Lyric discussion by lharriet10 

Blondie's finest song. Not a coincidence that it was chosen as the first single from their best album. Evocative lyrics. One of the best instrumental breaks of the decade. Verses move effortlessly into the refrain. Superb.

The song is about an underachieving boy. He works in a garage, but he could do much better (get a pocket computer, try to do what you used to do). His view is spacey or cloudy (clouds on your [eye]lids). He can't see how he could have a better life with her if he just took a little initiative, so she urges him on by presenting an idyllic vision. I can't think of another song with a similar narrative (you can have me if you just focused and tried, look at what it would be like). I've never heard Debbie explain the origins; would love to hear it.

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