Lyric discussion by weez0268 

Cover art for Passenger Seat lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

this song is soo good. its like i wrote about how i felt with my ex. we used to road trip all of the time and drive everywhere and this hits dead on how we felt. it was just nice and quiet and we weren't afraid to ask each other the stupidest of questions. that feeling of acceptance is amazing and i really wish that i could have it back. a lot of people define love as the feeling you get when your heart pounds and you get the chills and everything. but that is just when you have a stupid little crush. those people have never experienced true love.

ben obviously has and described it here better than i could have imagined possible. its simple, to the point, and gets every single emotion across. i love how he places himself in the passenger seat and gives the control to the girl. i picture perfectly him slouched in the charir with his head resting on top of the door, straring out the window thinking about anything, not worried at all about saying the wrong thing. that love is a beautiful thing. this song makes me tear a little because of how insanely close i can relate to this song. the whole car scenario just hits a little too close to home...

This song sounds sad to me. I know a lot of people think it's got positive implications, but the notes just ring of depression in my opinion. I read somewhere that Gibbard has said his lyrics are almost always negative (or something to that effect). I don't think it makes this song bad, it just makes me think of it in a different way. To me the singer is thinking about their feelings for the driver, but knows the driver doesn't feel the same way, and the idea is that the happiness of the car ride will be over soon...

I agree completely. True love is when you can just be absolutely comfortable with each other. You can say whatever stupid thought comes into your head because you know they will accept you. This song is all about being wrapped up in that moment of love, when "the world doesn't matter" because all you care about are your emotions at that time. Everything about this song hits extremely close to home for me, and I hope I can find a love like this again.