Lyric discussion by RubberDuckieYAY 

Cover art for Another Morning Stoner lyrics by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

i think the setting of the song is the early morning time before most of the world is awake. the guy is up but the girl is still sleeping. these are the fears that are running through his head as he starts to think that this won't work out and they're both waste their time cuz they're in this for different reasons. she's looking for someone to hate with while he's looking for someone to give him this amazing feeling that i can't explain but its like the kind u get when u hear a truly good song (HEY! like this one!) she use to give him this feeling but its fading away now. he knows that the relationship won't work out cuz the girl in it is sotra bitter, and sorta a she doesn't want to get to far away from the society she grew up in. i get this feeling like she's with a group of ppl that are kinda controlling her (or at least they're putting pressure on her to be like them.) while the guy isn't like that at all. he's off in his own world and he wants to bring her with him. she's a bitter girl who wants nothing more then to see the world crumble for all the pain it caused her (she doesn't like the way she is and she blames the society for her problems) but he looks at the world as being an amazing, wonderful,