Boom! Lyrics
Where all your money's earning
Where all your buildings crying
And clueless neckties working
Revolving fake lawn houses
Housing all your fears
Desensitized by T.V.
God of consumers
And all your crooked pictures looking good
Mirrors filtering information through the public eye
Designed for profit sharing
Your neighbor, what a guy
Every time you drop a bomb
You kill the god your child has born
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom
Coupled with condemnations
Unnecessary death
Matador corporations
Puppeting your frustrations with a blinded flag
Manufacturing consent is the name of the game
The bottom line is money nobody gives a fuck
Leave us per hour from starvation
While billions are spent on bombs
Creating death showers
Every time you drop a bomb
You kill the god your child has born
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,
Every time you drop a bomb
You kill the god your child has born
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom
Every time you drop the bomb

SOAD leaked all the left over tracks from the Toxicity sessions, this is track 1 from the new MP3's (SOAD will stated they will probably not use any of these songs for there next album)

Hey, embryosystem, where did system say they wont use these songs for the next album? can you get me a link? Cuz i have the songs but I'm afraid that when their next album cums out i wont have anything new...I think this song is's about problems in the world, how all people care about is money and themselves, and how wrong doings are covered-up and lied about, hence the "blinding flag" This song gave me shivers when i first heard's perfect. There are so many potent messages in this song. i love it.

Hey, embryosystem, where did system say they wont use these songs for the next album? can you get me a link? Cuz i have the songs but I'm afraid that when their next album cums out i wont have anything new...I think this song is's about problems in the world, how all people care about is money and themselves, and how wrong doings are covered-up and lied about, hence the "blinding flag" This song gave me shivers when i first heard's perfect. There are so many potent messages in this song. i love it.

What music provider/website have you been able to dl these songs off of? Someone put a bunch of fake ones on Kazaa..

Type System of a Down csr. It worked for me, have all of them I think.

LOL... how many you have? I have 15 new trax, plus 15 other rare/demo/b-side on one CD (don't ask... I am just good!) and I don't care, they leaked so i grabbed them! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (if you want the names of all the new songs, I have them as well!)

argh...yes..on Kazaa they have this song, the same song, and it says the same thyng over and over and over and over again!! Gurr..I typed in System of a Down csr, but that did not work!! This really sux!!!! Where are you guys d/ling these thyngs from!?!

argh...yes..on Kazaa they have this song, the same song, and it says the same thyng over and over and over and over again!! Gurr..I typed in System of a Down csr, but that did not work!! This really sux!!!! Where are you guys d/ling these thyngs from!?!

lol. I have all the new ones 2. U guys just have to look harder. I love seeing people being tortured like this. Heh.