
Featured Mixtape
songs to chill out to
Tape Songs Comments Author
Asexual Playlist
15 13 NChoir
The Death Of Me
the shit id like to die too
10 172 gogogirl
songs to calm you down
14 46 guyswithrecordcollections
Songs brilliantly fit into movie soundtracks
These songs, in the movies they are featured in, were brilliantly chosen. In my opinion, they are absolutely perfect, almost haunting, place...
8 49 kaotic73
The worst songs of 2010.
God, music really got pretty horrible last year, didn't it? Here are the worst songs of 2010.
21 42 NeverXMind
Kickass Love Songs
Play this to your girl, and you're guaranteed to get laid.
20 34 Archangel717
d jamz 1
song hits
0 44 dlyb48
Let me know what you think it's missing
I am making this playlist to give to a girl and want feedback
16 20 salvatorevalestra
The Dark Side of the Moon
my favorite Pink Floyd album. it's deep & meaningful...
10 19 moonshadowbird396
Songs to Fall Asleep To
These are the songs I usually listen to when I'm lying in bed late at night trying to fall asleep.
9 25 rosiepeverell
The War Of Justice
Songs about fighiting for thruth and justice
3 32 netedco
Time to tell or will tell:)
What are the benefits? Yeah, that's crossed my mind. I don't know. I don't know, he's just always been there, and you just fell ignored f...
3 days of peace and music...it ain't for the wood stackers or the wood stalkers...ohh and i would totally be in the crowd...believe me!!!
28 26 moonshadowbird396
Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd..a tribute to former band member Syd Barrett.
5 29 moonshadowbird396
Just listen
This mixed tape is basically about me. All these songs are exactly what i feel. This mixed tape is about what or who I want, and what Im goi...
0 26 amimichal84
12 26 Injera
Songs That I Love
Most of these are also critically acclaimed. If you listen, you'll know why.
12 24 ftwmusic
25 20 cmonpilgrim
13 11 Orionya
Really Good Love Songs! Volume 1
Perfect love songs for that special someone!
21 17 Audi0bl00d
is it always this dark?
songs that sound nice when you've stayed up all night thinking about dumb crap
12 19 redlightgreenlight123
High School Flashback
Songs from my time in high school, 2002-2006
15 12 Nataliexo
Heisawoman Song Mix
2 13 heisawoman
People Don't Change Blues
change people don't change when you want them to....oh change people don't change, you still got a lotta drugs to do!! oh change people don...
1 13 moonshadowbird396
heart. aches.
songs that remind you of your failed relationships
22 8 lunaleen