Lyric discussion by jeff102085 

Understanding that the song really could take on many meanings, there is one glaringly obvious one that I think many are overlooking -- love that is both young, inexperienced, vulnerable, new, and pure.

I have always interpreted this song to be about the mystery of loving a women in general, especially from the viewpoint of a young man who knows nothing about the female sex.

The take away from the song is that you don't always have to understand, Johnny. The main things you have to learn is that to touch is to heal, to hurt is to steal and, ultimately, you need to learn how to kneel.

That being said, and now having just celebrated my 16 year anniversary with my wife (whom I met when we were just 15 and 17 years old), I think there is a lot of truth to this song.

The singer, who is much older and wiser, tells the young man, Johnny, to "take a walk with his sister, the moon." The words "moon" and "sister" here are figurative and symbolic to me. This women you love is awe inspiring -- she is all you can see in the darkness. You don't really understand her, and probably never fully will. You need to accept the fact that you will probably never be at her "level" -- she is FAR too high above you and beautiful. But there is no question she is the light to your darkness. In an essence, she is like a goddess to you -- and that is ok. She is also your sister, meaning that she is your better half and your compliment. You were "made" to be with her. Notwithstanding your fear and apprehension, she is your "soulmate."

You are now embarking on feelings and emotions and a journey you have never taken, but your sister/moon/goddess (i.e., the female you love) will be there to guide you -- "Let her pale light in to fill up your room" -- let her love and light in to help guide you through your fear, apprehension and darkness.

"You have been living underground eating from a can" -- i.e., you've been living in darkness without love and, really, without life. "You've been running away from what you don't understand, love" -- you have been scared to death in the past. You have never dared to love until now, but you can no longer deny you are at a crossroads between fear and love.

The chorus says it is alright to feel scared -- women in general (and your woman in particular) are deserved and deserving of your reverence and awe -- maybe even your worship. It is ok to be afraid, but you need to take the dive.

"Johnny take a dive with your sister in the rain" -- despite your fear, you need to just commit yourself and overcome your fear. "Let her talk about the things, you can't explain" -- just listen to her. She naturally has a lot of wisdom by mere virtue of her being a woman and almost always will have a different perspective. Just listen and she can teach you -- even about things your can't explain or don't entirely understand

To touch is to heal -- Be there for her and cherish her and you will be made whole.

To hurt is to steal -- if you hurt her, you only hurt/steal from yourself.

If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel, ON YOUR KNEES, BOY! If you want her, you had better learn to serve her. If you want her happy, you need to commit and devote yourself to her. Nothing wavering -- your life is now hers. She is your "goddess," treat her as such. She deserves your reverence.

Ultimately, Johnny, one day you will be much older and will look back on this experience. You will be so grateful that you moved on this moment and followed this feeling to allow yourself to fall completely in love. Your life will be better for it. So don't think twice, but just do it. Love her, cherish her, and serve her and your life will be better. She will lift up your days and light up your nights. Both day and night will be better because you decided to overcome your fear and truly "love" her.

That is how I have always taken this song and I believe there is a lot of "truth" in it.

My Interpretation

@jeff102085 I forgot this.

If you learn from this, Johnny, and do what I am recommending you do, you she will see the "man inside the child." She will learn to love you just as much as you love her. Moreover, you yourself will become a man from this experience. But, you have to learn to truly love her and serve her first.

@jeff102085 I forgot this.

If you learn from this, Johnny, and do what I am recommending you do, you she will see the "man inside the child." She will learn to love you just as much as you love her. Moreover, you yourself will become a man from this experience. But, you have to learn to truly love her and serve her first.

Perfect. I have exactly the same explanation in my head.

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