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Happy X-Mas (War Is Over) Lyrics

(Happy Xmas Kyoko
Happy Xmas Julian)

So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Xmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so happy Xmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now

Happy Xmas
53 Meanings
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I'm not a fan of Christmas music, cause my Mom is insane and listens to it year round. But I do like this one.

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This song is so sad. One of my friends just lost a really close friend in Iraq last Sunday. Great christmas present form our dumbass president isn't it?!?! It was sad because I was the first one he called and he was crying and it really tore me up even though I didn't know the guy who died. great way for our government to say Merry Christmas ain't it?!?!

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I love how John's music is so full of social commentary... I know how you feel ultraviolet420 my dad just got home from a year long tour of duty and out of the last three year he was gone for two of them....Anyway this is a beautiful song....

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the song isnt meant to be sad also, there are background lyrics, the children singing during the verses they say: "war is over If you want it War is over now"

i dont think its meant to be sad, its supposed to inspire peace

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No, i know what you mean like, it can be sad when you think about everything thats going on and all that.

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Just because they signed up for the military doesn't mean they wanted to kill somebody (or be killed themselves) Sure they knew the risks, but not everybody joins the military because they really, really want to. There are many people who live in horrible conditions and have no schooling (since they can't afford it) and the military is the best way (as they see at the time) for them to leave the poverty that is their lives.

I personally don't like the "war" (it isn't a war since Congress never officially declared war) in Iraq and I think before the United States goes to "help" other countries out we should focus on internal issues, such as poverty, homelessness, hunger and other issues plaguing every major city and the majority of the smaller towns.

Also, back to the military, just because they sign up doesn't mean they get to do what they want. My step-brother was supposed to do coimputer stuff for the Marines and they told him all that but when he actually enlisted they changed what they would have him do (of course, it was his mistake of not getting it in writing) but he was lucky enough not to have shipped to Afghanistan or Iraq.

There are also National Guard (and Reserve) units being sent over to Iraq who most of the people enlisted never thought they would have to see combat, but they were wrong.

This country has so many problems (mainly financial) and I think if the President and his cronies would cut military budgets that could save the country a lot of money.

But hell, what do I know anyway?

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Clearly part of John and Yoko's political protest against war, but we already knew that.

I don't care so much for the choir's chant, but the song carries a positive message and will certainly remain part of my Christmas playlist.

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It is meant to inspire peace, but what i meant was.... nevermind.

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first of all ultraviolet420 is a fucking idiot. your so happy to live in america, well bush is trying to stop all the corupt politicians and bring peace for there counties you dumbass. and i believe you brother signed up for the army so he shouldnt have taken the risk since he knew that he could have been taken to other countries to fight to bring the peace that we all want, especially Lennon. the song is a wonderful one and i cant believe that anyone would say that its annoying. peace chase

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once again they signed up for the shit. if they didnt want to go and loose there life for there country then they shouldnt have signed up. computers or no computers. if you dont want to take the chance then stay the hell away from the military. yeah there are other problems in our society but we can just focus every detail. you would be complaining if bush didnt send people over to the other countries to settle when he should have. some people you cant make happy. your one of them! peace chase

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