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Damien Jurado – Best Dress Lyrics 13 years ago
Til the darkest dawn
no price I wouldn't pay

Damien Jurado – Coats Of Ice Lyrics 13 years ago
I know this is absurd, but I always think it's about R.E.M. I know from twitter posts that he once hung out with Peter Buck, but...any other link is tenuous at best. It just, for some reason, always reminds me of R.E.M. Probably these lines: 'They're making requests / For songs that you never play.' To be honest, I don't actually think it's about R.E.M.; it's just what comes to mind.

Also, I think, if this song is meant to be about Jurado himself, it's a bit like Predictive Living thematically.

All I know is he's my favorite singer/songwriter and I love this song.

Philip Price – A Tall Man Lyrics 13 years ago
"Solo on rooftops" should be "saw only rooftops." Sorry.

Mat Kearney – Chicago Lyrics 13 years ago
It's a pretty song. I have nothing to add about the meaning in particular, but, in reference to the bit about Cincinnati, it's Over The Rhine...a district in the city named in reference to the Rhine River in Germany. It was named because people once had to cross a waterway to get into it...that waterway is gone, but Over The Rhine is still there and it's interesting in the sense that it's another reference to water.

Laura Gibson – Funeral Song Lyrics 15 years ago
"Well if I could stretch my years"

Dar Williams – Teen For God Lyrics 15 years ago
Peace Branch Horse and Bible Camp

Damien Jurado – Tragedy Lyrics 15 years ago
"[Girl that] I've been leading" should be "girl, the life you're leading"

Damien Jurado – White Center Lyrics 15 years ago
It's also "Tonight they gather flowers."

Damien Jurado – Medication Lyrics 15 years ago
"He's known to spot danger
And all kinds of liars"

R.E.M. – Tongue Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm with el_h here on most every point--especially dealing with Stipe's sexuality. It really doesn't matter.

In the past Stipe has said that his lyrics don't really make linear sense...and that the songs are for listening. I gave up trying to make exact sense of the songs years ago, but I listen and by doing so I think I get a pretty good feeling what is going on in each individual song.

For me, this one is about a lowering of standards. Also, I don't think that the girl's ugliness means that she thinks she's ugly or has a low self esteem. I mean...the whole world could think she's ugly but she's a-okay with herself, even if she knows other people think she's ugly. But...yeah, just saying.

Supersuckers – Born With A Tail Lyrics 16 years ago
"I got the goods
Brother bring it on
My mother done brought me up wrong
And you can use my dick
As a walkin’ stick as well"

I love the swagger of these lines.

Turbonegro – Are You Ready (for Some Darkness) Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, these lyrics are a complete and utter mess.

Damien Jurado – Ghost Of David Lyrics 16 years ago
*ps: but it does sound like Anna.

Damien Jurado – Ghost Of David Lyrics 16 years ago
I'd read that this song is about David Bazan, but I also read it was to/about/for David Bazan's mother; not his wife. So I always thought the line was "And I've seen the ghost of David..."

Damien Jurado – Ohio Lyrics 16 years ago
I grew up in the Cincinnati, Ohio area and moved to Chicago when I was in my 20s. I found I had to move back home to Ohio to help with some family issues at the same time I first heard this song. At that point, Jurado was already my very favorite, but it's things like this that cement my love of his music/lyrics.

Damien Jurado – Denton, TX Lyrics 16 years ago
Man, this is probably my all-time favorite song. I can listen to it over and over. It so very much reminds me of the relationship I have with my father whenever I hear 'She has a dad she doesn't know
Who sends her letters with no return address...
"I don't know his name..."
"He don't know my face..."
"I am better off this way..."'

But the whole song is sad and beautiful. "She walked in with sadness in her eyes
I could tell she'd been sleeping with the stars" gets me everytime.

Elliott Smith – Pitseleh Lyrics 16 years ago
This song has always brought suicide to mind for me. And while I can see it sort of referencing failed love, I see it more as a kind of love that he could never really make happen--for whatever reason--than one that happened and failed. I don't see the long lost lover, etc.

I do have to say that I completely agreed with whomever referenced the power in the lines "I'm so angry, I don't think it'll ever pass." They aren't necessarily the most important words in the song, to my way of thinking, but they do pack a lot of power.

Clem Snide – Action Lyrics 18 years ago
One listen to this song will hook you....well it did me. I think it's a nice mix of sweetness and sex.

R.E.M. – 9-9 Lyrics 18 years ago
I've never had any idea what this song is about...but I've always celebrated September 9th as R.E.M. day. It's my own personal holiday.

The Blow – Come on Petunia Lyrics 18 years ago
I also like this much better thatn The Police.

Joseph Arthur – Good About Me Lyrics 18 years ago
"When they ask you what's your church
You say I dance
When they say whatever happened to you
You say I never had a chance
I'm an open book
Come in take a look at me"

That part has certainly become my theme. But then Joseph Arthur blows my mind.

R.E.M. – I Believe Lyrics 18 years ago
This is the song I always listened to before I took any test--in high school, in college, learning to drive, et c. Or before any job interview. Something in this song always made me braver.

Dar Williams – Iowa (Traveling III) Lyrics 18 years ago
This is one of my all time favorite songs for so many reasons. The idea of going to any limit for your heart really touches me. The idea that love is so fragile and painful and beautiful touches me.

I once made a trip from Cincinnati to Omaha and the first day of the trip was horrible--all flat and farms that looked the same. Beautiful in their own right as they may have been, it got a little boring. And then I hit Iowa and it was hilly and green and curvy and I remember being so moved by it's beauty. Iowa was my favorite part of the whole trip.

Sometimes it feels like my whole life is about running...not necessarily away, but all the meaning in my life is mapped out in distance and given names like Dallas and Athens and especially Chicago...and sometimes this song just feels like getting past all of that, all of the past and all of the heartache and making it to somewhere beautiful.

I might not be there and maybe I'm still the same girl who'd go to any length for boys I shouldn't. And maybe I'll never learn. But it still feels good to hear this song and be somewhere else for a moment.

Dar Williams – When I Was a Boy Lyrics 18 years ago
It's funny because I've always called this song "Autobiographical Song #1." (Precious Things by Tori Amos is #2.) I never imagined other people identified with it too...

Lucero – Wandering Star Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song's one of my favorites. But what I think about most is that I once sang it to John, the bass player, for Lucero. I hadn't intended to and I wasn't trying to audition. It was just after my first Lucero show and John asked me what I was going to be doing and I quoted the song...because it was very much true and fitting. The song means more to me than that, but that's what comes to mind.

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