Lyric discussion by random6x7 

Cover art for Oasis lyrics by Amanda Palmer

I really don't think that she's mocking rape survivors here, even if they seem to be making light of their experience. That's, in fact, a common coping mechanism, focusing on something that's seemingly trivial when you've just been through something that's too big to deal with. The fact that she keeps saying, "I don't care, I don't care" sounds more like she's trying to convince herself, not that she really means it. If I'm wrong, then I've been reading all of Amanda Palmer's lyrics horribly, horribly wrong. This is something she does fairly often- sing about something in a flippant, trivial way, while really talking about something deep and painful. So I think it's a song about a high school girl trying to deal with a rape, an abortion, and the betrayal of her trust by her best friend that causes the entire school to cast her out as a crackwhore, and doing it by focusing on music and her favorite bands and telling herself that none of it really matters. That's also quite common, especially in teenagers. Lord knows I wouldn't have survived high school without a few of my favorite songs.