Unloved Lyrics
this time the bone is broken clean
no baptism, no reprise and no sweet taste
of victory. All the stars have fallen
from the sky
and everything else in between
satelites have closed their eyes, the moon
has gone to sleep
million words I said
cigarettes have burned a hole and dreams are
drunk and penniless
here I am inside my father’s arms
all jagged-bone and whiskey-dry
whisper to me sweetly now and tell me I will
never die
broken window, rainy night
I am nineteen sixty-two and I am ready
for a fight people crying hallelujah
while the bullet leaves the gun
people falling, falling, falling and I don’t know
where they’re falling from
are they
past the blindness and
not another living soul will ever have to feel

it sounds to me like this is coming from the heart of someone who has been jilted many times, and has slipped into a deep dispair. unfortunately, they have accepted that they are destined to be 'unloved' and they are doomed to remain in this state...i hope i never feel the feeling that is conveyed in this song!

I think this song is about war. I'm not that history-savvy, but w/e was happening in 1962 (I am nineteen sixty-two), she wrote about in the second to last paragraph. Take a look. I won't copy it here, b/c you have it right up there. dot dot dot...

I love this song. One of my favourite Jann songs.
The only thing that struck me was the significance of 1962 and being ready for a fight. The Vietnam War was in effect from 1959 until 1975 (I think). But I don't think that's what she was talking about.
Jann herself was born in March of 1962, in Canada. Canada had a very small role in the Vietnam War, and Jann would have been very young while it was waging.
I love this one, I have it where Jackson Browne sings with her. For me it means dispair, that all humanity feels when frustrated and depressed. It's a very real feeling we all can relate to on a deeper lever, one that connects us all. But there are other feelings humanity shares, one being loved, loving...it's just the other side of the coin. IMHO :) 1st post, glad I found you all. Oapiti
I love this one, I have it where Jackson Browne sings with her. For me it means dispair, that all humanity feels when frustrated and depressed. It's a very real feeling we all can relate to on a deeper lever, one that connects us all. But there are other feelings humanity shares, one being loved, loving...it's just the other side of the coin. IMHO :) 1st post, glad I found you all. Oapiti
I think the incident in 1962 may refer to the riots in Oxford Mississippi when President Kennedy was speaking in support of a black student who was to begin college the following day. 300 people were injured & 2 killed - Kennedy, I believe, brought in the Federal Marshals to get the crowds under control.
I think the incident in 1962 may refer to the riots in Oxford Mississippi when President Kennedy was speaking in support of a black student who was to begin college the following day. 300 people were injured & 2 killed - Kennedy, I believe, brought in the Federal Marshals to get the crowds under control.

I think this song has a more general meaning about alienation and those who are forgotten and fall through the cracks of life, no matter the circumstances (love, war, or ??), from 1962 to 2022 and beyond. I think it is one of most beautiful, albeit sad songs, I have ever heard. It has been a part of my life for decades. What an accomplishment to write a song that touches people so.

This song reminds me of what it feels like to be unloved, not just by a friend or a lover but to have had experience and experience of having people turn their back on you. Everyone. Your family, your children, institutions that you seek help from be it psychological, spiritual or medical. They treat you as someone they want to be rid of. At some point there is a final event that breaks the bone and leaves you falling away. You can’t think of a single person who cares about you. You don’t even resemble a human anymore that can hope for help or redemption. There will be no healing.