Lyric discussion by alexvonkillmore 

Cover art for Kill Everyone Now lyrics by Nomeansno

GhostTiger, i never made that connection to pink flamingoes, which is SUCH A GREAT FILM. The only line i can honestly recall from it is the scene where they have the "evil-doers" of the plot tied up "convicting them of Asshole-ism" an excellent line!

for me this song is comparable to the last track on "you kill me" release, "paradise". which is about being your average human who works a minimum-wage job, upon which the employee becomes disgruntled with the people they work with, customers and co-workers alike. working in a grocery store for a year plus i can feel these "McJob" lines such as "would you like fries with that ma'am?". NOMEANSNO is a band that will never get recognition for their musical/lyrical accomplishments. i will honestly say that i hope it stays that way, they are a diamond in the rough, to use a cliche phrase, they are better off being respected 100% in the underground then being thrown away in a culture that values mediocrity and stupidity in a modern culture that should be about expanding the minds of those who live in it.

thank you NOMEANSNO. you are truly a gift to those of my generation