127 Meanings
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Stop Crying Your Heart Out Lyrics

Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone

May your smile (may your smile)
Shine on (shine on)
Don't be scared (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm

'Cause all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

Get up (get up)
Come on (come on)
Why're you scared? (i'm not scared)
You'll never change what's been and gone

'Cause all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

'Cause all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

We're all of us stars
We're fading away
Just try not to worry
You'll see us some day
Just take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Song Info
Lyrics © Sony/atv Music Publishing Llc
Noel Gallagher
Submitted by
scottishboy On May 02, 2002
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127 Meanings

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Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

I think this song relates a lot to Don't Look Back In Anger. Stop crying you heart out, is about letting your pass go, wonder the future and enjoying the present. Basically accepting any mistake you did in the past, because the past is the past and you cant change it( You'll never change whats been and gone). It gives hope and relieve by stating that things will get better along the way (Cause all of the stars are fading away, just try not to worry you'll see them someday) ...

My Interpretation

@Abbysx3 couldn't agree more, and maybe the line (take what you need, and be on your way) is saying take your moment to grieve and cry but then move forward and focus on the future where things will be better

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

This is one of the best ballads Oasis have ever done. I love the variation on the chorus the final time it's sung -"We're all of us stars We're fading away Just try not to worry You'll see us some day" Some of my favourite Oasis lyrics ever. As for the meaning of the song, it's fairly obvious, an uplifting song of hope. But about those last few lines, it's almost like Noel Gallagher is talking about Oasis. "We're all of us stars, we're fading away" - Oasis know as well as everyone else their days of popularity, like any band, are numbered. They're certainly not as popular as they once were.

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

Very bittersweet song, lets you know that though the past may have hurt a lot you can't be scared of life because you can never change what's come before. The past fades away and leaves you but you have to get out there and live! Great song and great band, good to hear something so touching when so many people give in to hate and violence, this is definitely on par with Don't Look Back In Anger. Now if they could just write something as rocking as Definitely Maybe!

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

to me this song is about moving on from somebody who has left you. the person who has left meant a lot to you but this song is about getting over this. if they really mean anything they will come back in time so you should not worry and move on in life. you will 'see them someday'. amazing song!

My Interpretation

THANK YOU!! Everything you just said gets to me

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

I think this song is about death, or more suicide. "cause all of the stars, have faded away" to me that means like all your hope, all the good you see in life has gone. "take what you need and be on your way" means like take your pills, or gun or whatever have you and do what you feel you need to, "May your smile shine on" is like may people remember the good you left behind.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

this song remind me of so many my past friend who i dont know where today. make me cry sometime. one of my favorite all time song.

My Opinion

You and me both. I also had a past friend who I haven't heard or seen her in years and this song just totally reminds me of time we spent together

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

wow i heard this song the other day - brilliant. Best Oasis effort for a while...

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

This is all about hope, no only about soccer, but about life. And the video rocks too!!!

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

this song is just really comforting. i guess that's why i like it so much.

Cover art for Stop Crying Your Heart Out lyrics by Oasis

Stop Crying Your Heart Out- "Well the day that we started recording the album here, we was.. we were all upstairs and I'll get to the title don't worry.. We were all upstairs and Stan was down there setting up a drum sound or something and we were watching something on telly, I can't remember what it was, and I'd just written the melody and the tune about 2 or 3 nights before and, as it is when you get into the studio, we always like.. it's like and everyone was like shall we start on the first one and I said yeah let's fucking listen to this one. But I didn't have any words and I just sat down and I just hummed it and there was silence after I'd finished and everyone was like, you just written that? I said I wrote it last night. So we done a quick demo, made up some lyrics on the spot and then, you know, it's a conversation between a parent and a child or should I say between a child and a parent is what it is. And I didn't want it to be the second single because I think that we always fall into the trap of, well, let's get a big ballad out, you know fucking shift some units. I wanted Force Of Nature to be the second single but I got sat down and talked around by the management. He said, look you know, what are you pissing about for? Put out your fucking best songs first. So I said oh alright as long as Force of Nature was gonna be as single. That was one of the most interesting songs. As soon as people heard it they just looked and each other and were you know. I think hopefully anyway, it will be. Hopefully that will bring the album into millions of people's front rooms as opposed to, you know. The last album was sold purely on a fan base level. I mean there wasn't really many what you call big hit singles like Go Let It Out was a hit all over the world really but that was about it. Hopefully this will do the same as Wonderwall did to the last one you know. People will hear that but the album and then subsequently go and tell their friends about it, a cross over track as they call it."