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New Art Riot Lyrics

Vintage aromas and vintage ideals
Old men greying to a dying country's needs
Waiting for a knighthood to while away the hours
Listen and learn now it's time to kill your betters
Museums are dead take a new art stance
Paint mass suicide on the aspiration Diktat
Hospital closure kills more than car bombs ever will
But it saves money because people are expendable
You cold shoulder insurgens yet love arms dealers
Everybody's taking drugs as it makes governing easier
Revolution soon dies sold out for a pay rise
China, Russia, England all washed up in power abuse
Terrorism is an excuse that the ruling class use
Wipe out aristocracy now kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
England makes judgements of old school propaganda
The only threat to heads is silenced by dumb pleasure
Museums are dead take a new art stance
Paint mass suicide on the aspiration Diktat
2 Meanings
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One of their earliest singles, New Art Riot is a perfect example of the Manics' early work- clashy, naive, clattering around while spitting anger at everyone and everything. Richey's power of articulation and their unapologetic honesty and wish to draw attention results in some brilliant and strikingly true lyrics, such as that line 'Hospital closures kill, more than car bombs ever will, and it saves money because people are expendable'- one of my all time favourites, and so relevant to the present.

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Where can I obtain this? Please, I'm desperate!

Go on Amazon and look for "New Art Riot E.P" its on there along with 3 other AMAZING tracks. SO worth it, it's on CD and Vinyl. :D

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