
I think its pretty straight forward... Being at a party with someone you are in a "shaky" relationship with... "I wheeled around because I didn't hear what you had said" -wheeled around is not referring to being in a wheelchair It is an older expression that means wandering around- She probably said "I'll be over there" or "I'm going to go get a drink" he wanders (wheeled)around the party... and is probably overserved or continues to get overserved... before or because of he saw her "dancing around in lemoore's bed... with elahu" At this point he's pissed and drunk she helps him to...

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What does this song mean?

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A commentary on the draining effects of social media.

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Sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy馃拫馃挀馃挀馃寶馃槉馃檲 Katlego snesipho,馃寶馃挆馃挆馃挆thank for the lyrics

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I know this piano song and people here are bias they only want English I'm white too but I am not bias Thank you for the lyrics 馃寶鉂わ笍馃檲

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Love It鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 Like Princess Diana 馃憫.

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Great song. It is the same as Mekron Bomb and has almost all of the same lyrics. Mekron Bomb was a single that I believe was released in Japan during the release of Wax Ecstatic. I'm not sure why the title was changed before it was released on their third album, I'd be interested in learning more about that.

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It's a "you and me against the world" song. And a song about bucking responsibility (for good & bad).

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This is one of my favorite Counting Crows songs. It has a powerful effect on me when I listen to it that is hard to describe. Its interesting that someone thought it was about a prostitute who was trying to escape and was stuggling to begin a normal life, and that makes sense the more I think about it. However I've always thought that is was about a women who had a very rough childhood where she was abused or neglected by her parents and no one really cared about her. She has become an outcast and this has followed...

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Seems right off the bat ..he may have struck out so to speak Friday green to red light then the lights red to green ...he goes flys high saturday all open go ahead full speed even Sunday its clear as day ...the love is all clear I love these lyrics but when he spoke about the stair ..and you being right there well then it became gospel to me ! YESSS The LOVE was never in doubt !!! Love you Baby lon

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