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How Do You Like Me Now Lyrics

How do you like me now!!
Now that I'm on my way,
Do you still think I'm crazy, standing here today
I couldn't make you love me
But I always dreamed about
living in your radio
How do you like me now?!

Ain't it a cruel and funny world
He took your dreams and he tore them apart
He never comes home and your always alone
And your kids hear you cry down the hall

How do you like me now
Now that I'm on my way
Do you still think I'm crazy standing here today
I couldn't make you love me
But I always dreamed about living in your radio
How do you like me now?!

How do you like me now
How do you like me now
Now that I'm on my way
Do you still think I'm crazy standing here today
I couldn't make you love me
But I always dreamed about living in your radio
How do you like me now?!

Tell Me Baby!
I will preach on!
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13 Meanings

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Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

This song always bugged me. The main reason is that it's about some guy who kept a grudge so long that he had to come back and flaunt it to some girl from high school. Another reason is that, according to the song, he was a dick to HER, (under your number I wrote "call for a good time") I and yet now he's taunting her with his success. And the final reason is that he was pissed that she was always too snobby for him, and then he comes back to brag that now HE is too snobby for HER. Heck, she's already paying for her mistakes with a loveless marriage, but it's still okay to grind her face in it? It's not just about taking the moral high ground. It's about how it's okay for him to be a jerk, but nobody else. (Nothing against Toby, unless this is about him.)

I don't actually interpret it as him saying these words to the woman directly (or the record label, as discussed below).

I remember learning the lesson a while back when I was early on in my romantic pursuits and things didn't work out with someone, but it is "the best revenge is a life well-lived."

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

I LOVE TOBY! (thats how i got my name) ANyway, this is the best song, one of my favorites of his. Hes really talking about the nashville ppl who rejected him, but he doesnt want to flat out say it.

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

this song isnt actually about a girl... this song is about toby being rejected by some record company or something and then coming back famous. you could actually look up the meaning of this song if you wanted to know or yu could just assume thats what its about... of course assuming is always easier. great song!

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

Um...This song was wrote for all thoes women and men who are in love with someone and they just dont like them because hes not high enough in school(something)and then that person becomes big and it meanly-How Do You Like Me Now?!

People watch the music videos and interviews please

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

My friends brother would always sing this song when he was trying to be cute it was the cutiest little thing I have seen a little boy do

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

This probably was meant for the record company but I have to confess that it brings a smile to my face everytime I watch the video because I had high school days like that and dealt with people who thought they were to good for me. It was fun to see them get theirs in the video

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

to the first poster, of course he would flaunt to the girl he was in lov with, he was only a dick to her after she rejected him cause he was a kusician and not rich. every musician dreams of doing this to the chick that wouldn't date him just cause he was a outsider or a rocker or whatever stupid reason. there is nothing wrong with flaunting to the person that used to flaunt to you when your life is great and theirs sucks.

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

Toby has an upbeat attitude with the girl rejecting him, and the way he never gives up is just like him! In the video, there's a group of cheerleaders crowded around him while he's singing the chorus. Why doesn't he forget about her and go out with one of them?

Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

what does "wrote your number on the 50 yard line" mean??? anyone? please

the 50 yard line part refers to this - football teams often place their logo at the 50 yard line, it's a sign of ownership. it's also the exact middle of the field. not to mention that everyone notices it. it'd be essentially the same as him saying that he's going to the top of a watertower to paint it on there.

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Cover art for How Do You Like Me Now lyrics by Toby Keith

gonna try to make this as short as possible haha. few months ago my friend in homeroom told me about a girl he knew that needed a prom date and asked if i'd be interested in going with her. he gave me her number and i texted her when i got home. she said she "juuust got a date today" which i was totally fine with. it wasnt until the following monday night that i realized shes a complete bitch. i wont give details but basically i found out on facebook one of her friends knew and the entire rest of the week i felt like at least half the school was on my case. but now when i listen to this song i kinda dont regret it cause i know what comes around goes around and i wanna go to college for music, so if i'm successful i'll be the one to come back and have the last laugh. its also given me inspiration to write her number somewhere so everyone can see and say CALL FOR A GOOD TIME in huge letters haha.

*or what goes around comes around haha :P

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The woman always gets the last laugh. It may take years, but she gets it. Trust me.

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