Lyric discussion by moosicjunkie 

Cover art for Stolen From Some Great Writer lyrics by Spitalfield

I think the first verse is by the kid/teenager/youth, worrying/wondering about his/her future ("Where will I be tomorrow? Where will I be next year?") It sounds like things aren't going too well ("when things turn out this way") and his "motivation changes"... Maybe meaning... that he is now motivated to do something else cos of how things turned out?

"Fell for the same trick twice" maybe means that the parent was snowed by the child twice. I think the 2nd verse is from a parent, saying it to their kid. Probably a wayward teenager/youth. The parent made mistakes and is trying to give the kid advice but he/she's not taking it. The kid's trying to drown out the parent by listening to the radio and maybe says something like "Okay, I'll do my work right now." So the parent says, "begin [your] RIGHT NOW today". Telling the child to stop procrastinating?

I don't know that's just what it means to me now, cause i have a freaking shitload of homework to do and that's the first thing that struck me when i heard this song/that part.

I can't figure out the rest, can anyone? I really wanna know what it means.