37 Meanings
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Passive Aggressive Lyrics

It's in your reach
It's in your reach
If you deny this
Then it's your fault
That God's in crisis
He's over

It's in your reach
It's in your reach
If you deny this
Then it's your fault
That God's in Crisis
He's over

Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space, find me space

It's in your reach
It's in your reach
If you deny this
Then it's your fault
That God's in Crisis
He's over

Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
It falls apart
It falls apart
Falls apart

Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
Every time I rise I see you falling
Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart
It falls apart
It falls apart
Falls apart
37 Meanings
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I think it's a song about a friend who is passive aggressive. The friend can't say anything positive and always makes snide comments and seems to hate it when you do well 'every time I rise I see you falling'. Ie. .I.e when ever things are going well for me you are unhappy.

Find me space in your bleeding heart is saying 'can't you just be happy for me? '. The protagonist of the song recognises the damage the passive aggressive is doing to themselves. It's in your reach - they are asking them to learn to manage these destructive emotions. If they deny these feelings its their fault. They will never be happy.

It's a call to put an end to the snidey passive aggressive behaviour.

Thats how I hear the song and interpret it.

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this song talks about being in love with someone troubled("every time i rise i see you falling"), and brian is saying 'let me help you'("can you find me space inside your bleeding heart"), and the person refuses to let brian in... and he says that it's in her reach, the cure is in her reach... but the person keeps on denying that...

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I believe this song is about two people who are interested in each other, but can't ever get on the same page as each other. And every time he starts to love her, she ends up not feeling the same about it "Every time I rise I see you falling". I feel this line has a dual meaning of that they both are in different stages of life, at one moment he is doing well, and she isn't. Obviously they both have some problems of their own to deal with, especially with her ability to commit to someone "Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart".

Song Meaning
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wow....thats all i can say. This song is sooo touching. I have no idea how to interpret the song, but i think its about some type of love. either unrequited or he loves someone and they dont think they are worthy of his love or vise versa....all in all this song is soft but awesome!

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the vocals are so beautiful. i love the guitar work in this song, its this lush sound and its more touching than anything else. it goes together so well.

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Didn't Brian grow up in a re-born Christian household that was very strict? I think I read that he had to go and see a priest every week and that when he was at college he received a letter from this priest telling him he'd lost the way but would find it again, or somthing similar. Maybe this is about the pressure he felt from his family as his views contradicted his religion - 'If you deny this Then it's your fault That God's in crisis'

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The songs about being in love with someone that doesn't love you back. 'It's in your reach Concentrate If you deny this Then it's your fault That God's in crisis He's over'

He's trying to tell them, "Get over it, I'm here for you now." This person was in love with someone that was their whole world or dedicated to one thing, their God.

'Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart It falls apart It falls apart Falls apart'

This part refers to him trying to find a spot in that person's heart and every time he gets close, it doesn't go as he expected, probably to do with the job or person.

My Interpretation
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Maybe because I'm in this weird situation (I'm in love with a potential closet-case boy) but when I first heard the song I thought about an out and proud gay guy who's in love with a guy that's still in the closet. It's like the song it's about me, what I feel for him, what I think about this situation like when he sees me he feels love deep inside but he refuses to let me see it or like he tries so hard not to feel something and being another person. I'm sure it's not the real meaning of the song but it fits and I know for an absolute fact that when you're in the closet you really could be passive agressive.

I can relate! My gay crush is in the closet and also acting passive aggressive, it's really hurtful for both of us!

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I don't think that the song provides a helpful solution to the problem: 'How to tell a person that their negativity is something only they can change.' because all the protagonist does is talking.

He's not taking action. It's great that he confronts that person with the problem they are facing, but he's doing nothing to support them or find a helpful solution.

My Interpretation
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it's about loving someone who is in desperate need for help and wanting to be there to help and love this person yet this person is just pushing him away and blames everything for his/her problems or maybe he's just talking to himself, hence the passive/aggressive

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