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Captain Anarchy Lyrics


He says that for the punk rock scene he'd give his fucking life
But he's only ever paid to see a show once maybe twice
Instead he stands outside the halls and pan handles for beer
Then sneaks into the hall to deface the bathroom mirror

A-N-A-R-C-H-Y...his name is "Captain Anarchy," but only in his mind
A-N-A-R-C-H-Y...so punk that he's a poser and he'll be one till he dies

You never saw an anarchist with such perfect hair
Or so many ten dollar spikes, or so much punk rock gear
He said he used his welfare checks to buy his boots and plaids
In reality it was all paid for by his mom and by his dad

A-N-A-R-C-H-Y...his name is "Captain Anarchy," but only in his mind
A-N-A-R-C-H-Y...he's anarchy incarnate but only in his (mind)

You know he just can't see Oi! Oi! Oi!
It's up to you and me * * *
I don't want to be * * *
Fighting, let's stride for...SOME UNITY!
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63 Meanings

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Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

this song is about those people that dress all punk such as those referred to in the other anti-flag song Punk By the Book. this song is trying to say how these "punks" get way to into the scene and totally misinterpret it and make punk seem like a total nazi-fied violent type of image

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag


Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

i heart this song... it's all about posuers that think that they know what anarchy is... ANARCHY IS BULLSHIT... think of something that is not make-believe to trust in.

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

punk in drublic says... Anarchy is not bullshit.

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

punk in drublic says.. What the hell? Who are you to say what's make believe and not? I could go for hours dissing christians and all other religions but I don't because I have some respect for the people who believe in that sort of stuff, and maybe u should learn from that.. But yeah, I agree, a lot of these punks think they are punk because they believe in Anarchy... but we're not anyone to say who's punk and who's not, because punk is really something that's more individual.. if that makes any sense..

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

First off, who is anyone for downing what other people believe in? Sounds mighty oppressive to me.....

Anyways, to me the songs about a rich kid who got into the punk scene for whatever fake reason (popularity, image, poser, whatever) and is trying to hide/deny his background.... but thats my belief....

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

Punks don't have to believe in Anarchy.

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

I don't think anyone here is downing anyone 4 what they believe in. People have the right 2 believe in whatever they want. Skankinrudegirl101 is right. Punks don't have to believe in Anarchy, but they choose 2, and there should be nothing wrong with that. People should accept others 4 their individuality. Not because they are a certain way.

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

^ exactly, thats all i gotta say

Cover art for Captain Anarchy lyrics by Anti-Flag

anarchy would never work so if u believe in it your going against excactly what anti-flag means and stands for, wich is peace, love and unity