Lyric discussion by AYesso 

Cover art for Viva la Vida lyrics by Coldplay

Well... I seriously agree w/ the last person...the cover IS the clue so here's why:

  1. The song seems to be about desperation, about someone who has lost everything- King Louis xiv fled during the French Revolution to escape the new constitution of the national assembly...he was desperate, even going to the queen's family in Austria ( the Hapsburgs) to ask for help... 2.The song describes something about a kingdom/castle on pillars of salt...during the Revolution, the entire government was falling to pieces...people were executed,arrested, or even tortured for being loyal to dthe king....ESPECIALLY Catholics...anyway, so this is what King Louis would have seen as he was leaving France, his entire kingdom, everything he had ever known, was fall ing apart, and there was nothing he could do about it...

So, as you can see...there are many different ways this song is connected to the French Revolution...and if ya'll are wondering where I got this stuff, we just covered the French Revolution in Religion, so I just felt like sharin' all this info....

@AYesso i have been toying with the king louis xiv idea. I feel that that the line Once you go there was never, never an honest word. That was the when i ruled the world. - has some meaning to the song either as a man singing to a lover brother or even mate the former king his farther before the old king was dead. That was the end to honesty and thus the end to his kingdom.