
The song pays tribute to Native American culture and their history, while also advocating for the restoration of their native land. It evokes imagery of a time when Native Americans lived freely and harmoniously with nature, before European colonization and the displacement of indigenous peoples, while also acknowledging the sacred significance of the great white buffalo in Native American culture. The song references various Native American tribes, such as the Cherokee and Navajo, and the importance of tribal unity and heritage. There's also emphasis on the need to honor their traditions and return their lands, as they acknowledge the displacement...

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This song paints a vivid picture of one's journey through the bustling city of Tokyo, being a looking glass into ancient Japanese culture, mysticism, and its rich history. There are references to the mighty Shogun and Samurai in a show of great respect towards Japan's historical warriors. It also details a quest for inner knowledge and enlightenment, with sacred mountains symbolizing the spiritual heights one can reach in the city. Lastly, they refer to Geisha as offering a fleeting moment of pleasure, with the imagery of the painted sky and the land of jade conveying a sense of transience and...

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This track exudes the adrenaline and intensity of high-speed racing, with a focus on the exhilaration and thrill that comes with pushing the limits. It embodies the spirit of speed, competition, triumph, and passion that drives individuals to compete in high-stakes racing, embracing the risk and glory of the sport.

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I think it's talking about the media. With "she" meaning the media or press (possibly fame).

Is she ready to know my frustration? (Is 'she' (the media/public) ready to know the frustration of Layne/the band and what it's like to have their life known to everyone)

What she slippin' inside, slow castration (What's 'she' (the media) writing about in their articles about Layne/the band. 'Slow castration' being something made public that is painful and damaging)

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My plug in baby has two different interpretation. But, if you consider that some of the lines are spoken from a different person's perspective the song makes sense.

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I hear this song and think it means to go for it! Reminds me of someone friends warned me against. His bark was worse than his bite and we enjoyed a brief but meaningful romance. No regrets. Just found out he passed away. RIP.

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Is this song about a rape

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To me, it’s the unique solemn feeling but almost comforting feeling of being alone. To be in a crowded bus station but to feel contentness in the hurt. The vague familiar feeling of deep pain in your chest that continues to cut but feels good.

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No hay mucho que explicar sobre esta canción del re carajo. Te amo pity

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What is "the Blues of the Eighties collection"?

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