Heroes (David Bowie cover) Lyrics

I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, for ever and ever.

We can be Heroes, just for one day.

I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing, nothing will drive them away
We can be Heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day

I, I remember standing, by the wall
And the guns, shot above our heads
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever

Then we could be Heroes, just for one day

We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
20 Meanings
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This song was written when the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall were still up. During that time, there were passes given to the people on the West (free) side to visit the East (communist) side for a day. Sometimes people would meet while on the East side, and short of subjecting yourself to the terror and oppression of living there, you'd have to abandon any hope of ever having a normal life with that person (or even seeing them again in some cases).

"I, I wish you could swim Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim Though nothing, nothing will keep us together We can beat them, for ever and ever"

The first verse describes how people would try to escape East Berlin. Some would swim where the wall was low, risking drowning in the freezing water of the river.

"I, I will be king And you, you will be queen Though nothing, nothing will drive them away We can be Heroes, just for one day We can be us, just for one day"

Nothing would ever cause the guards on the Wall to go away, for any amount of time. One day is all they have.

"I, I remember standing, by the wall And the guns, shot above our heads And we kissed, as though nothing could fall And the shame, was on the other side Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever"

They stood by the wall on the West side, as the guards shot at people trying to escape. "The shame" is the communist government on the East side, and they're sharing what could possibly be their last kiss.

As for what this song means to me, I believe it can be applied to any situation where two people who want to be together can't for some very serious reasons.

Hope this helped anyone who's wondering.

@RavenBlackbow J Dylan and co. did re-arrange the verses in this, but it's a good version.

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This song is so pretty...but I have no idea what it means! Help!

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I think what J. Dylan is trying to portray is that though we'd all like to be super heroes with special powers, we really don't need anything but our own courage and will to become heroes...even if it is just for one day...

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I think what J. Dylan is trying to portray is that though we'd all like to be super heroes with special powers, we really don't need anything but our own courage and will to become heroes...even if it is just for one day...

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except he didnt write it

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it' be helpful if you included who actually wrote it...

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Yeah, David Bowie wrote it. Hahaha.

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i do remember hearing this song somewhere else and they guy who sung it didn't sound like Dylan at all so I don't know

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well i'll be damned...lol

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