artslut's Mixtapes

Tape Songs Comments
a good day to hide
a mixtape for hermit crabs
14 0
blues for daddy
I know you didn't want me. It's cool man, I don't blame you. I don't even have anything (much) against you. Although my life would be a lot ...
21 0
This mixtape took me fucking forever.
23 1
health food
Self-pity! Self-loathing! General discontent!
25 5
for a girl I know
17 0
the formative years
Just got back in touch with a friend I've not spoken to in fifteen years. Our friendship lasted only a short time, but it was intensely clo...
17 0
dance dance dance dance dance to the radio
10 0
...and those who invite them in.
21 2
when does the light come shining through?
10 3