your really really really really really really raelly really really wrong. and dumb. i think your dumb. maybe your just happy. no, probably just dumb. Yeah, he got picked on at school by the jocks, and he would spraypaint QUEER on their trucks. this song is about his travels to seattle and how everyone there acted like highschool, snubbing you if they didn't think you looked dumb enough. everyone was in their own groups,
your really really really really really really raelly really really wrong. and dumb. i think your dumb. maybe your just happy. no, probably just dumb. Yeah, he got picked on at school by the jocks, and he would spraypaint QUEER on their trucks. this song is about his travels to seattle and how everyone there acted like highschool, snubbing you if they didn't think you looked dumb enough. everyone was in their own groups,