Lyric discussion by dUmB 

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

all the jocks liked kurt and wanted to be friends with him becuz all the chearleaders thought he was cute but he terned all them down becuz he rather go hang out with the losers in his highskool and kurt really could of fit in but he didnt wanna......i think this is correct it was a quote from kurt i read once....please correct me if im wrong

The jocks hated Kurt, he was often thought to be gay because he hung out with an openly gay dude, and everyone thought he was gay, and he didnt deny it, he actually says "I enjoyed being gay, well fake gay, everyone left me alone, and I didnt have to deal with much, but one day he came onto me (His gay friend) and I told him that I have no problem being his friend, but that Im not gay, and he stopped" The jocks did not like Kurt. This song is just about having shit luck, when you want...

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