Lyric discussion by Beastofdarkness 

This song is about not believing in religion. Christians are screaming that they alone hold the key to salvation and he says that religion is nothing more that crap and he will not believe it simply because everyone else does. He equates worshipers to puppets with the church holding the strings. Religion is crap and any intelligent person should learn to think beyond the brainwashing of the church and think on their own because in the end, it doesn't matter and we all rot in the ground.

i toatally agree religon is just a way to explain the unexplainable, which a lot has now been explained so religon is useless. five finger death punch gets it and this is definatlly one of their best songs.

i toatally agree religon is just a way to explain the unexplainable, which a lot has now been explained so religon is useless. five finger death punch gets it and this is definatlly one of their best songs.

i disagree with u xo1k4. well let me rephrase. I agree with what you're saying in essence, but i dont believe religion is to explain the unexplainable. I believe one day soon it can be explained, and could be now and CAN be now if the christians didnt rule the media and shut everyone else out. i think its more that the religion is brainwashing ppl due to greed. Look at the history of the Catholic church. 100% corrupt.

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