39 Meanings
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Black-Eyed Lyrics

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline and schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss

I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline, bipolar
Forever biting your nuts

I was never grateful
That's why I spent my days alone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home
Broken home

Black-eyed, black-eyed
Black-eyed, black-eyed
Black-eyed, black-eyed
Black-eyed, black-eyed

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline and schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss

I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home
Broken home

Black-eyed, black-eyed
Black-eyed, black-eyed
Black-eyed, black-eyed
Black-eyed, black-eyed
Broken home
Broken home
Broken home
Broken home
39 Meanings
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I read that Brian Molko said this song means something along the lines of the fact that everybody was going to think it was about him, but actually it was him mocking people who blamed all their problems on their parents and/or unhappy childhood (product of a broken home). He thought people should aslo take responsibility for their lives instead of blaming failures etc on other people. Hope that helps..

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bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression, so it isnt just "teenage depression". anyways this song means a lot 2 me as I am "borderling schizo" and "borderline bipolar"

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The lyrics are right and the song is obviously about having bordeline personality disorder.

Borderline symptoms are really similar to bipolar and schizofrenic ones. They're not really reliable or faithful to a relationship and are extremely aggressive. They don't care if other people are hurt by their actions, but nobody has the right to hurt them back or abandon them. They hate being alone, but always end up that way. And the most common cause for this disorder is a childhood trauma a.k.a having a broke home.

Wow, Bybymc, you clearly only stated the negative bits of people with borderline personality disorder and make out like Borderlines are evil!!! First of borderline is very different to Bipolar and schizophrenia, the only symptoms they share with schizophrenia is some but not all people with borderline experience psychosis/ delusions/ hallucinations and with bipolar is the feeling happy and then sad, but people with Bipolar experience either being depressed or mania for a long long time(months sometimes years) where as a borderline can go through feeling angry, depressed, happy in an hour. Also schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder,...

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i guess this is how everybody feels about themselves sometimes. Even the most sucessful and clever people do. when you do stupid things, the person you have to work hardest for forgiveness from is yourself, and i think this is what the song shows. this song also shows the acceptance of the stupidity in this world.

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I'm not too clear on what i feel that this song is about, because i have many views on what the lyrics mean to me, however i think that "blackeyed" doesn't mean having a blackeye as a result from a fight, i think that it's more to do with crying, because when you cry ur makeup runs around your eyes, i'm probably completely wrong, just what i think tho :) XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

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i'm so glad that someone mentioned the fact that schizophrenia is NOT the same thing as split or multiple personalities...

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I am finding it very interesting to read all of these comments because I saw the song so differently. To me being blackeyed represents taking drugs. Like, when you have a pill and the pupils of your eyes go very large, nearly covering the coloured part of your eye. Although I know not all drugs do that to you, that is what it reminds me of. I have always thought that this song is about a troubled person who has encountered a rough life, and deals with it by taking a lot of drugs.

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Correction: the lyrics are "I'm borderline AND schizo" He's trying to say 'I have borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia'

And it's also "Borderline, bipolar"

My Interpretation
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"I'm forever black-eyed - A product of a broken home".

There's no revelation for the protagonist.

He sees himself as the victim of his upbringing and won't change who he is because he has accepted who he thinks he has to be.

His worldview is naivete masked as sophistication because he thinks he knows about the world when in truth he does not.

Otherwise, he would be able to understand that only he has the power to become who he truly is. It's his choice. No one else's.

This song could be the answer of the person to the previous song 'passive-aggressive'. The person is just too pessimistic to see what the other person tried to make them see.

My Interpretation
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it's about someone who feels like they aren't a good person in the way that society defines it: they aren't loyal, faithful, etc, they follow their own pleasure, and people say things like that they are "borderline" or "skitzo" or "bipolar" to describe them, because other people think there's something wrong with them... the song seems to suggest both that there is something black eyed about them (i see black eyed as sort of like having damaged eyes that see the world differently, more like someone who said it was similar to black hearted than a bruise.) and that they don't really regret it enough to try to change, but that they sometimes also wonder if something is wrong. the laying the blame on the family is both sarcastic and not... they don't quite buy that it's all mommy and daddy's fault but they wonder if it's because they had an unhappy childhood that they are so detached.

black eyed suggests a bruise, as if the person is wondering if they've been hurt or if, like the people with the diseases, they were somehow born that way. i think more people feel this way than they admit though, and the problem is that this person doesn't fake caring about morals and people's opinions that they don't care about.

this is another song that really strongly reminds me of damon salvatore from the vampire diaries.

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