Lyric discussion by spiralingout 

Cover art for Deliverance lyrics by Opeth

The main character here takes someone he cares for to a body of water and drowns them. Perhaps he believes he is somehow doing something good and setting this person free.

"All over now, forgotten why I needed this Standing down disappear into the obscure Resting days waiting for new disease Biding time locked inside insanity"

The deed is done, but he's forgotten why he needed to kill. The ordeal has scarred him and eventually drives him into insanity. This murder is always burning at him, probably thrusting him unto a state of regret and depression.

The first verse could be about some huge idea that's suddenly comes over him. "From nothing to a life code" -- this idea has given him a sense of purpose, creating some need that drives him to kill this person he loves.

If any of you have seen the movie Inception, this insight makes me think of the part Leo Dicaprio's wife kills herself..