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Charlotte Gainsbourg – La Collectionneuse Lyrics 14 years ago
the french parts at the end are from a poem by guillaume apollinaire

Animal Collective – Summertime Clothes Lyrics 15 years ago
he never says "love" in this song or anything along those lines, but no song has ever made me feel like the singer loves who he's talking about as much as this one does.

i loooove this song so much! everytime he says "i want to walk around with you" i get chills. it's so sweet!

Department of Eagles – No One Does It Like You Lyrics 15 years ago
i think this video clears up the lyrics a little bit:

it's definitely "don't have to HAVE an alibi"
and "i cursed these LEGS i walked on," which makes more sense because you don't walk on a lane, you walk in one. also, the line before is "i laughed so hard i fell down," so it makes sense that then he says "i cursed these legs i walked on," because your legs are what keeps you up; they keep you from falling down.

as to the actual meaning of this son...i dunno. shrugzamillion.

Why? – Brook and Waxing Lyrics 15 years ago
it sends shivers down my spine when he says "while i'm alive i'll feel alive" (in the best way possible!)

this song is so amazing

Mother Mother – Hay Loft Lyrics 15 years ago
this song is so fun! i think it's pretty self-explanatory too...

Beck – Walls Lyrics 15 years ago
this is my absolute favorite song on modern guilt

Grizzly Bear – Service Bell Lyrics 15 years ago
I can't really tell if you're joking about the "I'm a whore" thing, so just in case...
I emailed the band for the lyrics to this song, and what I posted is what they sent me.

Miracle Fortress – Maybe Lately Lyrics 16 years ago
this is so beach boys. i love it!

Animal Collective – Water Curses Lyrics 16 years ago
I want to listen to this forever!
I especially love it starting at 2:03. Oh man, so so soo goood.

Grizzly Bear – Knife Lyrics 16 years ago
I love the Girl Talk remix of this. It's awesome

Devendra Banhart – Cristobal Lyrics 16 years ago
ropa rota negra gota llegua vieja
lluvia dulce me acompaña por la noche
hasta la mañana
hay un mundo mas aya otro mundo mas aya
sangre drago reyes magos mundo mudo
no te oigo
por estas partes go home yankee
el obrero y el estudiante siguen para
no te vayas si te vas si te vas si te vas

That's what it says in the booklet that came with the CD.
I really, really love this song. And Gael. =]

Vampire Weekend – Mansard Roof Lyrics 16 years ago
Whenever he says "The ground beneath my feet, we are garbage and concrete," I can't help but think of "Concrete and Clay" by Unit 4+2 when they say "The sidewalks and the street, the concrete and the clay beneath my feet begin to crumble."

...but I have a feeling there isn't any sort of connection between the two

Mirah – Telephone Wires Lyrics 16 years ago
"I'm wasting all my time 'cause you just tease me
Please leave me alone"
It's scary how much I can relate to that right now. This song is so good.

Mother Mother – Legs Away Lyrics 16 years ago
I love his voice in the beginning. It gives me chills everytime. Soo goood.

Beirut – After the Curtain Lyrics 16 years ago
I kind of see what sensleman is talking about...and coincidentally, Scenic World and After the Curtain are my two favorite Beirut songs. :)

Anddd completely disregarding the lyrics to this song:
When I used to listen to this, I just thought "what a sad song." But now a days, I hear hope in Zach's voice, espcially in his moaning noises (I dunno what to call those) in the middle/towards the end. And now when I listen to this, it kind of makes me feel like everything's going to be ok. If that makes any sense at all and doesn't sound completely cliche...

Bob Dylan – Mississippi Lyrics 16 years ago
It's a tribute song to Jeff Buckley, apparently

Oh No! Oh My! – Our Mouths Were Wet Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is so much fun to whistle! I looove it.

Spoon – Vittorio E. Lyrics 16 years ago
...I don't even remember hearing this in Stranger Than Fiction.
But anyways, this has always been one of my favorite Spoon songs. Nice and simple. And the "oooohs" and "aaaaaahs" in the background are oh. so. wonderful.

of Montreal – Jennifer Louise Lyrics 16 years ago
woops, I meant "g0wthefl0w," not that weird mess of letters and numbers I posted before...

of Montreal – Jennifer Louise Lyrics 16 years ago
I can't believe this doesn't have more comments! I love this song. Pretty self-explanatory like g0wrgwfk0w said. I especially love the way he repeats "mama," "wondering," and "think." So nice.

Ingrid Michaelson – The Way I Am Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah, laurentertaining, the first time I heard this, I thought it was Khaela Maricich for a couple seconds. Their voices are similar.
I love this song! I hope one day I'll feel this way about someone and the other way around. la la la.

Sunset Rubdown – I’ll Believe in Anything, You’ll Believe in Anything Lyrics 16 years ago
The love the piano (?) in this version. And how it builds up in some parts. Mmm.

Beirut – The Penalty Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm not entirely sure what this song means. I've only read through the lyrics once...I'll probably have to read them about a thousand more times before I have any sort of idea.
BUT! Let me just say that this is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I absolutely love it. Beirut is amazing.

Kevin Drew – Safety Bricks Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow, I was just listening to this and thought "this is so Feist-y," so I came here to post that, only to find I'm not the only one who noticed.
I'm kind of relieved that I'm not the only one who thinks so, hahah.

Sooo good.

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