Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand Lyrics
Komm zu mir
Du nimmst mir den Verstand
O komm doch
Komm zu mir
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Schön wie ein Diamant
Ich will mit dir gehen
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Das war noch nie bei einer andern
Einmal so
Einmal so
Einmal so
Du nimmst mir den Verstand
O komm doch, komm zu mir
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Komm gib mir deine Hand
Das war noch nie bei einer anderen einmal so
Einmal so
Einmal so
Einmal so
Schön wie ein Diamant
Ich will mir dir gehen
Komm gib mir deine Hand . . .

We sang this in German class in high school. It was funny.

The only German I know!

Lol...translated through babelfish
"Oh, come nevertheless, come to me, you take to me the understanding. Oh, come nevertheless, come to me, come give me your hand. Come give me your hand. Come give me your hand. Oh, you is as beautiful, beautiful as a diamond, I wants with you to go, comes gives me your hand. Come give me your hand. Come give me your hand. In your arms I am lucky and glad; That was not ever with another once like that. Once so. Once so. Oh, come nevertheless. . . In your arms I am lucky and glad; . . . Oh, you is so beautiful. . ."
This is why we don't use those progams for REAL translation. The German itself is quite nice. It's not Goethe but it's OK.
This is why we don't use those progams for REAL translation. The German itself is quite nice. It's not Goethe but it's OK.

why did they sing in german? when they couldnt speak it anyways?
The had a running gig at a club in Hamburg.
The had a running gig at a club in Hamburg.

Actually before they were The Beatles, they spent about 2 years playing gigs in Hamburg... so it's quite likely that they DID speak German.

Yeah, well, it was the done thing, singing stuff in Foreign languages. This led to, amongst other things, The Beach Boys singing "Ganz Allein" (to the tune of In My Room - view the lyrics if you wish), and The Everly Brothers bringing out an album of material recorded in German and Italian, including versions of "How Can I Meet Her" ("Non Mandarmi Piú Fiori") and "La Luna E'Un Pallido Sole" (translated as "the moon is a pale sun") late on in their career.

the beatles played many concerts in foriegn countries. they mustve thought that the german speakers would appreciate hearing the song in a language they knew!

It's amazing they would even think of proforming in another language!

not for performing, only recording. i got this original single.(back side:sie liebt dich) but without a cover.well, it is amazing to here, how the guys were able, to replay theire sound, when they like`d to do so.

They recorded a few songs (I think it was just 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' and 'She Loves You') in German because the Germans were the only ones who wouldn't take in in English