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Robbie Williams – These Dreams Lyrics 2 years ago
@Joachim_Moelleron thank you so much for taking the time to write about my comment!. And for your warmth. What to say? They were my feelings back then, when I used to come here a lot to express what I couldn't say anywhere else, linked to something that moves me so much as music does. Now I don't write here anymore, mostly because of lack of time, but of course, life happened!
First of all I'd like to say it was kind of an effort for me to write, mostly because English is not my mother tongue (obviously, you can easily read the mistakes I might have made), I speak Spanish, but I've always loved music sang in english the most.
2006, around that time, it was a gloomy time for me. But then things did go better, at least for a while. My heart mended, I got in a healthy relationship for years, then I fell in love with someone else who I chose to be my partner and the father of my child, but sadly things didn't work out between us. The situation was very much like the movie "marriage story", I think it explains it quite accurately. It is very sad to tear up the family you built. It still hurts a lot. But that's a whole other story, and I'm still trying to stick my head out again. Sorry if I've dissapointed you, I wish I could tell you I'm happy now, but I'm struggling to feel better, again. I think I have been happy, though.
I'm still very touched by some of the songs I've commented, I think I'm still the same person deep inside, only perhaps a little more bitter, less hopeful and more dissapointed in general.
I'm also very glad for Rob and his story of personal success. He is truly an inspiration.
As I said I don't comment or log in anymore, mostly because of lack of time, I barely have time for myself, and to be honest, there's very little current music that gets me. I only come when someone writes about some old comment of mine and smile at the younger-more naive version of me.
Robbie got me again with his "Under the radar" albums. I would write about some songs in there that are mind-blowing and certainly moving. He got me in tears again with "The impossible". There are not many people that would write about him here, and I used to take some time to post some of his lyrics here too, since this was "my" place to read the lyrics (remember, I speak Spanish haha). Again, I barely have time to read lyrics at all. I don't think people in general know his "deep", raw side, since they only seem to see the surface, the Robbie jokey "persona".
Thanks again for your kind words and wishes, your words have certainly surprised me and made my day somehow. All the best to you too, I will look up for your suggestions :-)

Robbie Williams – These Dreams Lyrics 2 years ago

Robbie Williams – These Dreams Lyrics 2 years ago

Melanie C – Be The One Lyrics 3 years ago

*one is bound to make. Sorry.

Melanie C – Be The One Lyrics 3 years ago
Again, such a simple and beatiful song. It's more than 20 years old and still touching to me.

I used to relate to this because I thought it was about Mel being in love (or truly infatuated) with a man who didn't appreciate her. Who came and go whenever he wanted. I used to picture her waiting by the phone or by the window (as I used to do) for this guy to show up and make her day. But it was no use, since the guy liked her but not enough for her to be "the only one". As she said, there were always others around.
It's about one of those mistakes one is to made when one is young, to waste time in someone who doesn't deserve it, but what can you do? You are in love.

Melanie C – Reason Lyrics 3 years ago

How great to get a "rate up" after more than 15 years that I wrote that comment. Wow. It's always nice when somebody reads and reacts to what I wrote about a song so long ago. Specially since life has changed so much since then!!

Mariah Carey – I Wish You Well Lyrics 6 years ago
This song takes me instantly to "Fly Like a Bird" from her previous album. To me, perhaps this one carries a somberer tone and a less optimistic outlook. You can't help but feel moved by the emotions so raw that Mariah is able to express. Obviously she's talking about herself and her own struggles with depression and judgement and hatred coming from others, some of them who don't even know her. Anyone who has been there can relate. She is reminding, even imploring herself to be strong and to rise above all those who hurt her without reason, to not to let them drag her down. Very moving, very emotional, very inspiring when you're not feeling so good about yourself.

John Mayer – You're Gonna Live Forever in Me Lyrics 7 years ago
I've just recently got The Search For Everything and very much enjoyed the general vibe on it. The record feels like a whole, a picture in that particular time in John's life. I've always related to his songs, being a few years younger, from the beginning and throughout his career, having -like himself- longed for love while being alone -love song for no one- then being heartbroken -dreaming with a broken heart- and so many others in between. And now, as a grown woman, this song again touches me deeply, not only because of the lyrics but also for its atmosphere. It moves me because it puts in words a thought I've always had which is that every person that's been in my life, that has been a part of it, has kept somehow a part of my heart as well. As I hope they remember me every now and then. In a healthy, positive way. When there wasn't foul play, or at least not bad intentions, you tend to remember and miss the good things that existed and the happiness you felt at a younger age. I believe that even when you move on, for some people like me your memories don't simply erase, but your very self was somehow also constructed by those experiences. Which I read in "Parts of me were made by you". You are who you are also because of who you shared your life with, which in my opinion applies to close friends and family too. I've always felt that some people, and maybe even a dear dog that was part of your life, even when they're not around anymore, keep a hidden place within your heart, that they each keep a piece of you without maybe even knowing it. It's something you don't share with anyone but yourself. And I believe John put this methapor in beautiful words and music. I don't think anyone else could have said it or sang it better.

Capital Cities – Kangaroo Court Lyrics 7 years ago
Thanks for the definition, English is not my first tongue so I had no idea. With that in mind, I agree that it might have to do with fate and its inevitability.

Robbie Williams – Shame Lyrics 9 years ago
This song has moved me even since it came out. I think there could not be any better way for two grown ups to reconcile after such a long grudge. They both admit their faults and move on, not without looking back with a little bit of melancholy because of what was lost. Nice, easy, funny tune about making amends with your past.

Robbie Williams – Baby Girl Window Lyrics 11 years ago
Thanks CaughtYourRainbows, your explanation makes a lot of sense. The song still moves me after all these years.

Maroon 5 – Wasted Years Lyrics 12 years ago
I've loved "Wasted Years" since the first time I ever heard it live, for more than 7 years. I was excited to learn it was going to be on "Overexposed" and I was eager to listen to the studio version. Even though I enjoyed the arragments they did at the beggining of the song, I was dissapointed with the result. I think the song lost its bittersweet feeling, and in my opinion the lyrical changes were absurd. What a pity.

Rob Thomas – Real World '09 Lyrics 14 years ago
I love MB20 and Rob. But when I heard this song, I couldn't help but feeling a bit dissapointed. I assumed that it was somehow related to the brilliant original MB20's "Real World", but this one is such a plain song!. It seems to me that the young, fresh and hungry Rob carried much more passion and drive than what is being shown by this simple, forgettable song. I guess I didn't like he used the same title for naming such different pieces of his work.

Mariah Carey – Candy Bling Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh Gosh this song brings me to tears everytime I pay attention to the lyrics. It's so touching and amazingly accurate the way Mariah describes that so bittersweet feeling of remembering your first love, that one that didn't work out but left a deep mark on you. Only Mariah can do this, to take you on a journey to those memories you keep shelved on your mind. It might be my favourite song in the album, and it reminds me very much of songs like "Fourth of July", "Breakdown", "The Roof" and specially "Subtle Invitation".
I'm guessing that her first love died, like Dasinger said, which makes the song a bit darker...
In my case I relate to that kind of daydream. Somehow my first love appears when I'm dreaming at night, or simply out of nothing. I've had a new boyfriend for 3 years but memories of this guy and me ten years ago always come to my mind as if nothing and no one could ever surpass those happy, bright, innocent, teenage days...

Mariah Carey – I'm That Chick Lyrics 15 years ago
I love this song ! It's so much fun, nothing deep -on the contrary, the lyrics are quite silly but still amusing- just great music to dance to. It sounds fresh and young, and just puts me in the mood :-) I've just learned that it samples Michael Jackson's "Off the Wall", which explains why it sounds so good.

Jason Mraz – Lucky Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is just lovely, without being corny, which nowadays it's a rare thing to hear. It's different, and that's why I like it very much. To me, it might be be interpreted according to your own situation, it might refer to being in love with your best friend (which I once did, meaning "love" in the middle of a friendship) or just beggining a relationship with somebody who day by day becomes such an important part of your life that eventually and naturally becomes your best friend, your partner in life. I think that Jason wrote it in those terms, they love each other and are happy, relaxed and living it easy, and being away he finds out she is as much a lover as a friend to him. I can relate to this last interpretation, I have a very kind boyfriend who won me over by being always there for me, who slowly has also become my mate, my very best friend.

Franz Ferdinand – Katherine Kiss Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Here's what I found about the relationship between both songs on Wikipedia: "The track was debuted live on the 5th of August 2007 under the title "Katherine Kiss Me" but was subsequently changed little over a year later to "No You Girls Never Know" and then shortened, while a new, acoustic song called "Katherine Kiss Me" (following very similar lyrics to "No You Girls") was recorded for the album Tonight: Franz Ferdinand.

The song is inspired by Alex Kapranos' first time he ever kissed a girl (whose name was Katherine) and "how awkward it was and how we misunderstood each other". "No You Girls" is how the story would be exaggerated or told as an anecdote and "Katherine Kiss Me" is about how it would remembered more tenderly."

The Script – Breakeven Lyrics 15 years ago
I became aware of The Script by this song, which at first sounded "catchy" to me. Then I paid attention to the lyrics and was struck by its beautiful honesty. In my opinion, most music nowadays lack of this kind of true feelings and emotions and this band seems to bring some fresh air. Even though I don't relate to this song at the moment, I think we've all have been in that situation when perhaps the timing wasn't right for some relationship and we got heavily brokenhearted, while we couldn't believe the other person's coolness about our fired-up, very vivid feelings. I've surely been there with my first love experience and this song describes perfectly the way I felt for years. Somehow there's a bittersweet feeling, a dissapointment and regret that never ever leaves you, no matter how much time has gone by.

Darren Hayes – In Your Mother's Eyes Lyrics 15 years ago
It is indeed really beautiful, but also very very sad...I don't know for sure, but my guess is that Darren wrote it about a friend of his that died from AIDS. I've read that Darren was very touched by the death of a dear friend of his because of this desease and everytime I hear this song I picture this man in his dying bed and Darren visiting him and both knowing that the end of his life is close but still pretending that it's ok, still fighting to make it, dreaming of better times to come and making plans that simply won't happen, because there's no real "tomorrow"'s so chilling. Just imagining that situation that Darren had the inmense talent to describe so vividly, the passion that he shown when he recorded it, and how ironic it is that the proximity of death in any way somehow gives you perspective of the few true important things that matter in life.

Rob Thomas – You Know Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Beautiful simple song. Thanks nafai7, I never knew there was a story of the past behind it. I always thought it was about Rob and his wife, both putting up with each others' worst side and still loving each other and sticking together...Anyway this song has always touched me, it's so honest, and I can relate to the feeling (of feeling bad) Rob portrays very very much.

Michael Jackson – You Rock My World Lyrics 15 years ago
Poor Michael, he won't be back after all :-(

Anyways, with Music Channels playing Michael's music 24-7 this song instantly came back to my mind, especially because I recall that time (2001) when he was releasing this new song and video... It's a mild song, not too special, but groovy enough to grab my attention and especially, as a pop song should do, cheer me up, make me move my feet...He knew how to deliver pop music, even though it wasn't his most distinctive work it kept part of his old self (and that was more than enough). I loved the dancing part too :-( Part of our childhood and adolescence will be buried with MJ and all he meant to our generations...

Jamie Cullum – Gran Torino Lyrics 15 years ago
I love Jamie Cullum. His way of expressing bittersweet melancholy is unique. So after watching the movie, this tune made su much sense...
The lyrics couldn't be more perfect. Deep and simple at the same time. That line "The world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind" says to me everything about the main subject of the film and the fragility of our lives. It really touched me, brought me to tears like old Jamie tunes.

Darren Hayes – The Wrong Way Lyrics 16 years ago
Yes, it's exactly like Mag89 says...He said he didn't include it in the album because he felt he had already explored the idea more succintly in "Sing To Me". Sad but beautiful and simple...

Darren Hayes – Dress You Up (Madonna cover) Lyrics 16 years ago
In Darren's words: "In 1985 the Her Madgesty released a song that made me want to dance,
sing and get up and do my thing.

I recently performed a live version of it at my New Years Eve show
last year and fulfilled a lifelong indulgent ambition.

In celebration of the Queen's show in London this week Justin Shave
and I recorded a studio version based on an original tour demo
floating around from the Reinvention Tour era that I believe was
scrapped. My vocals pay homage to the way the Boy Toy adlibed them
during the Virgin Tour."

Foo Fighters – But, Honestly Lyrics 16 years ago
GREAT GREAT song! My favourite in the album. The way it gets louder into the end expressing anguish and sorrow at the same time is phenomenal. I think it's very well described by MissesHenn, except that in my opinion, he doesn't want her back ("give me back my precious time"). It's a bitter song, about the end of an important relationship (I get the metaphore of marriage as well). And it's definitely "I don't want one thing that I gave to you": you can keep what I gave you, it came from the heart and I don't regret it. It's quite sad.

Darren Hayes – A Fear of Falling Under Lyrics 16 years ago
The perfect start for a deep, emotional record. I think it sums up quite well the subject of the whole album.

Darren Hayes – A Hundred Challenging Things a Boy Can Do Lyrics 16 years ago
I thought it was interesting to post what Darren said in is blog about this song: "...It was so weird too because I was just about to sing '100 Challenging
Things', which is really one of the saddest and most personal songs I've ever written. I was telling the tale about how it's a song for a Mother and a Father who died too young and left their son here to remind me that my own problems pale into insignificance. I explained how the Father was a coal miner who
hated the dark and the Mother was a stranger in a foreign country and that they worked all their lives to escape to the sun. And the sad irony is the minute they made it, and only in the 50's – she passed away suddenly and he died of the C word but I suspect more from a broken heart.
Anyway the point of the song is that, upon meeting their son who survived – and seeing the sparkle and the joy in his eyes and witnessing his positive outlook on life I felt ashamed to have gone on so much about my own woes in life. That at least I had the luxury of parents alive whom I could blame for what was wrong with me. And that's when I fell in love..."

Darren Hayes – Breathless Lyrics 16 years ago
In Darren's words: "Breathless" is once again a song I wrote with Phil Thornally and is a left over from the song writing sessions of this record. It's a gorgeous acoustic guitar and vocal song and it's interesting because before the fairlight, that's the kind of album I was making. It suddenly became much more electronic and theatrical but this song was a precursor to the blips and bleeps."

Darren Hayes – Every Little Thing Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is quite lovely and simple at the same time. It makes me smile how it mixes the line "I don't know why you had to go" with the rest of the lyrics that have nothing to do with love, but with every day life and its frustrations.
In Darren's words: ""Every Little Thing" is a song I wrote with the genius Eg White (he and I wrote 'The Sun is always Blinding Me" on the new album and has a new song on the Kylie album 'X'). He's a massive Prince fan as am I and this track is a bit of an ode to 'Pop Life' and all things 21th Century that frustrate us."

Darren Hayes – Slow Down Lyrics 16 years ago
In Darren's words: ""Slow Down" is a track I wrote with Phil Thornally (The Cure, Natalie
Imbruglia) and it was a song from the sessions for the new album that didn't make it. This version is an acoustic sounding demo and it's one of my favorite songs actually. It's a song about a friend who disappoints you. About falling from grace. About wisdom."

Darren Hayes – Let's Go Lyrics 16 years ago
In Darren's words: ""Let's Go" is a track I wrote with Rob Davis (of Kylie's 'Can't get you out of my head' fame) and it was really a left over song from The Tension and The Spark writing sessions. It's throbbing and very sexy and to me just didn't fit where I wanted to go with that album. It's a great pop song and this is just the demo version but a cracking tune about a one night stand."

Darren Hayes – Neverland Lyrics 16 years ago
It is about Darren's childhood, and his abusive father. I can't imagine his pain cause I never went through anything like this; however the song is a bit too disturbing for me too. I congratulate Darren, though, to be brave enough to expose himself like this.

Teddy Geiger – These Walls Lyrics 17 years ago
This song blows me away everytime I hear it. It's so inspiring. For me it's like's been said above, about taking chances. About being caught up in a poor and miserable situation but knowing that you must do something about it. It could be about love as well, but for me it's about much more than that. About stop being your "own worst enemy". To me that's what he means by "these walls", his own boundaries. It really touches me and reminds me that change comes mostly from within yourself.

Maroon 5 – Hello (Oasis cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
This one is included in their "Friday the 13th" Live cd. I really enjoy it, since I am a fan of Oasis and I love how these gays pay tribute to one of their main influences as youngsters playing a not-so-known song and naming them.

Wet Wet Wet – Julia Says Lyrics 18 years ago
I've always loved this song, it brings me very sweet memories from high school and my life back then. For some reason, I've always found it very touching, but back then I didn't understand the lyrics so now I'm not so sure what it could be written about.
The armonies are really beautiful, it's one of my favourites from the mid-90s.

Savage Garden – Memories Are Designed To Fade Lyrics 18 years ago
I watched the movie that inspired it and it's really good. Weird, but good. I was quite touched by it (maybe because of the song) and I understood completely the meaning of it and what drove Darren to write it.

Robbie Williams – Strong Lyrics 18 years ago
I used to love this song back then, it shows that Rob is not different from us after all, but I think it's lost part of its message because of being overplayed.

The line: "Life's too short to be don't have to take the blame", "the rain was never cold when I was young, I'm still young..." are some of his best in my opinions. Very touching, specially when you're not that young anymore and you start to take in that you don't have as much time as before.
It used to give me courage when I had messed up...

Robbie Williams – Hello Sir Lyrics 18 years ago
It is really good, it's always made me laugh hard.

Robbie Williams – Cursed Lyrics 18 years ago
Thanks CaughtYourRainbows, I'm sure it's not about Geri at all. I also read it was about a friend of his that passed away, but I think I remember she was famous too, that's why I ask.
You are so right, this song is very moving, it expresses a complex mix of feelings and I usually skip it cause the death theme is too dark for me and reminds me of sad moments.

Robbie Williams – Sin Sin Sin Lyrics 18 years ago
The video is not to be taken seriously, it's obviously a joke, and I don't think it reflects the meaning of the song at all.

Robbie Williams – John's Gay Lyrics 18 years ago
Yes, I think the same. I love how he tends to write stuff about those days. But there are some phrases I don't catch, like "I lost my virginity, the year above us had discovered E". I don't get "the year above us had discovered E", and he repeats this phrase in a recent track, "The 80s". Help, anyone?

Robbie Williams – Dickhead Lyrics 18 years ago
According to Robbie: "Dickhead was definitely leant from the Mitchell Brothers, so they are to blame for this whole thing. Conversely amongst my friends, Dickhead is the biggest compliment that can be paid, if I call you a Dickhead I like you, but it means the reverse on this record. Life sometimes seems to be a Krypton factor course of idiots, unfortunately idiots speak the loudest. This song is for everyone that thinks I am a Dickhead, I am just reciprocating, the feeling is mutual."

Robbie Williams – Summertime (2001 version) Lyrics 18 years ago
Well, surprisingly for me, this *old* song has now being included in "Rudebox" (it's not the same version and exact lyrics, by the way).

Robbie says about it: "When it was originally written it was one of the first, if not the first songs I wrote when I came out of Take That and the feel of the song is a complete juxtapose of how I was at the time. When I wrote ˜Summertime", which is a very euphoric, up song I don't think I could have been anymore depressed, deluded, lost. I remember I went down to London in a pair of Vivian Westwood tartan bondage trousers, a pair of black Patrick Cox and a lovely white Vivian Westwood shirt. I was skinny as, a right proper raver and I moved in with a lady on new years night, and by February I was just fat! fat and horrible and lost, all over the place. That was when I met up with Ant Genn and we wrote the song together, Ant was my indie enfant terrible; I adored him cos he was cool as fuck and Northern and funny, I wanted to be him, but drugs took their tole on both of us. At least I have a lasting memory of an amazing yet catastrophic summer, plus I love the fact that little bunnies freeze in the snow."

Robbie Williams – The 90's Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this one, it lets us know almost everything about joining "Take That", and what was in Rob's head around that time. It's interesting to hear, and you get to understand his behaviour and his ways at the time. Which is also full of hope, since he once was so "fucked" in his own words, and managed to rise above and be the megastar he is...

Robbie says: "The 90s on the other hand was, originally going to have a sample from one of my top 5 favourite songs: Wichita Lineman in it. I didn't like it at first, but I came around to it and did some poetry on it, some comfy rapping, with very English storytelling like a modern Roald Dahl but fatter! The 90s then on became the 90s after we took the sample out. I look back at it now with a fondness in my heart. I think they are just two nice bookends; ˜The 80s" up until I'd left school, lost my virginity, done all kinds. Then there was the whole Take That story to tell which was ˜The 90's". It's weird now, I've spunked all the best material so I'll have to do something drastic so that we have some source material for the next one."

Robbie Williams – The 80's Lyrics 18 years ago
I like it, it couldn't be more sincere. It's so interesting hearing what could have been in Rob's head around that decade. Being a kid. It makes me remember "83" by John Mayer, I know they are not similar at all, but both artist seem to take us to their heads back then, and it's such an interesting trip. You can't help relating and feeling a bit melancholic as well.
It's really honest and make me think about my early days as long...I love both "decades" songs in Rudebox, since they truly tell a story.

Rob says: "I was obsessed by a track by the Mitchell Brothers called ˜Routine Check" and also a big fan of Mike Skinner of The Streets and what he does over records, be it rapping or poetry. Its very similar to Ian Dury's stuff to me, Im also a big fan of his, he was the first white British rapper. I've always always wanted to be a rapper, I've always been jealous of rappers because of how comfy they are and how cool they look, they've always got a tracksuit on and trainers and I have to dress up cos Im a popstar... I want to be a rapper but the world won't let me. The only reason I have craved my own niche is because it is not that easy. I love words and will continue to use them. It is bitter sweet about a decade where I formed an opinion, I was wrong."

Robbie Williams – Kiss Me Lyrics 18 years ago
This song sounds very positive, I like its "young" optimism. It's an old cover, but it still sounds quite disco today. Funny and catchy.

In Rob's words: "Stephen Duffy plays like he hates it; I wanted to do it as I wanted him to see how good the track is. Also when this track came out in 1981, something nice must have been happening to me at the time, because it makes me feel full of hope. Youth's yearning for life and love and all of that. Does he like it? I don't know, I daren't ask him. Ok, so I just asked him, and yes he does."

Robbie Williams – Burslem Normals Lyrics 18 years ago
Rob says: "It is about an ideal of youth; It is about how in the 80's and the early 90's there were so many avenues to explore and so many gangs to be a part of. Youth Culture these days depressingly seems just about the Chav. Back then we had so much choice and the Burslem Normals was a piece of graffiti from the town I was born in, I don't know what they were into, but they sound cool as fuck.I have always liked what I like and it has always been varied and fortunately I find myself find a position where I do not have to pigeon hole myself. The sentiment in this song is the same as the sentiment in the song 'Heaven From Here' but wonkier."

Robbie Williams – We're the Pet Shop Boys Lyrics 18 years ago
Weird track, funny though. Rob says: "I just love the fact that the Pet Shop Boys covered it, it is not one of their songs and I love the irony of me covering a cover. Above all that the romance for me in this song is paramount. Did I feel like a Pet Shop Boy when I was recording it? Yes absolutely (said with a big smile). Chris Heath (The person who co-wrote ˜Feel" my autobiography with me) played it to me and I fell in love with it. I must say when I've listened to it back and when I get a chance to sing it, the "What have I, What have I, What have I done to deserve this" bit sends shivers down my spine, everytime it comes up. It's a sense of history, yours and mine and those particular lyrics really affect me. It's an honour to do it. I love the Pet Shop Boys and I was pleased to learn that amongst pop genii I can hold my own."

Robbie Williams – Louise Lyrics 18 years ago
Ohhhh....This is one of my favourites - if not my favourite - in "Rudebox". I can see its related to "Ghosts" of "Intensive Care" and I adore it. It shares the same feeling, maybe less bitter. Seeing again that person that was so important to you so long moves you. Makes you wonder, "what if?", "Could it be?"...The spoken part, when he talks about wounds that simply don't heal, it sounds so sincere and made me burst in tears the first time I heard it. I love how Robbie manages to share that melancholic and a bit regretful side of him, it makes it so easy to us to relate. I'm still bleeding from a very old wound. Robbie, you broke my heart once again.

In Robbie's words: "When I was writing and recording Intensive Care with Stephen Duffy, "Louise" by the Human League kept on being the centre point on what I wanted to achieve with the record. With Louise I remember when it first came out, and then I didn't listen to it for ages until the middle of the 90's. When I heard it again, it kind of broke my heart thinking of a period of time I had back when I wanted to make an album that would hopefully break a few hearts in 10/15 years time. Louise was the template for the Intensive Care album, so it seemed the natural next step to play homage to it and I think we've done a good version of it. I'd always wanted to work with William Orbit, I love my ambient melancholy."

Robbie Williams – Never Touch That Switch Lyrics 18 years ago
One of the weakest in "Rudebox"...I find it too weird, and not very catchy.

Robbie says: "The first records I bought were electro records and I never thought in a million years it would be something Robbie Williams could do. It only struck me in the studio as we were recording. Although I didn't write this one it just reminded me of pre-narcotics and pro-stealing your mum's lino. What does it mean? I don't know, it is in the eye of the beholder. To me ˜Never Touch That Switch" is all about never opening your system to the mood altering don't know what it can do to you."

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