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Brick Shithouse Lyrics

Meet The Brick Shithouse
This Is The Brick Shithouse
Meet The Brick Shithouse...

Don't you wish you'd never met her ? (x3)
Lay him down, lie on
Lay him... down
Now your lover went and put me in the ground,
I'll be watching, when he's around.
Now your lover went and put me in the ground,
I'll be watching...

Meet the Brick Shithouse,
Kiss the Brick Shithouse,
Meet the Brick Shithouse,

Lay him down, lie on
Lay him... down
Now your lover went and put me in the ground,
I'll be watching, when he's around.
Now your lover went and put me in the ground,
I'll be watching...when he's around

When you cum you never make a single sound,
I'll be watching, when he's around,
When he's around, when he's around,
He's around.

Don't you wish you'd never met her ? (x3)

Lay him down, lie on
Lay him... down
Now your lover went and put me in the ground,
I'll be watching, when he's around.
Now your lover went and put me in the ground,
I'll be watching...when he's around

When you cum you never make a single sound,
I'll be watching, when he's around,
When he's around, when he's around,
He's around.

Don't you wish you'd never met her ? (x3)
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24 Meanings

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Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

Its a bit deeper then this guys.

Its actually about a girl cheating on him/the man. "Dont you wish you never met her" - Wasted time on her, wasted your love on her etc.

"Lay him down, lie on" A way of saying lay him down on the bed, get it on, just do it.

" Now your lover went and put me in the ground" His heart is broken, its a feeling of being dead." Insane feeling.

" Ill be watching when hes around" He knows they are cheating, not confirmed, no confrontation etc." But he is watching.

" When you come you never make a single sound" a way to say, i know your cheating, before you made sounds, was wild in bed, etc. Now she is not making a sound even when she comes"

All in all, a story of cheating, with a great way of hinting and sort of saying it in the song. Brilliant.

Dedicate to someone who might be cheating on you!

@Maxmarten I forgot to say that comments are more then welcomed!:)

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

It is a ghost story. In the perspective of a ghost who was killed by his wife/gf's lover. "Now your lover went and put me in the ground" ANd how he is haunting them."i'll be watching, when he's around"

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

This song is so awesome. I think is about family divorce. Mom leaves dad for another guy while son/daughter is in the middle of it. Dad has to leave the family home, and a few months mom brings new 'lover' over. And he beats the shit out of the son/daughter. [Now your lover went and put me in the ground, I'll be watching, when he's around.]

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

This song is insane. it's obviously a ghost story like BloodLust said..

the meaning behind this song is so dark, it gives me so many chills. i can just imagine a ghost watching it's lover having sex with the man who killed him.

i love the line "when you cum you never make a single sound". he has no choice but to watch and hear them have sex..

"dont you wish you never met her" it's the ghost saying how much he wishes the killer never met her, otherwise he wouldnt be dead and he'd be with her..

great great song..

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

Yeah I agree with Bloodlust's comment, to me it was always about jealousy, and loving someone who who's taken by the more popular guy whos built like a 'brick shithouse' and your just the weedy feminine guy. (Like Brian?)

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

it's about a man who was killed by the person who stole his lover, and now he's a disembodied soul watching over her.

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

I think at the end he says "don't you wish HE'D never met her" which would make more sense, although "don't you wish YOU'D never met her" could be to himself, like, if I hadn't met her none of this would have happened.

just a thought...

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

Just wanted to point out that "built like a brick shithouse" is a VERY widely used phrase for a big rugby playing type, the archaic link to real outdoor toilets went with the toilets themselves (a long time ago, for anyone unacquainted with history...). Simple meaning that fits the rest of the song...

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

Anyone heard the phrase 'Built like a brick shithouse?' It means someone who is very large and muscular. So maybe the brick shithouse in this is a very masculine man.

Cover art for Brick Shithouse lyrics by Placebo

According to Brian Molko, it's about a disembodied soul floating overhead watching their lover make love to the person who killed them. "About getting to beaten to death", verbatim.

And Deebs is right...."don't you wish you'd never met her" = shoutout to PJ Harvey's "Rid Of Me".

LMAO.. it's obviously about a teddy bear thrown away. must be the band's inside joke.