Lyric discussion by chosen1forlife 

Cover art for My Friend (so Long) lyrics by DC Talk

Many people claim this song is about a particular artist or group in the christian music industry (such as Jars of Clay, Amy Grant, or perhaps even Creed) that have "sold out". As interesting and controversial as that would be, the truth is (as been stated by the band themselves in many interviews) that this is a ficticious story about a ficticious group or artist. It's just supposed to address the fact that there are those out there that may or may not have "sold out" or are thinking about doing it. DC Talk is just trying to give everyone a heads up and tell them to remember that they are all under watchful eyes and their decisions can have far reaching effects. The song itself is pretty self-explanitory. I think this is a really funny, sarcastic, daring, and gut-checking song. IF YOU EVER READ THIS TOBY, MIKE, OR KEVIN, you all should take more chances like this and do more songs like this! It a breath of fresh air!

Creed is not a Christian band, and has stated so in several magazine and online articles. Just because a group sings about religious symbols or whatever doesn't make them a Christian band. I don't know why people continue to say Creed is a Christian band when they aren't.

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And Jars of Clay haven't "sold out". I heard some of DC Talk's music on a secular station a co-worker of mine was listening to, so I think that if a Christian band can get their music out on a secular station, that is GOD and no one else. God wants people to know about Jesus, and if Christian music on a secular station is how someone needs to hear GOD, then so be it...

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