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David Bowie – Ziggy Stardust Lyrics 14 years ago
It's definitely the Clockwork Orange thing, he uses quite a few words from that book in the album. Interesting take on it though all the same, thinking outside the box is great.

Gang of Four – Glass Lyrics 16 years ago
I think this one's about living like sedated, and never really doing anything important because it's too hard. Looking through a window watching the world, talking about things but not actually doing anything about them.

David Bowie – The Man Who Sold the World Lyrics 16 years ago
dthetree, only part of the poem you posted is Antigonish, that is:
As I was walking up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there;
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish he'd stay away

There's tons of varied wordings, but this is supposed to be the closest to the original.

David Bowie – All the Young Dudes Lyrics 16 years ago
T.Rex is the band that Marc Bolan sang for back in the 70's. They were popular for being a glam-rock band.

The Cure – Friday I'm in Love Lyrics 16 years ago
myncknm, this response is a little late, but there are plenty of Cure songs with sexual references. They don't just write romantic songs. Hot Hot Hot!! is about sex. If you read the lyrics to A Man Inside My Mouth, it's more than obvious what that song is about. Also, I Just Need Myself is about using someone for sex. To name a few.

Gary Numan – The Machman Lyrics 16 years ago
"The tape is a circle/But who really cares" is a reference to Mercerism and fusing from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Numan based his own story of Replicas heavily on the book and there are a lot of allusions all over the album to Do Androids Dream.

Bad Religion – Evangeline Lyrics 16 years ago
To defend the line, I think it does fit into the song well. It's a little different sounding, but it fits in still. I like it.

Not that the interpretation above is bad too, it's certainly an interesting take on it, but taken into account the previous lines, it has the straightforward meaning too of 'this could be it.' You act sure but feel uncertain because you could be wrong and this could be your last chance.

David Bowie – Ziggy Stardust Lyrics 17 years ago
There's another Clockwork Orange reference on the album in this song. Nazz is a Nadsat word for fool.

Gang of Four – I Found That Essence Rare Lyrics 17 years ago
"She doesn't think so but she's dressed for the H-Bomb" is one of my favorite song lyrics.

To me the lyrics are kind of self explanatory, like WarAgainstBoys though I'd have a hard time explaining it. The closest I can get is to say it's more or less about a distorted view of entertainment and real issues. Like the line between real life and the media.

Pixies – Where Is My Mind? Lyrics 17 years ago
This song ended Fight Club perfectly. I can't think of a better song for that movie.

Gang of Four – Natural's Not In It Lyrics 17 years ago
When I saw Marie Antoinette, this started playing in the very beginning and I literally checked to make sure I was in the right movie.

I love this song, it was the first G4 song I ever heard and Entertainment! is definitely one of the best albums I've ever heard. What's funny about this song is that it is nothing like any of the other songs on the album. I would definitely call it the most different. It still has the classic G4 element though of constant repetition of one line.

It was actually a good song choice for Marie Antoinette because of it's lyrics. What I get from it, is that it's looking at people who have the good life and all the time in the world and no idea how to spend it. People who are in the public eye and a look their private lives. And how often people like this turn to the more sinful indulgences to take up their time (fornication makes you happy), but we only hear about it more with them because they are famous and being watched. It's almost an exagerated look at our own lives.

And they dream of having the perfect life, which people think they can achieve through money. I think "The body is good business" in relation to "Economic circumstances" though alludes to the relationship between sex appeal and power that there is in society, two subjects which can often seem mutually exclusive. How people who have the body for it, use it to gain power (why is Pamela Anderson so famous?), and people who have the power use it to get things they normally could never have (why does Hugh Heffner have so many gorgeous young girls with him all the time?). "We all have good intentions/But all with strings attached" is a criticism towards both ends of that sex/power spectrum.
The singer concludes of this system: "This heaven gives me migraine." That's his sarcastic way of saying that such a 'perfect life' isn't worth it.

The title means, there is nothing natural about the way these people live their lives, there's no escape from society for them. Also these people can indulge in whatever they want (a market of the senses) and this is both too overwhelming and separates them from the way regular people live.

"The problem of leisure/What to do for pleasure" is a way of saying that having too much time can be a really bad thing. Look at the way celebrities spend their time and their money just because they have nothing else to do with it.

"Coercion of the senses/We are not so gullible/Our great expectations/A future for the good" I think more or less is a way of someone trying to say that they aren't like the rest and they can't be seduced by such indulgences, they're going to be better than that. It might also be pointing out the way normal people criticize celebrities, like they wouldn't be so susceptable to that seduction if they were that famous. The next lines though are 'Fornication makes you happy/No escape from society.' No escape from society has a double meaning in this context. Meaning, sex makes you happy just like everyone else, you are a product of your society and subject to the same evils we are whether you like it or not. But also it's talking about how these people, famous people, virtually never get a moment alone.

The line 'Sell out, maintain the interest' has to do with the fact that even as much as this life isn't good for these people, they go to great lengths to keep it. They will sell out to maintain the interest. This is why the Lot's wife comment is relevant as well. Lot's wife looked back on everything she was leaving behind and the angel had warned against this. Even living in a place that was being destroyed and corrupt, she looked back, wanting to keep her life. This furthers the idea that G4 are pointing out the love these people have for the chaos, they know their lives aren't the best way to stay happy, but it's hard for them to stop living that way.

In short I think this song is a look at how most people in the public eye live the most imperfect lives, and I think it's sort of a thought process behind their actions.

Sorry if this is a bit long winded and disorganized. And perhaps I'm wrong about the whole thing, who's to say. Enjoy.

Gang of Four – Contract Lyrics 17 years ago
Or two people who really do love each other but for some reasons are having serious problems in their sex lives that they can't control.

Gang of Four – Contract Lyrics 17 years ago
It sounds like one of those marriages that are sexless and unhappy but look perfect on the surface. Two people who married for the wrong reasons and now the speaker is asking if this is the way marriage really is or is there something wrong with this one.

The Cure – Stop Dead Lyrics 17 years ago
"Before you even opened your eyes
I moved about a million ways
I killed about a million people
And filled about half a day
Before you even opened your eyes
You had to have to ask me who
I love it...
I mean you..."

I think that has something to do about cheating on someone. I'm not sure but I can see it meaning that before she'd even realized he'd gone astray he'd cheated with a ton of people.

The Vines – Ride Lyrics 17 years ago
I could really see this song being about sex. Not that that was their intention but I could definitely see it.

Like "That's the start, the middle, and the end/Aren't you glad the universe pretend" could be the feeling after not very satisfying sex. Like when the girl didn't 'achieve her goal' heh. And the second line could be like if it was from a one night stand, saying like, at least neither of us had anything really emotionally invested in that being anything special.

"If I don't get this message home/Once again, I'm gonna hate alone" I think this part could be like someone saying, if that sex wasn't so great, if you didn't finish, it'll be one more time your laying there disappointed.

Obviously "Ride with me" would be having sex. And then "Ride with me home" would refer to having some damn good sex where both parties are satisfied.

"Bored aloud, ignore the right to be" Would be the girl faking it, even though she shouldn't.
I'd think "Invite me down because we like to see/The colors through your loaded mind/Fuck the world and liberate our time" would be some sort of allusion to oral sex.

And then finally I think "I'm not waiting a long life/I'm not waiting alone" would be like the person saying like, if you can't give me what I want, that is sex, when I want it, then I'll just find someone who can.

I know that that is kind of a stretch but I always think of this song like that when I listen to it and I've spent a long time analyzing it for that.

Elliott Smith – Needle in the Hay Lyrics 17 years ago
The was like the perfect songs for the scene with Richie in The Royal Tenenbaums...every time I hear this song it puts me in this weird kind of mellow, almost depressed and reflective mood. Great song.

The Offspring – (Can't Get My) Head Around You Lyrics 17 years ago
I think its about a manipulative girl who uses a guy who was really into her and he took it for a while but now he's just flat out telling her she has problems that even he knows he could never solve. He's realized before plenty of times that he needs to get away from her (somewhere in the night, there's a light/In front of me) and he's trying not to get wrapped up in her manipulation again, because if he does he knows she'll manage to bring him down with her. And she always wins while this pattern repeats itself (I fall in the river of you/You manage to bring me down too).

And shes just getting more and more tangled up in her lies (The cut‘s getting deeper/The hill‘s getting steeper). And its that whole concept of self loathing, like she hates the way she is (theres a hole you don't wanna see) so she uses guys to make herself feel better (You‘re covering it up, like a cut/With the likes of me)

I think this is like him saying that he's finally done, he just gives up on her. And he can never understand why she has to be this way.

The Cure – The Lovecats Lyrics 17 years ago
FallenPetal, I agree. Its very much like Just Like Heaven where the sound just makes you happy and dancey but the meaning is much more depressing than it seems. (Just Like Heaven being about losing a person who loves you because you didn't think you loved them until they were gone and you realize that all along you did)

The Presidents of the United States of America – Cleveland Rocks Lyrics 18 years ago
Its not by Cheap Trick, its by Ian Hunter (lead singer of Mott the Hoople) and the original is a lot better than the cover. Also, the lyrics to this are right, the cover just changed a few words. PUSA does that with a lot of they're covers, change a few words.

David Bowie – All the Young Dudes Lyrics 18 years ago
marcevan, where did you get this infomation from?
Every Bowie fan knows that David wrote this and then let Mott the Hoople sing it...he didn't get to cover it cus its his song. He was originally gonna give them Suffragette City, but they refused it, so he gave them All the Young Dudes instead. The "correct" lyrics are still David's, and also, different from the correct lyrics of this version in a few ways

Third Eye Blind – Jumper Lyrics 18 years ago
"The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain
You know you don't belong
You're the first to fight, your way to loud
You're the flash of light on a burial shroud
I know something's wrong"

Those lines remind me a lot of a person in my family, and also one of my friends. I just recently found out that the guy in my family used to get beat up a lot in middle school and he wouldn't tell his mom. But hes always really angry and 'the first to fight', and he always feels like he doesn't belong. And they say the angry boy a bit too insane, icing over a secret pain....that really reminds me of him just because of how long it was before his mom found out and he was suffering in silence cus they made him feel like being different was so horrible. And for a long time he had a lot of anger and resentment towards people.

Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh ok, you just made it sound like the two went hand in hand and that bothered me.

Sorry I got mad too about the album collection this, I just don't like to be told I'm not open. If anything bothers me the most, its that.

Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance Lyrics 18 years ago
KissFromARose, I never trashed those bands, what I said was they are disposable. Did you not notice me say as much as I love AFI? And who says I don't like My Chemical Romance, I listen to them quite often. All I said was that you can't include those bands in a foundation of music to start listening to. They're too new and as of now, disposable.

And I am extremely open about the music I listen to...and you've never even seen my album collection ok so don't tell me I'm narrow minded about music. I am not at all in any way the kind of person who discriminates music I like by popularity or just listens to one genre.
And I do not generalize from the one good song, I've listened to the albums of most of those bands before I make a decision on them. Since when is at least one song the same as just one song? I only said that because for like two of them I have only heard one or two songs.

By the way I don't even listen to a lot of the bands T-CAP75 mentioned very often.

How is it so impossible for someone to like Pearl Jam and My Chemical Romance? Are they strapped to each other or something?

Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow KissFromARose, I must have balls.

I seriously seriously hope for your sake you were being sarcastic. All those bands you named, save Bon Jovi, (and as much as I love AFI) you just named a bunch of disposable bands who didn't even have a glimpse of fame before the last 3 years. The bands T-CAP75 named are classic bands. They've been around for years and are the staple in any rock fan's diet. You on the other hand just gave us a list of your favorite bands...either that or a list of the last 9 bands to play on VH1. And yes I have heard at least one song by all of those bands except the last one and Lostprophets.

Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance Lyrics 18 years ago
All that being said I'll post the comment I came here to post in the first place:

This is actually a catchy song, as much as I hate FOB, I love to sing to this song.

And whoever it was that said they ripped off Other Voices ~ The Cure for the baseline in the beginning is completely right. It was funny that they said that since the original reason I came to post was to mention how similar the beginning of this song sounds to Close To Me ~ The Cure...thats all I could think the first time I heard it. Its not exact but its very much the same. And it goes the same pace as Close To Me also. But the baseline is exactly the same as Other Voices...go listen for yourself if you don't believe me and the original person who noticed that.

Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance Lyrics 18 years ago
Ok first off...whoevr r typng liek dis...You need to grow up and learn that that kind of typing in forums only makes you look like a dumb idiot. And don't sit there telling me that its the internet and its all ok. Chatspeak was invented when you were in chats and crunched for time. Forums aren't live like chats so theres no reason that you wouldn't have time to clean up your responses.

Second off...I do agree completely that Fall Out Boy is completely a fad and that MTV overplays the bad crap until people are brainwashed into liking it...but come on...its been happening that way for ages. Look at the 80s, the most popular songs that came out of that era were just overplayed until people like them. And you know, most people who follow these fad bands only know like 4 of their songs. And its always just their singles. But then again thats the same for a lot of bands.

And speaking of fads...haven't you noticed that you can't tell the guys apart from a lot of the bands you see at 4 AM on VH1. I like to think of this music as emo punk because its very upbeat like a lot of punk rock is, but the guys look really emo and they lyrics are emo. Oh and for all the little fangirls who check these comments regularly...don't start screaming at me because I'm stereotyping emo. Remember, that doesn't mean that I hate it.

Also I don't understand why you people come here to comment on something you hate. I know it can make people mad that this stuff is so popular today, but your not changing anyone's mind. Especially when all you say is like "Fall Out Boy is crap and will never be half of what Nirvana is" (I'm generalizing that so whoever was talking about Nirvana don't yell at me)

And my final point is....Why do you care so much whether a band sold out or whos just a fad? If you like the song then listen to it. If you don't then don't. I'm so sick of people refusing to listen to bands because they're popular. You do realize that if great bands didn't get popular then they might not have made half the stuff they did. And I'm not talking just today, I'm talking about any band. Like even Nirvana...sure they were once unknown...but then they got popular. And if they hadn't then I'm sure way more than half of you would have no idea who they are. All I'm trying to say is that popularity isn't a bad thing, and listen to the songs you like because you like them not because of the band or their popularity.

Josie And The Pussycats – You're A Star Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this songs about being famous and just forgetting about being under the constant watch of the public eye and just being who you are.

Nickelback – Someone That You're With Lyrics 18 years ago
I feel like this songs my anthem right now

The guitar in this song is absolutely amazing, it blew me away the first time I heard it

"And I can talk about it all day long
‘til I run out of breath
But I still wanna be that
someone that you’re with"

I love those lines, cus if you've experianced this type of situation they're so true

Josie And The Pussycats – Come On Lyrics 18 years ago
To me this song sounds like its about a girl who just wants to use a guy for sex and a good time, not a relationship.

Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out Lyrics 18 years ago
This is a little late to say, but you people who think MTV is the devil, your missing out on some of the greatest music ever. No one should ever discriminate against songs because they're popular, if you do then you miss out on songs with great beats and good lyrics. And please educate yourself in pop music. Some of the greatest bands ever would not have gotten far from underground without MTV and other 'mainstream' sources. You don't realize it but a lot of popular songs from the 80s and 90s are only popular because they were played by those sources. Where would Nirvana be without MTV? Depeche Mode? Madonna? Plus you'd never meet anyone who is a fan of your fave bands because they're all underground. There'd be no band merchandise because theres no company's out there who've heard of them, and the second they do, the band has sold out to you, and you refuse to listen to their songs. You yourself are a sell out for underground bands and you miss out. So all in all, listen to what YOU like, don't base your likes on popularity...

Green Day – Jesus of Suburbia Lyrics 18 years ago
wag, don't forget The Hearts Filthy Lesson and Strangers When We Meet (Both by David Bowie). Bayer did both those vids and they're amazing. I agree, Bayer is the best music video director ever. Him and Floria Sigismondi are amazing.

Sublime – Caress Me Down Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh by the way bati means fag or faggot, either way

Sublime – Caress Me Down Lyrics 18 years ago
Ummm....Callsign....if your referring to Brad, he didn't have a baby daughter, he had a baby son

Even so, hes not referring to his own daughter in the song, like everyone else said, hes referring to their daughter. Cus he said I got what you need, a pretty little daughter that we call Mixie...hes saying that hes with their daughter

Gary Numan – Are 'Friends' Electric? Lyrics 18 years ago
Ladylizzie, the Machmen weren't the machines, the machines were totally different. Friends were rented robots who were used to entertain, and the machmen were a race of robot/human types living amongst the humans in Replicas.

Gary Numan – Down In The Park Lyrics 18 years ago
Ugh, it makes me so mad everyone thinks that this is a Gary Numan song from when he became a solo artist. He was in a band called Tubeway Army when they made it. Its on a Tubeway Army album called Replicas. No disrespect to Gary, I mean I love him, but its just a thing that bugs me a lot.

MrLongrove is right, this is based on an unfinished novel Gary wrote when he was younger, I believe the place was called Replicas and the machines were the government. The machmen were kinda like robots livng among humans. The 'friends' referred to in Are 'Friends' Electric and Me! I Disconnect From You were also kinda like robots, but they were rented (or something like that) by people and used to entertain. The Crazies were the few remaining humans left in Replicas, they lived underground.

Thats all I can really remember without rereading the album sleeve....

Marilyn Manson – Down In The Park Lyrics 18 years ago
Best Tubeway Army song ever....well actually I dunno a lot off Replicas was great though. Gary Numan is truly talented and this was an amazing cover on Manson's part.

Green Day – Jesus of Suburbia Lyrics 18 years ago
This song always reminds me of a friend of mine....abused household type deal.

I love the lines "Everyone is so full of shit/Born and raised by hypocrites/Hearts recycled but never saved/From the cradles to the grave". I mean, if you live in a town like I do, filled with arrogant asshole hypocrites, those lines basically define it.

Also the lines "The motto was just a lie/It says "home is were your heart is"/But what a shame/Cause everyone's heart /Doesn't beat the same"
They're so prophetic and so true. I mean, if you grow up in a shithole, that motto really sucks to hear. I love that they say that.

Marilyn Manson – Vodevil Lyrics 18 years ago
Holy crap, you just solved a huge mystery for me. I knew that Vodevil meant the one that you mentioned. And I've been trying to look it up forever but I had no idea how to spell it. THANK YOU!

David Bowie – Diamond Dogs Lyrics 18 years ago
No your right he did, he did that pretty much for the whole album actually...its not like when you do cut ups though, you just use what appears. You gotta work it into a song.

Sublime – Same In The End Lyrics 18 years ago
Weezely88, Its not that he was raised by his mother but his father beat their family and he was devoted to his mother. Thats usually how it goes for sons in abused households anyway, so its not unusual.
And also, if you think thats the only reason Hitler hated jews then you don't know very much about Hitler or human society. You don't start to hate a whole race for one simple reason. Aside from already being a racist, he noticed that where he lived in Germany when he was older, the Jews were very prosperous and were always the upper class. He thought that they were robbing everyone else of good careers and they monopolized fields that took intelligence. He hated that they preserved their religions too.
From a book I read once too, there was a story about his aspiring artist days. It said he was also trying to get into art school, and after many applications, finally they told him to stop applying. He was angry and he associated the people who run the schools with arrogant jews.

Next time you try to flame someone, get all your facts straight.

Sublime – Wrong Way Lyrics 18 years ago
This song reminds me of Come Out and Play (Keep Em Separated) by the Offspring because its so fun and upbeat, but the song topic is pretty serious.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned sooner the connection to Taxi Driver. It is though, as others have pointed out, exactly like it but he actually does something with the girl. The first time I heard this song, my mind immediately went to that movie.

It is a great Sublime song, I wish it was longer though.

The Cure – Alt.End Lyrics 18 years ago
This is the perfect break up song, if you listen to the lyrics it really does sound like someone telling their lover that they have fallen out of love:
"No this is not about running out on you
Not a case of right or wrong
It's only that it's over and done for me
It's already been and gone"

and that the relationship has left them emotionally drained:
"And I don't want another go around - I don't want to start again
No I don't want another go around - I want this to be the end "

I always thought the six billion beautiful faces referred to the human population, because the usual rounded estimate these days is about 6.5 billion. Plus he says that its a big bright beautiful world out there. So six billion people in the world.

Marilyn Manson – Ka-Boom Ka-Boom Lyrics 18 years ago
Ha this is my favorite "love" song. One of the best off the album.

One thing I noticed while listening to my headphones in the hallways at school, with all the noise in the background, the undertrack of this song sounds a lot like Antichrist Superstar's.

David Bowie – Cracked Actor Lyrics 18 years ago
The theme of this song is fairly obvious :D. I agree Krtski, its definately one of David's best rock and roll songs. I love the very beginning.

Marilyn Manson – Vodevil Lyrics 18 years ago
Icarus is right. The first time I heard the chorus to this song I thought it definately was purposely like Cracked Actor.

Vodevil: Kiss baby kiss
Bang baby bang
Suck baby suck

Cracked Actor: Crack baby crack
Show me your real
Smack baby smack
Is all that you feel
Suck baby suck
Give me your head
Before you start professing
That you're knocking me dead

David Bowie – Rock 'n' Roll Suicide Lyrics 18 years ago
Ha, some of you need to turn your sarcasm detectors on.

Akasha: Lady Stardust was a guy.

During David's tour back in the seventies, he wasn't eating and using questionable substances, he passed out during a concert right at the end of this song.

David Bowie – TVC 15 Lyrics 18 years ago
Oh I remember reading that too, this songs kinda like I am the Walrus, only the writer could tell us what it really means.

Not that I am the Walrus was supposed to make sense. :D

David Bowie – Black Tie White Noise Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm a die hard Bowie fan and even I can admit this song sucked.

David Bowie – D.J. Lyrics 18 years ago
Actually I read in a book once that this song is called DJ not only because of DJ's but also from his initials, so yes. David Jones.

David Bowie – Diamond Dogs Lyrics 18 years ago
By the way scimitar, the dancers thing was just for the movie, I think the diamond dogs were creatures who were like the scum that creeped out at night in the darkness of a corrupted city. Based on Future Legend and Diamond Dogs.

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