Lyric discussion by LoveLark 

Cover art for 25 or 6 to 4 lyrics by Chicago

some of you people have some weird ideas.

This song is about staying up all night to finish writing a song/paper/assignment. "Searching for something to say" and "should have tried to do some more". Come on, have none of you ever been there? It's the wee hours of the morning and some huge assignment is due and you just want to sleep but you know you're just going to have to resign yourself to an all-nighter?

Song Meaning

@LoveLark That's what I always think about with this song. Staying up late studying for a final. Drinking coke and eating fritos.

@LoveLark, the author, Robert Lamm, specifically said the song is about trying to write a song in the middle of the night. It's not about staying up to finish a paper or assignment.

@LoveLark you’re both right. It’s about writing song's for a new album through the night when they realize it’s 25 or 6 to 4am!