort of guy who is an idiot but is really addictive, you know? So she's just singing about how much she wants him, even though he was always inattentive and inconsiderate in bed when she was seeing him before. She's asking him to say he would be there if she left her boyfriend, but it seems like in her heart she knows he wouldn't be.

I like this song just because I can relate to it so much. It's slightly depressing, really.

Lykke Li – Little Bit Lyrics 15 years ago
got to agree, even better than the original!

Bloc Party – This Modern Love Lyrics 15 years ago
it's been years but this is still one of my favourite songs ever, and one of my most played on itunes. i really related to it when i first heard it, and it's still meaningful now.

Razorlight – Before I Fall To Pieces Lyrics 15 years ago
to me, definitely about meeting your ex for a drink. you can be so close to someone and plan to be together forever, but then people just move on and find someone new. it's quite depressing and it's hard to believe anything that happens in a relationship again once you've had that happen to you. the fact that she just says "i don't know" is even worse, like what they had doesn't even matter anymore.

Yazoo – Only You Lyrics 16 years ago
This is so good. I discovered it through the Office Christmas Special as well; such a moving scene. Then just this morning I heard it on the radio and it's been stuck in my head all day, I had to buy it! The lyrics are simple but heartbreaking, and it has the 80s charm which makes it better than all the cover versions I've heard to date.

Tilly and the Wall – Beat Control Lyrics 16 years ago
this song makes me so happy. screw what everyone else says, let's just dance :)

Noah and the Whale – 5 Years Time Lyrics 16 years ago
this feels so summery and happy...when you're in love and just happy to be with someone, hoping to share lots more happy moments.

Noah and the Whale – 5 Years Time Lyrics 16 years ago
this feels so summery and happy...when you're in love and just happy to be with someone, hoping to share lots more happy moments.

Lykke Li – Little Bit Lyrics 16 years ago
Maybe I'm just relating this to my current situation but I think it's about realising you're falling for someone who you're 'seeing', and the insecurity and emotion that comes from that realisation. Not knowing what to do or whether he feels the same, but having all this stuff going around her head and needing to let it out. She says it in the first line really, she's too proud for love. A beautiful, vulnerable song.

Adele – First Love Lyrics 16 years ago
Obvious meaning here. Breaking up with your first love because you just don't feel it anymore, and need to be with other people to understand what love is again. Almost feeling like you might be missing the point you've just been with this one person for so long, and you feel close to him but's not exciting. Despite this, you still doubt yourself a bit and don't want to upset him.
I really like the background, what is that, a xylophone or something? It has a real childhood feel to it.

Adele – Melt My Heart to Stone Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow, I just bought the album tonight and I seem to be commenting on every song, I love it! This song to me is about feeling led on by someone you really care about. To an extent she can't blame him because she feels a bit deluded (she's 'making up' words that he said, twisting them to give herself hope that she has a chance), but then also he's being a bit of an arse and giving her false hope, but she forgives him every time. I think a lot of us have a person like that. You wish you could just pull yourself together and use your head and realise it's not going to happen and you're being led on, but all your strength and independence just goes when you think there's just a glimmer of hope.

Adele – Cold Shoulder Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song, one of my favourites on the album! I think it's about a relationship she's in where it's obvious he's not happy, and she accuses him of being off with her and being into someone else but he tells her she's being paranoid. She stays in it and 'plays the role of fool' while he gives her the cold shoulder, and ultimately knows she'll have to end it because he's not going to admit there's a problem.

Kate Nash – Little Red Lyrics 16 years ago
you don't find true happiness until you stop looking for it. she goes out and lives, properly, rather than sitting at home trying to make things better. could apply to lots of things, but generally that's what it means to me.

The Kinks – Waterloo Sunset Lyrics 16 years ago
Ha, forgot so many people on this site were American. This song basically sums up how I feel about London. While a lot of people say they've visited and it's nothing special blah blah, you probably wouldn't get it unless you feel real affection for the place. In the middle of a busy (and often ugly) city, there is still such a calming, still beauty. I love that contrast. Just go and watch the sunset from the bridge and you'll see.

My mum always goes on about how she wants this played at her funeral (her name is Terry, spelt the male way!). She's always been in love with London, and I can't fault her taste in music here, but for that reason this song always makes me feel very sad as well.

David Gray – Shine Lyrics 16 years ago
I've always seen this as a goodbye song. I can see the argument the other way, but he seems to know in his heart it'll never work. The use of 'we' is quite reassuring I think, they're going to step out of the relationship together and go their separate ways. I don't see it as meaning they're staying together - it's amicable, but resigned to the fact that things are over. But it's positive, because they're both going to rise from the ashes of their dead relationship and be reborn into 2 fulfilled individuals.

Whitney Houston – I Will Always Love You Lyrics 16 years ago
It's weird... I always thought of this song as kind of weak and soppy and pathetic. But now I'm actually listening to the words for the first time and I've realised what a strong message it has. Awesome. (I prefer this version to the original as well I have to say)

Kate Nash – Pumpkin Soup Lyrics 16 years ago
Love this! Meaning is fairly obvious, getting into a friends with benefits situation and not really knowing what's going on, but the guy ending up wanting more than her. I don't think she's totally using him, I think she's genuinely confused at first..she does like him, just not enough.
As to why it's calling Pumpkin Soup...I'm not sure! To me pumpkin soup is quite a comforting dish, but at the same time is a bit wrong... perhaps that's how she feels about this guy?!

Jimmy Eat World – Carry You Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow. When I first heard this song the other day it was like it totally read my mind.

When you've broken up with someone, and are struggling to accept it's over. You're telling yourself it's never going to work, you're not right for each other, but a part of you is saying that it could have worked had it happened in different circumstances. You're trying to stay away from the person and forget it, but you still have this hope that won't go away that you want to give it another go and that you could be amazing if only you could give it another shot. You're "carrying" that hope but also that person in your heart, so that however hard you try you can't escape them.

Ultimately though, you realise that it's never going to be how it was, and you have to accept that you're just not meant to be. =(

Funeral for a Friend – Walk Away Lyrics 17 years ago
it is poppy but i really like it :)

Jimmy Eat World – 23 Lyrics 17 years ago
i absolutely love this song, but it also makes me sad. to me, i relate it a lot to me and my ex breaking up. we broke up because of uni, the distance was making us miserable. we thought once we had our careers sorted we could give it another shot. we also thought it would be good for us to see other people and actually live a little before settling down.

this song really represents the mixture of regrets and sadness and things that i felt after we broke up. i thought it was the right thing, but then in my heart i thought he was the one for me, why am i doing this? there is no 'right time' for any relationship, why was i pretending there was? and i didn't need to see other people, i knew i just needed to be with him. we said we could give it another shot when we graduated, and while i'll only be 20 he's doing an MA so will be 23, so i guess that makes me link this song to him as well. i try seeing other people but the truth is no one else will have me like he does.

i think/hope we both have it in the back of our minds that we should be together, and we're both thinking "don't give away the end, the one thing that stays mine" because we want to wind up together. i guess this song sort of sums up having the courage and energy to just say "i love you, let's do this NOW".

Ben Harper – Walk Away Lyrics 17 years ago
Twice now, my heart really has broken. I've never been dumped, but twice my long term relationship has ended, mutually, because of university distance making it all not work out. Twice, the person has been my best friend as well as boyfriend, and I've been desperate to remain friends. The first guy couldn't handle it and just cut all contact. He was my first love and I remember like it was yesterday the pain of trying to just let it go, but I kept perservering with him, to no avail. He sent me a blank email with this song, and i listened to it every day and just sat and cried. I eventually did manage to walk away.

Now, it's all happened again. We love each other so much, and I can just totally identify with every single word of this song. I always thought maybe we could be together one day in the distant future, and even though I'm trying things with someone else, we were trying to "walk in the same direction so that we could never stray". He told me of his plans to move to the other side of the world once he graduates, and I finally realised: I can't do this. I can't just be friends. I need to set him free. The pain has never been greater, it just stays raw doesn't it, it's so hard.

I rarely cry, but I put this song on every so often on repeat and just cry my eyes out. I love how the simple repetitive guitar has a kind of walking rhythm, persevering with every repetitive and painful day, never looking back.

Funeral for a Friend – Streetcar Lyrics 17 years ago
i always remember listening to this when my long distance relationship with my boyfriend was ending. although it was mutual, it was like we just couldn't feel the same about each other anymore. the phone call would make sense as that was our main means of communication, and also how we ended it. we both went long distance because of uni, and he had this new life and new friends and new confidence, and i just wasn't a part of that. definitely hits a nerve, especially as it was "just like i said it would be".

Fuel – Hemorrhage (In My Hands) Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is just amazing. there are many different interpretations, but regardless, the way it conveys the desperation and the pain of love is what makes it so perfect.

David Gray – Say Hello Wave Goodbye Lyrics 17 years ago
I am really not a David Gray fan but I do love this song. Shame it's a cover though. Anyway, I agree with the interpretation that it's about his relationship with a prostitute that's ended. He seems bitter about it but knows it was never what he wanted really. But also, I love this because all the feelings can be applied to a relationship where you both knew it was never going to work, but you end up getting hurt anyway, and that bitterness/frustration you feel because you KNEW that was what would happen.

Sister Hazel – Killing Me Too Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with all the other comments here. A couple who can't be together anymore, and it's killing them both. He wants so much to be with her, or just to be close to her, but he can't.

Sister Hazel – Best I'll Ever Be Lyrics 17 years ago
A relationship that's broken up for some reason, and the girl's not around anymore/isn't talking to him. The guy can't stop thinking through their relationship and wondering if it ever gets any better than that, if that girl didn't make him the best he'll ever be. He's waiting for her to come back to him but he knows it's not going to happen for whatever reason, so it's just him and his memories. My ex sent me this and a few other songs on the album - we broke up when we went to university - and this song made me cry so much when I first heard it. I guess just because it reminds me of the young love that we had (us lying on the grass in the summer after school and talking about how we'd be together forever) and I do wonder if anyone can ever make me feel how he did.

Just Jack – Starz In Their Eyes Lyrics 17 years ago
I think it's about the current culture of the instant celebrity - particularly shows like x factor and things. They build up people's hopes and make people achieve their dreams of being famous, but it's not all it's cracked up to be, and soon enough they'll be nobodies again. Quite a happy sounding song considering the message, but I like it!

Angela Ammons – Always Getting Over You Lyrics 17 years ago
about a person you know you're not meant to be with, who never understood you, who messed you around, but you'll never entirely get over.

Our Lady Peace – Made Of Steel Lyrics 17 years ago
as everyone's said, it's a guy singing about his unconditional support for his friend/girlfriend. it seems to allude to suicide, but either way he is saying while he's not a hero he will do absolutely everything he can to support her. he'll be there for her, stick up for her, and keep her secret. to me what he's doing for her is what true love is, and that's what makes it so beautiful.

Brigade – Magneto Lyrics 17 years ago
forgot to add that this is the song that got me (and many others no doubt) into brigade in the first place. i'm sure so many people can relate to these lyrics, or at least that moment of realisation that you don't understand your partner, never have and never will. brilliant choice to kick off the album!

Brigade – Magneto Lyrics 17 years ago
realising that you don't actually care about your relationship. your partner is going on at you and things are continuing as normal, but you can't be bothered with it any more. it's an acceptance that things won't work out, and a plea to just end it and move on, without the blame or pain.

Brigade – I'll Be Your Emergency Lyrics 17 years ago
i absolutely love this song! i'm not exactly sure of the meaning except that it's about a relationship that's just falling apart, and coming to terms with that. he's desperately clinging onto it but he knows that she won't be his. the 'i'll be your emergency' in the background gets me every time. my fave song on the album i think. beautiful.

Placebo – Space Monkey Lyrics 17 years ago
i love this song, definitely one of my favourites on meds. i, like most people who've commented, see the enormously sexual element to this song. everything from the lyrics to the sound of brian's voice and the way the rhythm is kind of slow and deliberate...erotic. however, not only does it seem to describe a sexual encounter, but there's a parallel with an experience with drugs. the 'lying in a rocket to a planet of sound' and 'raising the temperature' could be the high and the excitement (or a literal raise in temperature) that the drug gives him. they're 'sewn together' because of his addiction (or sown for the sexual interpretation), and 'she's born to mesmer' because the result is mesmerising. but then, with drugs there's the comedown which he is wishing wouldn't happen ('don't let me down like you let me down before').
so basically, sex and drugs!

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