Lyric discussion by chiasso13 

Cover art for #41 lyrics by Dave Matthews Band

i could be wrong but this is the way i interpret it. i have been listening to this son for 10 years, and today it all just seemed to make sense, especially when u consider that he says things that dont normally make sense like"i will bring water" i think this song is about a love and about his life being out of control.

1st verse - "Come and see..." hes saying that time cures all ills, but more problems are coming

2nd verse - " i will go in this way..." he's gonna do things his own way and "find his own way out" but he wont tell her how to handle her problems - "I wont tell you what to be"

3rd verse - "All at once the ghosts .." even though he made it through the problems by "playing time" they come back "the ghosts" realing "her" back into his life. the same way that he used to play for love and lonliness and no one notices anymore

4th verse - "I'll be waiting..." hes waiting for her. he always wanted to be with her and "play and love her" hes only gotten so far, but he's walting back into her head (getting back into her life)

And the best part of the song: 5th verse - "I wouldn't pass this by.."

  • he wont pass by this opportunity to be with her
  • what sort of man wlaks by? doesnt take this opportunity?
  • i will bring you water (implying that she's thirsty for some one to care about her and he will bring her that water and not walk by)
  • he wants her to be glad
  • he cant figure out why " it melts into wonder"
  • he came into the ralationship "praying for her" hoping to help her to not be sad
  • he wants her to run in the rain and play (what little kids do when they have fun)
  • and let all the tears wash away "let tears splash all over you"
Song Meaning