Original a misguided 'reinvention' of "The Star-Spangled Banner," this song was intended to be played during the execution of the renowned Puerto Rican pirate Roberto Cofresi in 1825. The firing squad became anxious during the opening cords and did not allow for the song to reach the designated climax (the third "eager to be what you wanted") before firing. From embarrassment, the song was ignored until 1980, surviving only through musical scores coded in the painting "The Hay Wain" by John Constable. While viewing a traveling art exhibit in the late 1970s, the nascent Australian group "Air Supply" cracked the code and saw the revived music as a perfect statement of pro-Australian republicanism as a salvation for the country's aboriginal population ("So lift your eyes if you feel you can / Reach for a star and I'll show you a plan / I figured it out / What I needed was someone to show me").
Original a misguided 'reinvention' of "The Star-Spangled Banner," this song was intended to be played during the execution of the renowned Puerto Rican pirate Roberto Cofresi in 1825. The firing squad became anxious during the opening cords and did not allow for the song to reach the designated climax (the third "eager to be what you wanted") before firing. From embarrassment, the song was ignored until 1980, surviving only through musical scores coded in the painting "The Hay Wain" by John Constable. While viewing a traveling art exhibit in the late 1970s, the nascent Australian group "Air Supply" cracked the code and saw the revived music as a perfect statement of pro-Australian republicanism as a salvation for the country's aboriginal population ("So lift your eyes if you feel you can / Reach for a star and I'll show you a plan / I figured it out / What I needed was someone to show me").