Lyric discussion by VictoriaLee 

I adore this song and feel like it's under appreciated. I listened to it quite a bit last spring during one of the worst classes I've ever taken and then constantly this summer because even though it shouldn't have fit an absurd class where they could read a book on Ella Baker and practically never discuss gender or race and instead talk about "spaciality", "What do we care if the world is a joke... We'll give it a big kiss. We'll give it a poke" seemed very appropriate because their research didn't seem to care about inequality or anything really. All the while they, particularly one or two individuals, would decry my department for its "disciplinary" ways and "proving points with numbers." (For the record, I'm a sociologist, not exactly controversial.)

Then over the summer I just listened, fantasizing about how I would dismantle that department, and as an early birthday gift, the dean closed it, "Now dead Italian tourists bodies [they even made a little headstone for their department] litter up the Broadway. Some people can't be told, you know they have to learn the hard way." And they're protesting now. I felt like I willed it into being through listening to this song hundreds of times. I just wish I could take the credit for the closing, could have felt like I had real role in making my university a better place.

There should be a last line about Christmas coming early.

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