rathyrye's Mixtapes

Tape Songs Comments
Altered States
yeah... ;)
2 0
Cain't sit still now!
Songs that make me move and feel sexy. Some of these would be on my list of songs I would dance to if I happened to be a stripper, lol.
24 0
Good to sing with kids
2 0
New Love, Deep Hope
Possibility, perhaps farfetched. Not farfetched regarding shared feelings, but from difficult, let's say, logistics. But oh, the feelings ru...
11 8
Rise Up With Fists, etc
Inspiration and motivation to remain true to myself, strong, and beautiful despite a decade of heartbreak, betrayal, and tragedy.
21 0
Rock Bottom: Empathy
2 0
2 0
True Dat
Songs I find beyond profound; songs that move me deeply.
3 0