26 Meanings
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For Your Lungs Only Lyrics

a right turn gone wrong.
nothing but the dust
left to fill your lungs up.
have to choke and choke and choke.
reprecussion, what got us this form, facilitation for feeling listless
reprecussion, what got us this form, facilitation for feeling listless
the son sits out in the sun.
and thats when he calls 'father'.
he realized a long time ago, hes never coming home no.
reprecussion, what got us this form, facilitation for feeling listless
Song Info
Submitted by
oofus On Jun 08, 2001
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26 Meanings

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Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

this song is AMAZING. too bad i seem to be the only one that thinks that.

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

i love this song

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

I love this song too

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

Not their best song but still a very good one at that, but what's it all about? :crazy:

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

One of my favorites, not sure what it's about though.

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

Funny thing about this song, last time I saw them they tricked the whole crowd by saying, "Hey everyone now we are going to play a good song," then those tricksters played this song, probably one of their worst, and the crowd was so mad... I just laughed.

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

Why is it one of their worst? Are the words too big for you? I think it's one of their best. The basslines are great, the words are well used, and there's not a damn thing wrong with this song.

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

i also like this song a lot but i don't get it what it is about! could anyone explain it to me?

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

I think this is their best song.

"facilitation for feeling listless" Making it easy to feel lethargic... hmmm.

Cover art for For Your Lungs Only lyrics by Alkaline Trio

uh, i don't think it's that the words are too big...it's more like the lack of words forces the listener to draw his or her own conclusions. i happen to think these are great lyrics, a lot of Alk 3 lyrics remind me of Hemingway's writing, very vague and nihilistic. I'm thinking this song is about a car crash, much like Fuck You, Aurora.