Cold Ethyl Lyrics
Is cold Ethyl and her skeleton kiss.
We met last night
Making love by the refrigerator light.
Let me squeeze you in my arms.
Ethyl, Ethyl,
Come and freeze me with your charms.
Ethyl's frigid as an Eskimo pie.
She's cool in bed,
She's gotta be 'cuz Ethyl's dead.
One thing - it's true,
Cold Ethyl I am stuck on you,
And everything is my way,
Ethyl don't have much to say.
What makes you so cold ?...OO..So cold
Cold Ethyl, cold, cold Ethyl
If I live 'til 97,
You'll still be waiting
In refrigerator heaven,
Cuz you're cool, you're ice.
Cold Ethyl - you're my paradise.

i love this song, it's what alice is all about

Only Alice Cooper could sing a song like this and still come off as cool

Agree, toad1e. To me this is mainly a song about alcoholism, (ethyl is another word for alcohol, for those who don't know), even if the lyrics are somewhat... double-bottomed... "We met last night Making love by the refrigerator light" Could it be any more obvious?;-)

No comments that it's spelled "Ethyl" and not the more common feminine name "Ethel"? I'm smelling a metaphor. Still, sick kick-ass song.

Considering Alice's long history with alcohol abuse, I would not be surprised if that was his meaning behind it. If anyone has seen the "Welcome to my Nightmare" concert on video, you can see how messed up he was at that time.

i believe the ong to have a double meaning. necrophilia being one, the most abvious odly enough. i think it is also a reference to alice's alchoholism. ethyl is the type of alchohol you drink. "make'n love under the refrigerator light' is a refernce to getting up in the middle of the night to get a beer

....a dumbass, indeed. honestly, how can you live with yourself for that? can you FUCK a corpse shutters that's grody hurls...damn dude she's DEAD!!!

alice cooper rox. him coming off as cool is the whole point. his getting off was probably cool to... shes frozen. go xl5ron, either you have as really sick, or are really gutsy, posting that on the net. Frozen, really? FRIGID AS ESKIMO PIE.... how awesome

lol xl5ron i wont call you a sick bastard, but god thats weird..... but what every turns you on.... people cant be held fully responsible when there under thier drugbrella... it protects you from all condamnations.... but at the same time.... dude you wouldnt of frozen your bollocks off if she were alive, that and her family probably wouldnt be to happy that you fucked her =/
haha no point of fucking a blue corpse in winter... that wont warm you up!!
but at the same time .... still wrong dude.... im getting cremeted . . .