Lyric discussion by steinbeckthepearl 

I don't think this song is the story of "right versus wrong" as has been described by other posters nor do I think it pushes a Christian religious agenda either... I think it's a study of Transformation and Struggle (on the micro, macro and interpersonal levels), and the realizing that we are all Inputs - yet individually subject to – a great swinging pendulum which we contribute to, yet can never control. Gabriel witnesses Jill’s trip/possession – (the inspiration for the song) which inspires him to explore the way we are all "possessed" on an/the individual level (read: victims) of the "alien” Self which seems to run the show (i.e. addiction, anger, societal and familiar pressures, warfare, etc.).

The song is the study/conversation of opposing Yin-Yang forces which is very different from the West's GOOD-BAD judgment - it's not religious in a traditional Western sense, though the song references Western religion. These guys are fairly young (not even 30), and they want to discuss heavy subjects in the vernacular most significant to them as a band brought up in a conservative 1950's Christian culture.

Gabriel understands that the Individual is itself a battleground between great opposing forces. It honestly desires innocence, peace, personal freedom, escape from corruption, free-will on its own terms (Narcissus turns into a flower) yet - though this part of us reaches desperately and futilely out to the Great - we are helplessly/continually overwhelmed by a power greater than ourselves (upbringing, culture, history, time, progress, profit, etc.) to which we contribute though never control. We can not help but be an echo of our heritage. The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Landmark is a mirage, a diversion – yet remains a personally timeless aspiration for individuals struggling to realize its power in their lives and by doing so improve the world. It is a fight that Life has programmed and instilled in all of us.

I'm going to hazard a guess that you aren't Christian. Though as you said - they "brought up in a conservative 1950's Christian culture". I doubt that Gabriel would just do one song based on eastern philosophy and never bring it up again.

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