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I Wish Lyrics

Looking back on when I
Was a little nappy headed boy
Then my only worry
Was for Christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes
Would not get a thing
We were happy with the
Joy the day would bring

Sneaking out the back door
To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door
With "boy thought I told you not to go outside"
Tryin' your best to bring the
Water to your eyes
Thinkin' it might stop her
From woopin' your behind

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
Cause I love them so

Brother says he's tellin'
'Bout you playin' doctor with that girl
Just don't tell I'll give you
Anything you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy after church is through

Smokin' cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall (you nasty boy)
Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the wall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right
But while you were doin'it-it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
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10 Meanings

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Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

You know. It's about wanting to go back to the fun of being a little kid. Simple as that

@slugsinthefields - Yep, though I might put it "the fun and luxury of IRRESPONSIBILITY of being a kid".

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

kind of funny cuz usually when you're a kid you're wishin' you were older but then when you're finally an adult your only wish is to be a kid again....

AWESOME song too....

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

this has to be one of my favorite Stevie Wonder songs... it's definitely remembering old times with friends, family and how you grew up and wishing that you could go back... the meaning is so universal. Stevie Wonder has to be one of the greatest song writers of all time. Simple as that.

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

yes it is. theres like no posts on any of his songs... i thought he was like.. really popular! anyway, this song is AMAZING. i love it so much.

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

I know lol I think it's because most people who listen to Stevie Wonder are adults. I'm 19 and love Stevie Wonder. This is one of my fav and the lyrics are also awesome. I can relate as you should. I miss good old times..

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

this song is baisically teh soundtrack for college. MAN do I wish those day would come back again ^_^.

Your college years were all about toys at Christmas, eating candy, and crying so that your mother wouldn't smack you?

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Stew is saying that once you are in college (or working, or apprenticing, or popping out kids of your own) and you are on your own, responsible for your ownself, beholden to NO ONE, you look back wistfully to those days when you thought answering to somebody was a real drag (and spent your time figuring out ways to get around that), when in reality they were the days you miss the most.

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

Great song, although a lot more funkier (with a great bass rhythm) it kind of sets the same atmosphere as "I still love you" by Queen. Wishing to go back in time when life was more carefree and you enjoyed everything without worrying.

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

anyone else notice Will Smith sampled this for his song 'Wild Wild West'?

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

I am not a Wonder fan (although I know he's quite talented), but I love this particular song and had forgotten about it. ..so thank you for reminding me! It's about childhood and reminicing (which I cannot spell..ugh). I grew up on a street with all boys, and we had a blast making snow forts, catching lizards in the woods, turning rocks looking for snakes, having nightly kick the can and kickball games, sledding, catching fireflies at night as well as night crawlers for fishing the next day, etc. Songs like these are wonderful because they create very special images in the mind of the listener.

Cover art for I Wish lyrics by Stevie Wonder

Boy, I thought that at least THIS site's lyric page would have the lyrics right: For the record it's...

'Greeted at the back door, with "Boy- I thought I told you not to go outside??!!" '

As to the song itself, just another genius contribution to US music made by Stevie Wonder, who crammed in a lifetime of songwriting achievements in about 5 years. Slugs, Sista and UrbanLAPixie pretty much nail the feel. Wondrous wedding of the perfect melody to the perfect lyric conjuring a perfect mood. How can a song be so wistful and UP at the same time? Magic. Damn, Stevie, thank you again.