Lyric discussion by moople 

Cover art for Dog Days Are Over lyrics by Florence + the Machine

The phrase 'dog days' means a period of madness (originally because when it got too hot in summer all wine and milk would go bad, dogs and people would go nuts, you get the jist) from my understanding of the lyrics, its about running from something bad, it sounds to me like a girl with a violent or aggressive partner she loved to bits, 'she hid around corners and she hid under beds, she killed it wth kisses and from it she fled' i presume the happiness hitting her is the moment she realises she can escape the horrible life she has with this person who she may have been too frightened to leave before becuase she loved them.... 'Happiness hit her like a bullet in the head... Struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that' running for all the other members of your family is a way of remembering other people love you, being that florence has sang other songs about violent relationships i think this might be right. let me know what you think people iots been bothering me for weeks... btw.. beautiful song!!

makes sense to me!

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So you finally told them about me, eh? And I'll keep bothering you motherfucker because I'm motherfucking iots, and it's what I do, wooooo! (good song, I think it's about depression everybody is too hung up on relationships, except for shoobeedoowop because they can't get laid.)

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spot on.. brilliant... perfect

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